Admit it, Obama wasn't that bad

Say what you want about him, but he was a better president than Clinton and Dubya, and he wasn't as bad as Hillary, McCain or Romney would have been.

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Other urls found in this thread: Whistleblower Letter.pdf,-contract-work-449057

All presidents after Nixon have been ZOG puppets.

Show flag nazinigger.

Milquetoast globohomo technocrat masquerading as progressive Jesus

Don’t be a FAAAAAG

True...he is half white though

Some more than others though.
Sure. But my point still stands.

I hear he sucks a mean dick.

They don't call him "Bathhouse Barry" for nothing.

imagine posting the same thread all day every day for years. OP is a bot

>dislikes Israel
>hates Hillary
>not averse to sucking trap dick
Maybe he'd fit in here on Jow Forums...

He smiled and waved and spent his whole time in office kicking America in the balls

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Solid 6/10 president. He fucked up my health care (I had a cadillac plan) and he went to war in libya.

Trump so far is batting 6/10 as well so far so not terrible. Mostly thanks to the economy that has boomed and the judges he is getting in place though. He is failing at the one metric that matters though, illegal immigration has increased from 600k to 1M a year.

Dubya jr was a 1/10 president, he took the US budget from 1.8T to a now catastrophic 4T+ in just eight years.

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> I don' know how government works. The president, the budget, big numbers, ...

OP is sooo gay.

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Your ignorance provides me opportunity to post information that will fill in your (and others') gap in knowledge. Thank you.

The Obama administration secretly sought to give Iran access to the US financial system

Obama Let Hezbollah Smuggle Cocaine Into US to Help Seal Iran Nuke Deal

UAE paper: Hezbollah chief’s net worth is $250 million, in large part due to drugs

A new report reveals Obama misled the public about a quiet giveaway to Iran
From Vox, and they don't get much more left-wing than that

"[Al-Quada] is on our side in Syria"
HRC Wikileaks email

CIA whistleblower leaks 47 hardrives, 600 mil pages of info. Obama spied on SCOTUS, 156 judges, Trump, used alphabet agencies to steal WH in 2008. Comey lied. Whistleblower Letter.pdf

President Obama sold more military hardware worldwide than any other president

Obama’s Final Arms-Export Tally More than Doubles Bush’s

Obabo a shit

Obama sold cluster bombs (banned by 119 countries) to Saudi Arabia, which used them on Yemini civilians

President Obama sold weapons to nations that use child soldiers, over the objections of Human Rights Watch

Obama used U.S. Special Forces to train jihadis in Syria

Obama’s farewell gift to Iran: 130 tons of Uranium

Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons
Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels.
Yes. Benghazi:

You likely have never heard of any of these stories because the U.S. media was complicit in covering Obama. The U.S. media failed to cover Obama's wars.

And this is because the Communications Workers of America—the umbrella union for guild journalists at the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and other papers, as well as for many TV and communications workers, gives 97% of its donations to Democrats.

>a police state tyrant isnt that bad

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I like both Obama and Trump.

Fight me.

He was basically a black version of McCain. I don't think there was any real difference to be honest.

And all those liberals protesting the war under Bush? What happened to them? Liberals weren't against the war. They were against a Republican fighting the war.

President Obama was so in cahoots with tech giant Google that a special watchdog website was created to report on Google execs visits to the WH

Because this is nu/pol, and you are a glow-in-the-dark or shill, this thread will die within two posts after all of this information has been provided to you, because you do not want others to see it, to actually see what a deep state puppet Obama was. In fact, I predict you will not respond to any of the links I've posted, because you cannot respond to them. Oh, you may REEEE against them, but that's different. And if you do reply, you'll try to get information from me. Go on, track my IP.

That 2009 figure is for the year 2008-2009. The reason the deficit spiked is because of the economic crash, which happened immediately under Bush but had roots going back to Clinton (this is why I said Obama was better than those two trainwrecks).

