How often did your gf shit test you? What do you do when she starts acting like that?
How often did your gf shit test you? What do you do when she starts acting like that?
It was weird for me in my last relationship. My ex tested me a lot, and I reacted to it without actually realizing why and what I am doing, just out of a gut feeling that she's bullshitting me, and naturally I reacted in an overly emotional way. Weirdly enough, this ended up working out at the time for the relationship and taught her that I won't tolerate shit and will flip out, so she corrected herself and was more careful with the dumb shit she was saying. However, there were surely better, reasonable ways for myself to handle them that would have spared my emotional state.
In future relationships, I would just hit her with the emotionally detached and logical talk, where I would basically explain how and why she's acting like a dumb bitch, and if she doesn't understand, she's free to leave.
Girls do this all the time. Its way to find out if you are actually who you present yourself to be.
You lose if you react emotionally to this. If you get angry, upset, sad or anything negative. It all has to do with who's in charge in the relationship. Girls- if they find can shake your world up and usurp you from your leading position, will always attempt to do so. Never fall for it. When you two fight, stand your ground and stand for your values and your position. Never give-in. When you supplicate to her, YOU LOSE. She will try to make you feel insecure, never fall for it.
But be nice about it. Stand strong, but be nice about it. She'll appreciate a man with a neck, or she won't. Maybe she wants a push over- and if that's what she wants, you didn't become one and she'll leave. You'd be better off. But most women would want a man who leads so they shit test.
Is it really shit testing or just fucking around?
Please tell me what shit testing is
Google it
I don't ever recall her doing it because to her, our time together was valuable and meant something to her, and wasn't an opportunity to play out to neurotic sociopath tendencies like mind games.
If someone appreciates you and your time you won't get mind games. If you get mind games, there's a good chance this person doesn't trust you or value your time or effort. Not good signs for someone who's even a friend, never mind a romantic prospect.
TLDR: zero tolerance. Find someone who doesn't need sociopathy to socially conduct themselves.
Before being together 'officially', a hell lot. She told me at one point she wanted to get rid of me, but couldn't so she just accepted me.
Now just sometimes, but especially when in difficult situations. I don't mind anymore, with her I know she is just playing the game out of boredom, stringing along as many people into her shitfuckery. I can see through her bullshit for the most part, but when I fail meah, life moves on afterwards anyway.
My last ex would do this once in a while, but she was getting better about not doing it. I ended that relationship after she pulled an absurd one out of the blue. It's 6 months later and she started trying to reach out to apologize and tell me she loves me. I've tried to stay polite and cordial, but I'm too busy now to commit or even entertain thoughts of reconciliation. I'm plagued by this lingering uncertainty that kinda fucks up what little free time I get.
My piece of shit ex girlfriend tested me every single fucking day with impossible questions but thats not the only bad thing she did to me and others my friends all hate her
>testing me
No. I told my girlfriend that I was looking for a wife, and the second she didn't seem like a good wife she was gonna be gone.
Based. Shit tests are more of an indicator of the person you're with than testing you. Women who do this are often opportunistic
she might have done it by accident, but if she did, neither of us noticed
Mine seemed like she was doing it all the time but I realized she just has a childlike mentality and thinks it's okay to throw tantrums over everything, I dumped her.
pretty much when she ovulates and when she's pmsing
when she's ovulating i do something cocky and unexpected
when she's pmsing i act annoyed and dismiss the test entirely
I do it because my boyfriend gives no effort for me to value. What the fuck do I do then
Thanks to this thread I have learned to stop doing this shit to my boyfriend
Thanks Jow Forums
Pretyy shitty larp I rate it 3/10
My ex broke up with me because I was completely unphased by her shit tests over the years. She said I wasn't emotional enough for her though I was usually the one planning dates, daily telling and showing her I loved her, and being in her words "a support [she] can lean on to center [herself] when life gets rough".
My mom is emotionally unstable and I'm so used to random flip outs, accusations, and generally hysterical bullshit that whatever my ex threw at me was nothing. I even thought that the breakup conversation was a shit test because my mom walks out for a few hours/days blaming me for something that she was triggered by and says horrible things no kid should be told, but she always comes back acting like nothing happened.
It's been 6 months and my ex has maintained we're finished, but unless she's fucking her female roommate she's definitely single. We're still friends on social media and online gaming, we just don't party up or talk anymore and she only gives me the minimum response for the few questions I have. Her family and friends still keep in touch and I'm half expecting one of them to invite me to the upcoming holiday meals.
