Putin invaded Georgia

Putin invaded Georgia. Bush invaded Iraq.

In the end, white people die. What's the difference?

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Georgia just has a bunch of fucking shitskin Gypsies who rape without hesitation and leech off of the system.

Gypsies are equivalent to niggers OP.

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What's your point? As a white nationalist, I hate Zionism sending 10,000 white men to die for the Piratical State of Israel.

Correction Iraq was liberated by America if you believe anything other than that you are a seaman sucking onions consuming week liberal faget who cannot maintain an erection without staring at the butt of his black colleague thrusting back and forth because that's the only thing he sees because he's a giant cuckold

The money i invested in companies that made military gear

T. Nigger Kike

They sent soldiers you fucking idiot soldiers that have took it upon themselves to protect your dumbass so respect their option and honor their choices and hope they come back in one piece because they are currently protecting your dumbass and providing cover over you and what you choose to in that time is to talk shit about the military are you kidding me? You are a disgrace to America kill yourself or bring your passports and American credentials or if you want you can send them over to me I can just use them you know so I can go to America and inseminate several several American black women behind their back and without their consent especially with the new rape laws that are about to be decriminalized thanks to our new great president President Trump and I've heard rumors that's were confirmed by Q that John Bolton is currently preparing his penis to rape Ivanka Trump because apparently he called dibs on it before Trump did I don't know just rumors maybe they're true maybe they're not

Yeah we freed them from the Baathist regime (similar to NatSoc), created the Islamic State, destabilized the entire region, let shit skins into the country, stopped Kurdish Mountain Back Apes from being gassed.
How the fuck can you say this was good?

t. Dying for Israel KEK

I don't know why but people here make me laugh so much I swear just looking at you typing and posting your stupid charts and data that no one cares about and you're here attracting soulmates by insulting me it's like that rape scene with that not so famous Hollywood actress with that big black guy that did the voiceover 2 the Nigerian president in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare the first mission when you have to save him and prove that Atlas is actually the best company that provides Security in America and the world so she's like I want you to rape me and he was like okay but call me the n-word while I'm doing it so in other words you want me to rape you and you just called me a nigger man I'm going to have your ass bent up ass backwards I'm going to turn your cheeks inside out and slowly play are you with my big cock like a big giant Chinese rat or a rabbit or a marsupial rat that has lost power after inseminating thousands and thousands of American women especially black American women

It was fantastic I demand more but you are too pussy to provide anything more because Tony Blair doesn't like that and George Bush was overly fascinated by his British accent and was just drowning in his big blue eyes so he just bailed out and relinquished control of the entire state and just let us be manhandled by Iran now it's not foreign to me to be manhandled but when they have their giant beards rubbing against my chest hair it feels like we are in sync and working in a genetic unison is like he is literally inside of me imagine his big big hair shaft penetrating my hair follicle he will probably ejaculate sebum inside of my hair follicle without me even knowing but you know it's just rumors maybe they're true maybe they are false


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A fully industrialized and modern country. Destroyed for Zionism.

No I call that dying for my country it is the highest honor you can possibly reach and I think giving someone a metal is bullshit you should just send him back to the war to die because that's the greatest honor ever and much much better and cooler than a stupid metal because allow me to quote one of my favorite war generals Only The Dead have seen the end of War

You again with your racist thinking the term white just a term to describe and separate People based on their skin color if you use that in your Society or your census you are racist


im in georgia right now there was no invasion retard

Georgia started the war and got snaked hard be Putin.
Putin invaded Ukraine

the concept of dying being honorable is stupid, nobody gives a shit about the ones who die, they just tell them its cool to die so they go and do it while they stay at home


I am almost sure Georgia tried some shit against Russia before intervention

You are not from a military family are you?

No innocent of all charges

Sorry for the delay, we sent the troops to the wrong Georgia. We will send again.

No he onyxed ukrain not invade

Not funny

Self (you) bumping sucker mother

1 is a zog-war over several decades and 1 is a small conflict lasting 5 days

Ha ya did it again

No. That's like saying it's okay for Bush to invade Iraq after 9/11 you fag.

Huh? NIGGQ wat we put my best foot fowrad in da cumbat we put bodies on da floor nigga

One happened after 9/11. One happened without provocation.

Eat a bullet Hans.

Nigga for the quantillion time we wazz liberated nigga

I typed out a full reply before accidentally refreshing like a Georgian retard. Suffice to say, Iraq’s population has grown in the period of US invasion while Abkhazia’s has been cut by two-thirds. US intention in Iraq was one part naïve and one part self-serving, and often punctuated by mistakes, but ultimately not malicious. Russia blocked UN peacekeepers, sending in their own who armed minority separatists and brought in Chechen butchers, stepping aside to watch as a genocide took place. The two are in no way equivalent and it is despicable for you to imply they are. One was a conventional war between countries, while the other was the Rwandan genocide if Belgium had intervened to actively assist in the crimes.

The US is often self-serving, and an odd mix of cynical and naïve in its foreign dealings, but it is much more of a “grey” power. Russia is an active force of evil in the world, filled with hatred for its former subjects and jealousy for the west. If the US hurts your country, it’s not personal, just the same business every country has been engaging in for centuries... but they’ll also at least try to make you a little better off at the end. If Russia attacks you it is most definitely personal, and will be a nationwide reenactment of 120 Days of Sodom or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Fuck you OP. I hope you never have to understand why you are wrong through experience.

So basically our liberation ( invation) was because bush couldnot read a map

9/11 was not the reason for iraq. they jumped from this to WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, yellow cake, aluminum tubes etc.

also you don't have to change your flag constanly. you can't hide your autism

Can we get Putin when you are done with him? He'd be better than any of our Presidential candidates.

>ID: Ru


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Russia was protecting its strategic interests, the US was protecting Israel's strategic interests.

If it weren’t for Putin and his cabal, Russia would have recovered from its depression and become a great country again. Instead he and his friends suck the country dry, enflame conflicts with old comrades, and hang the bogeyman of western aggression in front of his people’s eyes so they will never be seeing him rob them and destroy their heritage and prestige. Russia has the ability to become rich and powerful, but they’re just continuing to decay and slip into hate and jealousy. It’s so sad but they just don’t see it. Gone are the days of Russian science and culture and politic. Now it’s just krokodil and rotting concrete and kicking at the neighbors. It’s so fucking sad and I wish they’d become great again instead of becoming this evil thing.

It was a disgusting and illegal war. As was Russia's invasion of Georgia.

What did I just say you fucking faggot? How is Bush invading Iraq any different than Russia invading Georgia?

After 9/11...you dope...and killing is killing no matter how you paint it.

you invaded wrong country, Saudi and Israel did 9/11
for your gay comparison to work Russia shouldve invaded Kazakhstan instead

What are you talking about, why should he have invaded Kazakhstan?