Former Trump Voters Only

*Current Trumpfags need not apply*
Well boys, who will we be voting for in 2020? Who is /ourguy/? Trump has truly failed us. Only Iowans and Boomers are retarded enough to trust him with four more years.
>More shitskins
>More Mexicans
>Tax “cut” was a fucking joke
>Not putting farmers first
>He’s broke
>He has retarded children
>Pays for c grade pussy like Stormy Daniels
>Autistic Barón
>Israel First policy
>No wall
>Compulsive Liar
>Market scares
I can go on and on and on, but I don’t have the energy. He failed us. TELL ME WHO TO VOTE FOR, user IM SCARED. We were supposed to make America Great again and he was supposed to put the master race as top priority.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Me too user..I guess we should vote for Joe Biden The Great American Hope!

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>tariffs listed as bad
fuck off larper

There’s no reasonable alternative, Trump is the best you’re going to get. Maybe if we had a Jim Webb or Joe Manchin type things would be different, but nope

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I’m not asking for a democratic candidate faggot. Who is a reasonable option? Who would ACTUALLY pull through with an agenda similar to what Trump promised?

>how do you do fellow goyim

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Literally a reason to vote trump

Nice, substantial feedback. I appreciate it.

not gonna lie, former trump supporter here.

Are you mad my friend?

Welcome my friend

Trump 2020!

>make a shit post
>get shit replies
jogs the noggin don't it

>don’t it
Iowa has entered the chat

the only way any of us are aware of any public figures is through jewish media, whether it's tv, youtube, whatever.
that's why there's not a single public figure who is pro-white.
the only way a leader will arise is if we start organizing irl

Solid point

Texas. I'm withholding my rage at being mistaken for the Midwest

Same shit

>that's why there's not a single public figure who is pro-white

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pro-white, not just cartoonishly anti-jew

we all know who is behind this bread

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Trump dindu nuffin -- bad or good. He does absolutely nuffin except shill 4 Israel. He should be reelected therefore

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Not even trolling, I'm voting for Beto in the primaries. I refuse to vote for Buttplug, Biden, or Sanders though.

I hope you get ass cancer. Not even trolling

why would you bother boting you are 1 out of millions and what happens over the next couple years is fucking irrelevant anyway compared to the overarching trends that are clearly unchangeable

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We all know who’s behind this post

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Rude much?

They don’t even have coffees on their desk or anything

gov desantis of FL, huckabee, or maybe Koback of KS who Kushner didnt want for DHS cuz he would have fucked up Trump and Kushner's plan for the MOST immigrants EVA

notice recently Trump planned to fly illegals to sunny FL and Desantis told Trump to BTFO and pussy Trump backed down

Not as rude as voting for one of the most anti American, kike faggot candidates the dems can drudge up

I bet you faggots will vote for Kushner in 2028 lol

Friendly reminder: Trump saved us from civil war. He is not just the anti-war candidate abroad, but also at home.
>militiamen prepare for if Trump loses 2016
>Trump supporters ready for violence if Hillary wins
>Kentucky governor wants civil war if Trump loses
>based boomer warns of revolutionary AND civil war if Trump loses
>Trump supporter warns of civil war if Trump loses 2016
>Mike Pence chides revolution if Trump loses 2016
>armed militias prepare for Trump loss

>This spot reserved for Alex Jones who was deplatformed by leftists.

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>Trump saved us from civil war.
Are you trying to be anti trump?

I will gladly be voting for him again.

America would’ve been less cucked if we had a civil war.

Former Trump voter here.
I will be voting for Donald Trump.

That’s not how the meme works, faggot

this op is a lefty faggot carrying joe bidens water the only way he can

What meme? I am a former Trump voter and I will be voting for him again.

Is this the official “let’s all vote for a democrat” thread?

>Trump saved us from civil war.
That’s a bad thing, retard.

You forgot " alright goy-uh guys" but yea

I'm more curious to see how all the variety of IDFs interpret and react.


