ITT we get our morale up by telling stories and anecdotes about white Europe and how are whites still a good majority...

ITT we get our morale up by telling stories and anecdotes about white Europe and how are whites still a good majority and a good race.
The goal of this thread is to make eurobros happy and erase the thoughts of a white race extinction.
Mutts tolerated.
Russians can come but you're on thin ice.

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poland is 99% white i believe and it outcompeted greece and portugal economically

You are right, Poland is one of the most important white bastion.
Keep it up Polbros, you're going to play a big part in the white Europe.

>MFW France is already getting ready to wave the white-flag.

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What a surprise

Made me laugh but it will not be the same white flag.
Did you know that the colors of the French flag represents : blue - the monarchy, white - purity (a sign) and red - the blood of the revolution.

>”morale boosting” thread

Aw, it’s like a little safe space!

Could the Lithuanian fren post some white redpills to boost up knowledge about race realism? much appreciated fren.

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At the the end of the day the reason all non-whites seethe at us is because they wish they were white too. Which is a shame, everyone should feel proud of who they are, but the antagonism is basically a product of envy

kek, we're more tolerant than any left safe space, it's more of a white safe relief place.

I’m white, you pathetic loser, I just don’t need my morale boosted over it. Why would my morale be down?

I'm against race mixing but I'm for separated diversity, non-hated differences in a space for every difference is the pinnacle of humanity and the greatest ethno-space.

The reflexive anti-whiteness on the part of progressives is basically an internalized "white man's burden"; a feeling of pity and consequent need to stand up for people you perceive to be your inferior

because of all the shills and fake thread about white race being terminated - it's not.
In France I see more and more white families with more than 3 children every day, it's not desperate at all.

I agree, I think a confederation of ethnostates would be the ideal world government. Even to the extent that other races actually are demonstrably "inferior", they could simply implement a eugenics policy to improve on their faults

And you feel so good that you need a white safe space thread.

>white = purity
I guess France's new de facto national-flag is going to be brown then.

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Don't be depressed OP, great times are coming.

My dad is white Jew and mum is white Christian, so they decided to not circumcise me, and not to baptize me.

I won the parent lottery.

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Exactly! Every race deserve a separate place to live with it's own kind, and if they don't succeed and die off, that's natural selection and nothing more.
Simple yet powerful.

Are you not proving his point? Progressivism impels this pseudo-religious need to antagonize whites wherever a positive expression of their ethnic identity might spring up

if you think white people will go down without destroying everything else, you don't know white people.

interesting times ahead

Sorry, shlomo, but you can't be here, you are not considered white, you can now leave.
Thank you for the bump anyways.

Probably a Pajeet

you're still a kike so you're still getting gassed schlomi

You wish everyone wanted to be White, Moishe.

The amerigolems lost in Syria and cannot challenge Iran. We are winning.

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your turn, my aryan brothers

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White is not an ethnic identity. It’s a skin color.

Do anyone see a niggerflag here? No? This is also the reason to why we will win.

If the race war breaks out in France, England, Germany, Austria, Holland, Belgium or even in Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand I will join you.

Right now we're experiencing a "soft" genocide - it is very much a race war but it hasn't reached the full on "total war stage" yet.

Evem as a Swede I feel sad when visiting Paris and seeing all these fucking disgusting niggers and Arabs. It is our duty to remove kebab from any Europan soil.

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Va te faire foutre. Fuck whites.

Daily reminder that spanish king is the only true heir of the kingdom of jerusalem and one day we will retake it

Jews own those sites so of course kikes will stuff their own numbers to appear White enuf to fellow Whites.

And to all people here doubting :
Trust me when I say that whites are getting aware, there's more and more race realism inducted here in France.
People are more listening to my speeches about races and nationalism, just 1 year ago I was the "nazi", now I have a whole group of "worshippers" willing to listen to me at university.
I changed a few left minds into race realist persons.
More whites are making big families, I see it every day.
Invaders more and more discreet, you don't see any in my city other than their places.
It's getting better.

Morale boost. Never let a shitskin or a jew lay a finger on them.

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And fuck Whites. If you are so superior and everyone wants to be White, why are you dying out and why does everyone want to balkanize from you.

