Why did Russia just VOLUNTARILY give up this massive empire?

Why did Russia just VOLUNTARILY give up this massive empire?

Attached: Soviet empire_m.gif (661x460, 3.94M)

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Some being too nice, others being too greedy. Thanks Gorbachev and Yeltsin! I hope they rot in hell for what they've done and put 300M people through

>Why did Russia just VOLUNTARILY give up this massive empire?
Psychology. Sometimes you just don't believe in something and you're mentally ready to abandon it, loosen it, not to defend it

Well, if you believe the official narrative, the communists were simply not capable of creating a system that people wanted to be part of, and numerous little nations simply walked away.
If you believe the conspiracy theories on our side of the ocean, they pretended to fail to infiltrate.

Because it was too large to be held together. And because that rat Yeltsin took (((advice))) from his friends in Washington.

based DDR comrade

It destroyed the Soviet Union.

Simply didn't work as they wanted it too and republics wanting freedom once again. I'm glad Lithuania is once again independent.

From Bashkortostan actually. Ended up here after Yeltsin happened

These were the times of friendship. We have marked the independence of other nations, in the hope that we will live in the world and we will build democracy, but not everything turned out well. Chernobyl nothing to do with. The so-called 'restructuring', began long before him. The Soviet Union was unable to destroy the army of Hitler. It’s just that the leaders of the Soviet Union did not believe in the idea of communism.

It didnt have the means to support its self. many of these butfuck backwards states we a burden

>Why did jews just VOLUNTARILY give up this massive empire?
they didn't. just joined their empire up with the capitalist world empire for more profits and more luxury

Attached: russia billionaries.jpg (906x689, 158K)


Some years ago former russian minister Yegor Gaidar published this big and complex monography about every step of the degradaition of Soviet system,from month to month, reserves, currency and so on were being fucked up. You really reconsider history of the fall of USSR when you realize that behind these territories was uneffective and dumb "economy"

Maybe from western point of view it was stable and great country,but econimically in 80 it turns out to prove that Soviets just couldn`t handle and organize this shitty redistribution system.

Attached: Gaidar-Uroki-1000.jpg (1000x1510, 1.3M)

this The Russian Empire was one of the most important exporter of food the comunists fucked up the agrarian system, killed and send a lot of the kulaks to camps, so there were no capable and experienced workers and managers there. The Soviet Union had to buy and import food to feed the population. They spended almost all their gold reserved in food, If it wasn´t for the oil they discovered in Siberia in the 60s the Soviet Union would breck up 20 or 30 years earlier.
So they were selling oil and gas to the americans and living from that mostly, but they did nothing to prevent the aproach between the saudies and americans.
It was just a cluster fuck of bad decisions and inaction.

Things didn't work out.
Did you want them to use the military to create a military soviet regime for a few more years before collapsing?

>Yegor Gaidar
You cited as an example just the worst economist of all.
This asshole is almost completely responsible for hunger in the 90s

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It just seems very strange, they are doing all these geoolitics moves now to regain their former empire, but why did they give it up to begin with?

This. The only correct answer. Everyone wanted their own power, where everyone could steal in their favor.

The fact that the Soviet Union collapsed, it was not a blessing, what happened in the 90s and lasted in the 2000s was definitely not worth it. Nobody really believed in communism in the party after Stalin, the party could create a fully functioning social system, remove party control over the economy, transfer production from the military to the production of consumer goods, introduce the New Economic Policy permanently. And the most important thing is to introduce a working electorate system with a changing hierarchy, or at least introduce an age limit at the top of the party that would not rot as it happened.
In general, do the same thing that Deng Xiao Ping did in China, and just don’t call it a transition to capitalism, but to say that this is just one form of socialism. In general, even with the word "Sovetsky" in the name of the country it was possible to become a completely capitalist country. Ideology is always no more than a tool.
Just know, the Soviet Union was destroyed not by heroes and freedom fighters, but by people who wanted to steal more and more, for example, you can read an article on Wikipedia about corruption in Russia and post-Soviet countries (not Warsaw Pact countries).

Attached: D1M6HD.jpg (1300x1065, 328K)

They ran out of money and time. The resources spent on propping up Warsaw Pact nations bled them dry, leading to massive discontent within the USSR, and reforms came too late to stem the dissolution.

Crooks and mobsters whored out their nation to the Anglo-Judaic financial system.

they simply couldn't afford to take care of the asian -stan countries because they were too broke. even today, annexing them would be a net drain so their is very little reason to except erase all border gore there.

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They focused too much on military spending in an attempt to overmatch the west with quantity because they couldnt quite match quality by the 1980s. Several hugely expensive programs like the Typhoon class submarines, Buran, and then Chernobyl drained a large amount of their total GDP. They made up for this by cutting back on consumer goods production. This led to widespread dissatisfaction in the soviet system at the individual level.
The hardest hit places were the non Russian states on the fringes of the USSR. This led to movements for local authority that began to agitate. This social unrest spread, leading to the wall coming down, and then things just began to rapidly disintegrate as nobody believed in the system at all anymore.
In the final act, communist hardliners in Moscow attempted to stage a coup to get things back under direct military control. They ended up being overwhelmed by anti-soviet peaceful protests, and let it go. Thus ended the USSR.

Of course the great irony is, things got worse for everyone for a decade or more after that.

it is not Soviet empire it's ex Russian empire. When you kill Tsar with his family and around 4 million wealthy, educated people killed or forced to leave it's hard to hold it from falling apart.

YELSTIN and gorbachev the 2 cucks under american control.


They were defeated in the war, the cold war.

Pretty much this. Russian economy couldn't afford that massive empire.

Russians commited their greatest mistake as a people
Mean while the rootless Communist Nomenklatura faggots who have been making their lives a living hell decided to make it worse and let an Empire 500 years in the making go down the drain in exchange for becoming Oligarchs

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