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I’m not voting ever again

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you low effort shilling is useless. when the call comes you will once again be overwhelmed.. to think after all this time you have no idea what goes on here

>not gonna lie, former trump supporter here...

FUCK OFF! Im voting for him again.

You have big gay

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Look how scared the shills are that Trump will win in 2020. I can say that he's been disappointing in many aspects, but given the competition? He's literally the only thing right now holding back a progressive dystopia. I mean for fucks sake, a democratic platform is now REPARATIONS. Absolutely fucking ridiculous.

I don't really see a better candidate even if Trump disappointed on a couple promises and truly turned out to be for Israel.

So he bussed them in instead?

Wtf? Can you speak English?

Or guys like Hawley, Gaetz or someone with the ideas of Tucker.

Anyone the dems have plus that amash fellow, he’s a giant among men or romney or sass. That’s where my vote’s going and i voted for hillary in 16

Will probably switch parties to Dem to vote in their primary. Waiting to see which candidate would cause maximum chaos.

Ask me how I know you are poor and childless


>and i voted for hillary in 16
Jesus just kys

He's right. We need conflict to reset

I smell a Glownigger

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I’m voting for her again, it’s her turn still
Or romney or any never trumper-they seem to be pretty on the ball

I highly recommend we not vote, and instead gather in DC, where we will immolate ourselves in protest to trump.

Nukes, my dude

Former magapede here. Something... something... something... can’t let him get his hand on nuclear codes. Something

So are you going to hand her your gun or just drop it off at a police station?

Ask me how I know you are poor and childless

Have fun paying reparations to niggers for the next 4-8 years then you faggot.

Trump. Tired of radical lefties. We really need to be another Sweden or Germany according to them.

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>I'm a turbo kike and I hate America
Alright. You know you're not going to die of natural causes though?

When you grow up and have a 401k, you'll wish there was a Trump in office.

>can't think past the immediate future
oh ye of little brain mass

I would imagine poor people have a harder time amassing firearms and ammunition.

>he has a gun
Didn’t you know user we have police to protect us, and those aren’t spics at the border trying to get in illegally they are citizens of the earth just like you and me. So turn in your gun and open up your border and wives and daughters to diversity.

Scared drumplet?
Tick tock
Tick tock

>Tick tock
Lmao still delusional are we


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You sir are a well educated person of enlightenment. Let everyone note that this post is what every citizen of earth should think or feel.

Former drumpf supporter here.

Because he couldn't build a wall, I'm now going to vote for a tranny homosexual gun grabber socialist. I'm confident they will fix everything.

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your jewish subversion never ceases to amuse me

They have our best interests at heart

Slow day kike?

>I’m not asking for a democratic candidate faggot. Who is a reasonable option?
>Trump and Biden are your reasonable options. At this point everybody else is a meme candidate, especially those candidates at Who would ACTUALLY pull through with an agenda similar to what Trump promised?
Trump. Presidents tend to give less of a fuck about optics in their second term.

Reality isn’t going to affect me negatively. We are already re-shooting the last season of GoT. We won.

Why thank you I have my PhD in African American dance therapy with a Bs In sociology specializing in gibs me dat.

At this point I'm considering voting democrat tbqhwyfam

>tacitly admitting yu are poor and childless
Well played.
What fucking planet are you on?


Cucks and political infants that don't understand the current state of world politics.

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>poor person dependent on the state would look forward to civil war and losing gibs
Your logic seems... reaching. Like a fish out of water. Or somebody struggling to come up with something.

Well with such a well argued point, how can I not change my vote to democrat? The only problem is the choice is slim pickings until they have predominantly black multi racial disabled Demi queer candidate I cannot support their bigotry. Something like pic related

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Sudden topic change?
Having trouble?

Who gives a fuck about languages??? Holy Christ you guys are so fucking stupid. POLICY and PLATFORM. Now repeat it you donkey!! Maybe you'll fucking remember this time around.

You're out of your element.

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