Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
Is it the late stage of capitalism?

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Why do people post gay ass things like this? Why do you concern troll, feign confusion, and watch trap porn? Why are you such a faggot?

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Late stage faggotry

Thats what it is. You memed it big guy. Sick pic.

Can you write two replies in a one post? Are you retard mutt?

op hit a little close to home I see. Feminism!!!!!! Feminismu akbar!!!!!!!

Really really consider taking the day off the computer and evaluating your choices in life bud. Take care. Good luck.

Males over 20 playing videogames or watching super hero films should be shot

its not "late stage capitalism" its societal sink
There is so little for that man to live for that he fills the existentially void with fandom which is a petty mixture of nastalgia and escapism
he never really grew up because in his life there was no real need to

It's just escapism because the world sucks. Same as religion.

>why do people like things?
maybe because we're not all miserable faggots like you OP?

Why do you hate hobbies?

i'm blackpilled so i just decided to fully embrace it and I'm a NEET who plays FFXIV online everyday

>Males over 20 playing videogames or watching super hero films should be shot
so anyone who plays ps4, watches dbz & is 21 should be killed?

It's difficult to understand the appeal of (You) hunting if you're not innately inclined to it

Hobbies are
Fishing, hunting, tourism, etc... collecting plastic figures of Wolverine is not a hobby.

> (OP) why does hedonism exist?

Jee, I don't know... shall I ask my drug dealer?

but user i do all of those things...and i guarantee i do the first 2 better than you.

People in the past collected all sorts of stupid shit. You are all just whining about the most common human behaviors that are not even inherently bad.

Yes. By the age of 22 you should have a wife, a job and a family.

To obtain Drugs (ok hard drugs) you need to do something, socialise, etc.. not go to local GameStop
Collecting rare something != exchange your money for plastic figure

Why not?

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Yes, unironically.
Maybe you get an extension for DBZ till 24 for nostalgia purposes.

Because you're a fucking disgrace to ~2500 years of social evolution

Honk Honk.

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>To obtain Drugs (ok hard drugs) you need to do something, socialise, etc.. not go to local GameStop
imagine actually believing this.
>Collecting rare something != exchange your money for plastic figure
you realize those plastic figures end up being rare in many cases, right? like if you collected star wars figures back when the first movie came out, you can literally retire because they're worth so much. baseball cards weren't rare back when people started collecting them but now some are worth over a million dollars.

Tourism... how degenerate. Already infected with the (((western lifestyle))) Pavel?

> Trying to fulfill your existence with materialism
sad desu. You're not going to achieve it.

Obviously I don't mean literally, but yeah, people over 20 should ideally give up these kinds of things. It's unmanly.

Take up fishing, hunting, take woodwork, learn to paint, to play an instrument, learn another language, there are so many things that are fun to do and also build your mind.

>you realize those plastic figures end up being rare in many cases, right?
Of course, but they are all in internet. So basically you just said that you need a lot of money to buy something rare. It’s not a point.

“Tourism” is not always photowhoring in Instagram, Petr.

Top 10 comebacks of 2019

>pink light
>girly stuff
Are you a grill?
Please don't say you are a fucking tranny

>not go to local GameStop
You can get addicted to all sorts of things, if there is a positive feedback loop. People get addicted to running, shopping, self-harm etc.

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Sport has devolved into watching niggers chase balls while getting paid millions. Being an adult means getting fucked over for little to no return. Normie shit is as much escapism as video games or any other entertainment. People are doing what they want and it triggers people because they wan't them to conform and consume what they do.

It's called being with a white woman for nearly a decade. No, I'm not apart of dilation Nation

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how much consumerism did he commit in order to be able to make this skit?

Because people are surrounded by it.
I moved to the country side and sometimes I see parents with their kids visiting to breath some fresh ait.
I've heard kids explicitly say "I don't want to go back home!" and even crying about it.
Urbanites know nothing else.

>It's called being with a white woman
you spelled doormat wrong

to escape from reality. I hate everything so I just lock myself in my room and consume media to forget how shit everything is. Look at the state of my country, voting means nothing, working towards buying a house I can't afford unless I get a (((loan))). businesses closing left and right. modern women are disgusting, normies are fucking retarded. all the laws work in the favour of unemployed chavs and refugees. even the games I escape into are becoming pozzed. I hate socialism and I hate current year (((capitalism))) where everyone is either a networking, untalented SJW or a literal shill for their daddy corporation. I unironically hope Antifa burn everything down and the ''''Far'''' ''''Right''''' start dragging brown children out of their homes and killing them in the street. fuck everyone.

yeah I'm a pathetic, lowly creature who can't handle reality. but you can't pretend everything is going down the toilet. i'm not brainwashed by pol, i've always been a miserable cunt who wants nothing to do with society.

Because consuming cheap media is the only thing most men can afford to do anymore

i currently play kiwami 2 and in the first cutscene a woman gets slapped across the mouth to calm down. it makes me sad knowing that something like that would never be possible in a western game

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Parental failure, decreased sperm count, low T, PC culture, the pussification of America. It's a coordinated incremental attack from within. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

this, society beyond fixing and i'm beyond caring what Jow Forumsacks says to shame people like me for not caring anymore

I would assume they consume these forms of entertainment because it makes them happy.

That shit is cucked by over regulation.

I like nerdy shit if it’s actually good. That being said, the mainstream garbage like starwars and pokemon only survive due to constant advertising towards npcs. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some good fiction, but the moment you get normies who only participate in “nerd culture” for social gratification then you have a problem.

Also don’t talk shit on my big tiddy anime gfs

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Privilege of civilisation. A less obvious aspect of this childishness is the level of public discourse. We have journalists asking puerile questions rather than intellectual adult ones. Do you hate Islam? Do you hate brown people? Do you love diversity? It's brainlet tier. SAD

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>you’re a disgrace to human evolution
>posted on Jow Forums

Let’s shame men for playing video games and continue to encourage women to be useless whores.

You can’t fix the culture if you only expect half the population to change.

>i've always been a miserable cunt who wants nothing to do with society.
You don't need to save "society", focus on the people you care about and do good by them. One small step for mankind, a giant step against the black-pill

I have great parents, fantastic friends and a loving girlfriend of several years. I have a stable job. You save society, I'll stay in my bubble.

Unwillingness to participate in society

No responsibilities (in some cases because they ignore them).

some people here worship the vaginal jew and the smell of fish taco clogs up their brain pan

It's deliberate programming by the elites. Bread and circus is more effective on people with the mentality of children.

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If you consider (you) hunting again just kill yourself. Everyone will be happier, including (you)

Pc fags get out of my fandom reeee

Well, if you have zero ambition, you will achieve zero things in life and it will kill you inside. All of those things you mentioned are excellent escapism.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with playing video games and being interested in fictional universes.

go back to dialating tranny

Because success requires continuous effort and delaying self-gratification while being manchildren and living out your life in relative comfort requires nothing. It is always easier to fail than to succeed and when success isnt rewarded enough and failure isnt punished, people will just stop applying themselves and become lazy, enervated neets, incels and other failures at life.

Basically, all failure is just laziness. Laziness to improve yourself, laziness to get a job, laziness to develop adult tastes, laziness to devote effort into a real hobby, laziness to ask out women etc.

>replying on Jow Forums
>not seeing the irony

those new polaroid cameras are pretty sweet, got my gf one for her birthday

It is when You take it too far and Start fusing reality With fiction