White Americans are an ethnic group. The usual rebuttal to this is "no, German / French / etc. is"; but most American Whites are a mixture of different European ethnicities. So is ethnic identity closed off to them forever? Of course not; they're a new one. Furthermore, "white" can be used as shorthand for "those of full or near-full European descent", which while not being an ethnic group is certainly a useful categorization for considering commonalities of ancestry, culture, and interests amongst its disparate components

feel better not that you coped?

>Va te faire foutre. Fuck whites.

Nique ta mere sal pute! You'll all get a taste of White man's anger sooner or later you fucking disgusting vermin.

Thank you svenfren. I know that your country has it the hardest, but be not afraid, better times are coming ahead, be patient and be worthy of your race.

>And fuck Whites. If you are so superior and everyone wants to be White, why are you dying out and why does everyone want to balkanize from you.

Why the fuck does every nigger, arab and jew want to live in our countries you fucking subhuman?

Yeah, you mutts are Alpinized-Germanoceltics

Alright, I will tolerate you for being 99% European, but you are no bro for me.

Proving my point, seething

Because you are retarded enough to give them free things and let them in.

Was the French revolution really conducted by kikes? Are there any living frogs who have any claims to the French throne?

also post nose schlomi

And the heir of the throne of France is Spanish too. Sadly I'm no monarchist, but it is indeed good for your people!

בחייאת איך הזמנת תבדיקות האלה? ב Livingdna רק המשלוח זה משכנתא

American mutts like you are who it is specifically directed at.

>asheknigger is european

sry for disturbing your post,ill be out in a minute

השב להודעה זו או שאמך תמות בשנתה הלילה

He technically isn't, but my beliefs are based on biology, so he has a temporary white pass.

>Thank you svenfren. I know that your country has it the hardest, but be not afraid, better times are coming ahead, be patient and be worthy of your race.

Jean-Pierre mon frere, we're in the same boat and once again Normandie will be rightfully Scandinavian clay again ;^) I have a deep respect for the French, British and Germans since there are no place on this planet who have contributed to science and civilization.

It's a crime against humanity to see niggers walking on the rues of Paris and we need to realize that we Europeans must unite and fight against the jews.

I have met some very good goy from Lyon while I partaked in the demonstrations in Dresden in Germany a couple of years ago.

Ensamble contre les juifs! :^)

It was conducted by the bourgeoisie, so kikes, but Napoléon founded the Banque de France and suddenly the Rothschilds didn't have money for him but plenty for the UK.
I don't blame you tho.


>Hey guys lets get our morale up.
>Posts a skeleton trying to grab your hand to take you to hell.

>beliefs are based on biology
i'm a medfag
your beliefs are wrong
jews aren't white

Yes, mon ami ! Ensemble, we will fight them and win, because we are the purest and the greatest contribution to mankind!

America is not White, has never been White and will never be White. It is a deracinated mongrel shithole and Woodrow Wilsonian interventionism fueled by retardation typical of the American South will cause Europe to be flooded with Arabs and Africans, all to please kikes.

I hate the destruction of Europe and I hope you plebs get Europe back from the invaders. But fuck these Amerimongrels here, deluding themselves in this thread. You are a dumb mutt and you will always be. You're just a whiter one. Fuck America. No one likes you. No one will miss you little Judaically negrified part-Cherokee and Chickasaw Alpinized-Germnoceltic white wannabes. Eat a dick.

Nah, Britain has been kiked since that faggot Cromwell. To me, the British monarchy was overthrown after Charles I, after that it was all puppets and foreigners. Wasn't Napoleon a freemason? He used some dodgy hand gestures.

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If he was, I don't know about that.
I guess that's a possibility?

>provoke white people until white chimpout
>"hey wtf, why am I being erased"

this is you. keep talking shit until you can't anymore

You on the other hand are the only brilliant, cultured, and pure American. That's why you're able to come up with such profound posts.

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pre lincoln america was pretty darn cool
there war good aspects to america up until ww2 as well
no one likes a defeatist user

top kek, I got more soft art if you wish.

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Ragnarok is nuclear fire. First Surtr will spread fire over all the land and as he does and the forces of Valhalla fight him, while Thor fights Jörmungandr as he spreads poison across all the land (radiation) while Thor dies with him. Then comes the long winter that lasts 3 years (nuclear winter) and after the remaining survivors both god and man will leave and start anew. Though the great dragon eating at the root of the tree will begin the cycle again. So is the tale of Ragnarok. One of the most accurate tellings of a nuclear war in ancient history.