It spiked for two reasons
1) The bailout package, $700 billion. This was passed UNDER BUSH, not even Obama.
2) The $1 trillion 'stimulus', passed by Obama at the beginning of his presidency. Shit, but he was still dealing with the immediate aftermath of the crash, that again Obama didn't create. He was trying to revive the economy, get people spending again. It included the auto bailout. If Obama had let them go down, you (((conservatives))) would be hounding him to this day about that
>hurp-a-durp goddamn nigger destroyed are grate car industry. it's cuz he hates murrca! fuggin NIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! A good president would have saved are grate cummpanies, no matter the short-term cost!

kek, i wonder who could be behind this post...

The only good thing I can say about Obama is he actually did things that hurt Israel. Of course that doesn't make up for the millions of things he did to benefit Israel, but at least he didn't suck Jew dick 24/7 like Trump does.

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>muh legacy
Fuck you nigger.

Note that I didn't say he was overall a good president. I just said he was better than Clinton and Bush, and better than his rivals would have been. This should be obvious to anyone but his most autistic haters.

As for Drumpf, we'll have to wait until his presidency is over to judge. That's why I left him out of this. Remember, Obama only stuck it to Israel at the end of his presidency, when he didn't have to fight any more elections (either for himself or for the Dems in Congress), and thus no longer needed (((donors))), votes or the (((media))).

Damn it, would you faggots pay attention? Why do we have a discord if you aren't going to stay organized? Running the same topic too many times at once makes the shilling obvious. Get it together, you're embarrassing us.

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1. Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract,-contract-work-449057

2. Israel Created Two of Its Own Worst Enemies—Hamas and Hezbollah

glow harder

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>i love joe biden he is so wholesome why cant he be the president
>god joe biden is a disgusting rapist and is only left of center right

wtf is wrong with liberals?

Nobama half black hussein in the membrane, hussein is his name, was a slut.

>>hurp-a-durp goddamn nigger destroyed are grate car industry. it's cuz he hates murrca! fuggin NIGGERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! A good president would have saved are grate cummpanies, no matter the short-term cost!

Carl, did you miss your first day of glow nigger training? The first few modules cover memetic energies and how not to dislocate them by overplaying your hand. The dead giveaway is your weak meme flag. The second giveaway is your inefficient and insincere use of chin terminologies. You get sent back to the first class, Carl. For shame.

Aside from sucking dick and bathhouse barry none of these posts are funny or offensive.

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First President in a long time to push back against Israel a bit. Other than that he was Bush 2.0

man oh man oh man

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slide thread

I miss him lads

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Based nigger President watcher.
King Niggger should be hanging from a tree right now.

Fuck, I never actually thought his wife was a tranny until now.

If there is one thing good about Obama it’s that he wasn’t a ZOG puppet although his staff had plenty of them (like clinton). The problem is him and his staff hated Americans and hated white people (yes so do Jews but that’s mainly a marriage of convenience). The way he looked the other way while Jews got huge swathes of red state territory hooked on opium would in a just world put him down as one of the worst presidents. The way he flooded peaceful suburbs with subhuman El Salvadorean gangbangers is the worst treason. Etc. There’s a ton of this shit. But these things were against his real enemy white people so it was excused and encouraged.

>Admit it, Obama wasn't that bad.

Worst most incompetent NIGGER ever!

Almost destroyed America!

Thank God for Trump!

Trump Saving America from ONIGGER

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I supported Obama initially because he was so anti-war, so deep was my visceral hatred of Bush, the (((neocons))), and the Iraq War. Then an hour after he was sworn in his party went full pro war for Israel and it redpilled me good. I was young and stupid but yes the way the anti war faction evaporated was easy to see if you were paying attention.

maybe because I'm not a shill, a tranny, a discord or whatever other strawman you can think of.

I didn't say he succeeded. Clearly he didn't because otherwise the economy wouldn't still be in the tank. Maybe the bailout (under Bush, I remind you again) 'saved' the economy, maybe it didn't, I'm not an economist. But itr certainly didn't revive it, it's been barely crawling along since then. All throughout Obama's presidency and now Trump's as well. I don't give a shit abotu how well the stock market and corporations are doing, Drumpf., that's not the rela gague of the economy. Ordinary people are still doing shit.