The only way I'll consider getting back together is if she's willing to attend and pay for relationship counseling. I'll give her through the rest of the year to decide. Otherwise it's her loss.
My ex would do it if I relationship would be going to well. I just ignored, I got yelled at for ignoring her. Can you act like my girlfriend. I'm not going to play mind games with you. So tell are you or not? Something about she feels like I don't care about anything blah blah blah
>I do it because my boyfriend gives no effort for me to value. What the fuck do I do then
Because it sounds like you are creating problems in a relationship because you want to relive trauma from previous relationships.
Most of the time shit tests aren't real. Most women do not decide to shit test you.
No, often it is just a situation where you can or can not prove you have good self esteem. Like one example in a dating book is a woman having a dream where a guy fucks her. The writer calls this a shit test. It isn't. The woman didn't plan the conversation most likely.
BUT you have two ways you can react that the woman will either find attractive or vagina drying. You could be flirty and be like "oh yeah, what kind of sex did you have in the dream? Can you show me?" or you can be a whiney faggit and get jealous over a dream and look like a twat.
It sucks but most people dont want to date twats. Men don't really want to date twats and neither do women. Men will sometimes fuck twats and whiney women, but they don't really want to marry them.
pretty based desu
>The only way I'll consider getting back together is if she's willing to attend and pay for relationship counseling. I'll give her through the rest of the year to decide.
even that's too much
>Most women do not decide to shit test you.
Because they might be sub conscious
My ex boyfriend used to do this shit all the time, it drove me up the goddamn wall.
I left my throw away email in there like an idiot, nice.
The end of the year is more out of respect for her mom than her. She saw me at the grocery store a few months ago and said that she was working on my ex to get through her issues and to give her some time because the whole family liked/misses me. Even now their dogs get up and look out the window when someone says my name. My birthday is at the end of the year anyway so if I don't hear anything from my ex that'll be more than a clear sign.
Her family was like a second family to me from day one inviting me to movie nights, dinners, board games, etc even if my ex wasn't able to make it. They remembered conversations and situations I was going through and would give advice or ask for updates on specific things next time I saw them several weeks later. I usually felt more at home at their place than my own and her dad would always pull out an inflatable mattress saying "it's here if you need it" when my home was chaotic even though I always declined.
If they weren't so good to me I'd ghost them all since the invites have stopped and it's just "how's life?" texts now, so I think end of the year is fair.
>BUT you have two ways you can react that the woman will either find attractive or vagina drying. You could be flirty and be like "oh yeah, what kind of sex did you have in the dream? Can you show me?" or you can be a whiney faggit and get jealous over a dream and look like a twat.
What are you, a fucking cuck?
>What the fuck do I do then
Leave, dumb bitch.
Not very often, the more "alpha" she considers you, the less they throw. I do get them occasionally, the best way to go about it is not to react. I don't mean ignore it entirely, just act as if her comment or test doesn't bother you and go about normally. My goto is to use the classic agree and amplify, for example if she makes a comment on your height, say that even when you wear your 6 inch heels you're still short. Be careful not to be self-deprecating about it, leave a humorous air for her to see you're making a joke out of it.
Building on this, you should always be "alpha". Feminism may tell you women want equality in their relationships, and women themselves may say that, but it's the opposite. They want a leader. Someone who always has a plan who will expect them to follow always. Falling for the meme that women are fundamentally the same as men is a lie. For example, say someone tries to make plans with you, with the time in the next hour. You'd be annoyed, right? You have things to do and spontaneously changing things would screw everything up. If you were to do that with a woman, telling her to be ready to go to some restaurant within the hour, she'd love it and eat it up. She wants you to be unpredictable, exciting, and most importantly, dominant. A lot of guys fuck up and do it logically where they communicate a date a week from then and have her choose the date location, resulting in a massive turn off and her seeing you as submissive, and ultimately weak.
That's really nice and wholesome my nigga, but at the end of the day, don't forget that you won't be dating and eventually marrying her family, you will be marrying her, and if at this point this bitch still hasn't realized the error in her behavior, then that's a HUGE red flag for any future you may have with her.
In my opinion you shouldn't even bother with her, but do keep in touch with her family, they seem like nice people that can appreciate you for who and what you are. Nobody was ever worse for having more friends/good acquaintances, which is what they are to you.
shit testing is not a thing
grow up retards