Have you heeded the warning? Stop consuming caffeine drinks

Have you heeded the warning? Stop consuming caffeine drinks

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Monster sucks and gave me irregular heartbeats the few times I tried it. Drink coffee or RedBull

>600mg caffeine total

thats baby tier

her kid was defective and it's her fault for reproducing garbage genes

leaf is right, time to stop drinking this shit

Try Monster Rehab or Celsius.
>20 calories
>5g of sugar
>gradual wakeup
>no spike or crash
>peach tea

>when you boom too hard

that is only enough caffeine to kill someone with a heart defect..

Nah fuck that I'm trying to die

looks like a closet trans

Based and rehabpilled.

Everyone thinks it's weird, but I drink this stuff.

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how does that feel

I drink dbl that of NOS.

If you're retarded enough to drink that or more without any water or moderation in between you deserved to die.

Only 4? What an amateur.

That shit tastes gross

I always have an irregular heartbeat. I wonder how long I'll live.

Monster tastes like piss anyway, I drink local knock off.

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Natural Selection is a beautiful process.

I learned my lesson drinking Red bull's in 2016. I came down with a kidney stone.

REIGN and BANG are the only true /sips/

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I brew ultra strong coffee, and add a few mg of pure caffeine from amazon.

Behold, a man

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What makes you think it's the caffeine and not all the other chemicals?

cut caffeine out of your daily consumption altogether
it's fine every now and then, but think about it
if you wake up in the morning and NEED coffee to function, you're dependent. Not Free.

Natural selection. What's the problem?

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Weak cunt.

if you wake up in the morning and NEED food or water to function, you're dependent. Not Free.

jeezus these energy drinks are deadlier than beer.

Imagine dying from liquid Pixy Stix.

average 1.6 billion heartbeats for mammals afaik

Rehab is based

I'm on kratom now. I was drinking 6 rockstars a day

Tastes like water to me my man

Omfg you fucking idiot

they got rid of the best flavor so fuck em

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tap water or real water

It has a very bitter taste

>cut caffeine out of your daily consumption altogether
That's actually impossible for me.
I don't need much, but I need some caffeine to function normally (less than 100mg per day). I've tried quitting for long stretches of time, but I never recover and never feel normal. My body shuts down without caffeine and never wakes up.

I drink 1 can a month maybe, sometimes not even that.
I'm probably fine.
Lucozade orange is where it's at though.

is that shit any good? it's more expensive than Monster or Rockstar where I live. I buy whatever is cheapest.

c4 is superior to bang.. that shit is trash. the 300mg caff. bcaa monsters are better. c4.. had my best mile times period doing cycle sprints. do not take on an empty stomach, and honestly you probably can dump out 1/3 the can.. its enough.

Energy drinks are for fags. Glad hes dead.

It will change your life.

Monster drinks are nice but everything in moderation I suppose

He'd still be alive if he had drank Onions

That's cause you're a woman. Women are weak and need a crutch.

I drink 4 red bulls and 4 5-hour energy shots every day and I'm still not dead what the fuck is taking so long?

There are people out there who get jittery after a 250ml red bull.

>when you shouldnt have taken that extra sip

t. le edgy contrarians who pretend they like the worst sipp of them all

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Me too, even stopped smoking and drinking massive amount of coffee because some random spikes were happening

Most of my daily diet is liquid. Energy drinks. Protein shakes. 6 pack of beer. Water in between all of that.

How long until die

You might have a big B12 vitamin deficiency, most people have a slight one. Maybe try some fortified creatine powder? It has caffeine too.

Should've been first post

My diet is 80% coffee 10% redbull and 10% junkfood and i still work circles around people half my age. If you can be killed by caffeine you are weak, your family tree is weak, and you deserve it.

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nigger that's smooth.. monster isn't at all.. keep reaching at some kike conspiracy. THEY CONTROL YOUR BANK YOUR LOANS YOUR KIDS FUTURE.. but by all means, some fucking drink is the problem. faggots like you are helpless. you wanna remove that Hebrew drink? remove the federal reserve act pussy.

This guy definitely died from suicide. Energy drinks were just one his problems, not the cause of his problems.

I'm on my 2nd Monster of the day, got 3 more in the fridge. Literally don't care if it kills me lmao.

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maybe he could grow the fuck up and drink coffee

natural selection
fuck that weak ass soi boi faggot

probably more to the story

they always say shit like this but forget the part where the guy went on a meth binge

Check creators.

*teleports behind you*

for when you're on nofap

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>needs a loicense to buy a sip

>Monster sucks and gave me irregular heartbeats the few times I tried it. Drink coffee or RedBull
your bloodline is weak


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> Mother desperately tries to blame something besides her lack of parenting on the tragic death of her son.

It's same shit when some military fuck nuts died from taking the old Jack3d before their PT, which is entirely cardio. OH COURSE YOUR GONNA DIE YOU FUCKING RETARDS

bro in Afghanistan i had 8 ripits per day, every single day for 6 months while i was working 12 hours on 12 off.

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This is peak anglo


It's in another thread, nigger.

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When I was in first year uni and wasn't used to fucked up hours and sleep deprivation, I drank so much of this.

It literally gives you nightmares, probably does something to your brain while you sleep that messes with the normal chemicals.

MONSTER is cuck shit.

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>call multiple people contrarians for liking something you dont
peak irony

Babby tier drink.
Man fuel right here!

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Why do people even drink that thing? It's horrible

I thought Ripits were some kind of weird military only brand until I saw them in the store after I got out. Started getting PTSD right in the aisle

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looks like MRE fuel tablets

I only needed two rehabs to easily stay up past 36 hours. However my circadian rhythm stopped working.


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Now that I think about it, this is probably some fucked up bullshit to get suicidal people to buy more energy drinks..

It’s literally meth.

we would get pallets of that shit lmao. had one here in the states just isnt the same. it needs to sit in the jihad sun for a couple months before it gets good

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ebin :DDD

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>not eating highly caffeinated chocolate while you defend the Fatherland

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i loved that one. pretty much the only one i genuinely liked.

I've always thought it tastes like your average bottle of water that isn't your generic store brand bottled tap water.

Ive been on e/c stack for years. I wonder how much longer i have.

Mother, who drinks 6 monsters a day, devastated her weak baby-dick son couldn’t slam a measly 4 monsters a day

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I switched from caffeine to 15mg Adderall XR and nicotine vapes. I have never been more productive.

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I was waiting for that