My point was that the spike in the deficit wasn't really Obama's fault. The bailout happened before him, and pretty much everyone in the country apart from Ron Pauls was pushing him to pass the stimulus. The chart that was posted omits this context, and is thus misleading. Anyone honest knows this.

The only positives I can say about him are
1) at least he was loyal to Obama, not a backstabbing VP
2) I feel sorry for him for what happened to him when younger. Wife and daughter dead in car crash. That must have completely destroyed him. If his boys didn't survive he would probably have an hero'd.


The regime changes were bad but at least they weren't ground wars and occupations, like Bush's quagmires. Not so nice to the other people, but at leats better for the American servicemen and their families.

as long as it was consentual (unlike Clinton's shenangians), I'm happy for Barry. Look at his grin here. He must have had fun that night.

He wasn't that bad.
All the people copypastaing here are missing the point. I never said he was a great or even a good president. I just said he was better than the others I mentioned were or would have been. Funny how they're all completely avoiding/ignoring the point......

>President Obama was so in cahoots with tech giant Google that a special watchdog website was created to report on Google execs visits to the WH

Obama saw the heat Dubya got from warrant less wiretapping and got into bed with FB, Google, MS, Amazon, etc. To let them do it for the government. In exchange for massive campaign contributions of course.

There’s no way that the CIA hasn’t been involved in the massive spying operation SV has built up in the past 10 years.

Nobody is ever going to report on this because these companies can will and have unperson any reporter who comes out against them.

Niggers tongue my anus

>Ordinary people are still doing shit.
You're either ignorant, or willfully ignorant.

This fixes your ignorance:

Pay gains during Trump’s first year in office best since the Great Recession

However, nothing can fix your willful ignorance. Nothing but you.

A corrupt negro from chicago being shilled on pol
imagine the surprise

The only particularly obnoxious thing he did was dramatically accelerate the HUD-facilitated ethnocide of "too white" communities in e.g. Minnesota and Maine.

I would say he was alright except for what he did in Libya and Syria he also fucked up Iraq and Afghanistan even more and didn't confront China

What are
>Lies, damned lies and statistics

He sowed racial discord and got the blacks chimping out in his second term, when he identified with Trayvon. Which is particularly sad because he was so measured and reasonable in his first term. Remember the 'Beer Summit'?

He held back from fully fucking up Syria, which to me indicates that he wasn't quarterbacking it, the 'deep state' was. Trump has escalated but is also still holding back.

Obama basically pulled out from Iraq (all but the Green Zone), and tried to draw down in Afghan. That's why he got into so many spats with so many (((generals))), most notably (((McChrystal))), who demaned giant surges in both countries.

As for China...some say Obama ordered a Rod of God attack on them (Tianjin). That's why China got so butthurt with him at the end, and tried to humiliate him on the tarmac etc.
It's just a theory though.

As opposed to literal Israeli shills shilling for Trump here 24/7?

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did mossad hire some newbies?

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Go check the Ellen degeneres Youtube channel and search for Michelle and here dancing. I think the song they used was uptown funk. It's flopping all over in that video and they don't even try to cover it up. Starts aroun 3:30 in.

Obama spied on Trump in the same way Nixon spied on the Democrats. Nixon got in trouble for it and his legacy ruined. It's OK when Democrats do it, though.

Chew soap

Nigga wasn’t born in the US

more assassinations than all other administrations combined

>Nobody is ever going to report on this because these companies can will and have unperson any reporter who comes out against them.
reporting is dead, meantime nobody ever talked about the landmark bill that made all this possible by it's removal

the 1974 privacy act?

can't find it? because Clinton had federal agents confiscate every book that mentioned it from every library in the United States

and then Dubya Bush had it removed from the congressional record

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>admit it
>just accept it

the leftist maggot strategy, summed up and colorized circa 2019. When that fails:
>call everyone a retard

New slide theme for the day.
Shill harder.

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