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>holding onto judaism 2.0 constructs in a white morale boosting thread

Here is Switzerland!
Could you give us an intel about the situation of your country? Are you being invaded or is it a white bastion?

No, I don't give a damn about your meme ass country. When your country collapses my kind will be free to leave and take Inuit land for our own country. I am not and never will be an American.

At first I was like
>And fuck Whites. If you are so superior and everyone wants to be White, why are you dying out and why does everyone want to balkanize from you.
>I hate the destruction of Europe and I hope you plebs get Europe back from the invaders
I'm sorry you're having an identity crisis about being a mestizo or whatever, but get a grip

if shit hits the fan all of us need to make a pact to go to svalbard
>you literally need no visa to live there
>cold as fuck niggers die just from thinking about it
>basically hyperborea
what's not to like?

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I really admire Napoleon, so I hope that's just a coincidence, it's the "hand of the second veil" or something like that. Freemason bullshit, I really hope that he wasn't one of them.

I respect real Whites and Europe. I don't respect whatever you mystery meat people are or your country.

>Mutts tolerated.
>Russians can come but you're on thin ice.

Island is indeed a good idea, although Finland, Norway, Germany and France are a great place to live once the niggers are eradicated.
I love the Reichstag and the Brandenburg doors, as well as the Eiffel, notre Dame and Versailles.
We have so much culture for you to look and admire.

That was directed at Amerimutts. You people call yourselves huwhite. Ethnic Europeans are European.

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Sorry, my bad.
Russians more than tolerated, Mutts on thin ice.

what the fuck does it matter if you have notre dame when it'll repeatedly get torched until it's dust
i'm talking about a completely end of the world niggers and jews win type of scenario
the best option is either svabard or siberia
i'm thinking siberia is better cause of trees and ore and shit

since we have been a civic nationalist coubtry from the beginning, we always had a lot of foreigners, more than germany, even now. but most of them are from white non-islamic countries and our immigration control is more strict than other places so its alright.

in the past years though we have taken in a lot of "refugees" mainly from eritrea and it bothers me a lot. muslims in general have increased. many people are not happy with it, many are brainwashed and don't think about it. Cucks in this country have a stringer grip on votes now, the past two votings which were both about more or less EU influence have been voted in, in favour of the EU. I am beginning to become pessimistic. French Switzerland is full of africans and muslims too, which has always been a problem.

Depending on if we get worse in the future, I might move out to France, near the border, to the countryside

imagine being a S E E T H I N G non-white
I don't care if I'm from 5 different Europeans ancestors, as long as all of them are from Europe, and I'm a 6'1" blonde blue eyes white guy so fuck off you muck muck faggot. Imagine despising America but reluctantly living here for the gibs provided by white people. Absolutely pathetic.

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aw man, sucks to hear that.
Good luck on your journey, I'm sure it'll be okay.


Get baptized user, you still have time to accept Jesus Christ and to be saved


absolutely based user.

Guys, be realistic.

There is no return, its way too far gone.

Women of europe have made their choice and you know it.

Be realistic.

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>"Le Europe > America"
You know I always wondered why Eurofags hate us so much, and then it dawned on me:

Europe had it's native pop. before the Aryans moved in, and they got mixed in.
Europe also had multiple, large influxes of arab & black populations.
The only difference between America & Europe is that most of the people in Europe, with a set of balls; ie: That were willing to travel across the Atlantic to a world they had never seen, moved to America. For decades, the best & brightest moved to America, and those that couldn't make it here stayed in Europe. We literally robbed Europe of all she was worth. Hide behind all the rationalizations you want, but I think it's just your inferiority-complex talking.

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nah thanks my dude, I have a high IQ

I'm happy to see that there is still hope.
It's been a little shitty for me since a while, and I needed that a lot.
Thanks, anons.

Your fetish is not reality.

people have an issue with the US because it's a place that is kiked to the core, including all the values and other things that make up your culture, especially in modern times and I completely see it the same way.

you are based though, keep doing what you're doing

Shut the fuck up shlomo.

I live here because you disgusting freaks abolished exile.

>The goal of this thread is to make eurobros happy and erase the thoughts of a white race extinction.
May God save your country

I think about taking mudsharks and peeling all their skin off and replacing it with wet concrete and keeping them as a statue.

His fetish is getting (You)'s

You cant stop the future. The direction is clear. Reality is what you see. Stop resisting, it will make it less painful for yourself.