AHAHAHAHA this is the guy who milkshaked nige, the söyboy meme is fucking real
AHAHAHAHA this is the guy who milkshaked nige, the söyboy meme is fucking real
They're going to keep coming lest you respond in kind. Doesn't matter how faggoty he looks, he'll be hoisted as a hero by his peers. They need to be fucking dropped as soon as they strike.
He looks like he should be on the short bus
The left better start movin the cranes.
Imagine my shock
That not count as assault or something ? Where're the bobbies
Do you think he got permited that night by his wife to watch little bit of that action with another man ? Im sure he was blessed to rub it a little.
He literally has a pudge where there should be a bulge
Damn he dummy thicc.
wow that dude just dries out pussies goddamn...
He only did it because he's a bottom slut who likes nigger cock up his ass
imagine being mogged by egg kid. true onions.
Do you have busses for manlets?
Jesus, why don't one of you brits knock these faggots out? You are all so scared you won't even beat up a fat bitch man. Give up now you have no warriors left unless it's fighting each other over a stupid football match in which you are rooting for a bunch of muslims and niggers. I'm disgusted by you complete lack of testosterone.
Retarded manlets who can't walk a mile
Probably it didn't used to be a problem so they ignored such crimes. Now that it's becoming a thing, they'll have to, again.
Dumbgaylord army yaaas queen
>low T
>drinking the milky sugary jew
>getting on in years
>gamer meme shirt
Nige should have punched the fat cunt.
Yep drop them and show just how pathetic they are.
>check out this shit that we shills staged scripted
>Kekkkkkk we live theater and scripting the narrative hurr durr
Imagine the smell.
what's his biceps routine?
Is it an added offense to beat the mentally deficient?
if it's that easy to run up to a politician and bukkake them why can't we remove kikepuppet?
Motion controller waggles to failure
Bull preps for 5 minutes
>character select
It's like he subconciously knows he's an NPC
Disgusting, vile creature
because people dont want to risk life in jail/death when puppet A simply gets replaced by puppet B.
What pisses me off is that we never get to see them crying and whimpering in jail once they're in there for about 3 hours.
Eating. That's all fat
Looking at his size and hair patterns, he's obviously an adult.
But why do his eyes make a look like he's a 9 year old kid?
Is that Swifty?
>knock someone out in front of police
It was staged
>Sky rep
>You see him intentionally aim low
>Sky owned by Murdoch
>Media suddenly care about milkshaking but it was funny when it was happening to others.
>endorsed by the police, media, social media and corporate businesses
I bet half his teeth have rotted out of his head, too.
Here's his crew. Truly a force to be reckoned with.
This is what an alpha male looks like in Britain
he is a weak effeminate onions boy nobody who saw his opportunity to finally be someone. I feel sorry for him he is clearly not normally a violent person he would have crumpled if you shouted at him loudly enough. silly boy.
> works in call centre
> corbyn labour supporter
> spends £5 on a milkshake
These are the people demanding higher taxes cause they can't afford to live
>(((sky))) employee
Now it all makes sense
>still wearing a Street Fighter t-shirt