Are you ready for the New Green Deal?

Are you ready for the New Green Deal?

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Will do everything in my power to bust that deal.

I'm all for environmentalism but this "Policy" is fucking retarded.

Didn't literally no Democrats support this?

Please, do tell, how is this policy retarded?

Holy shit I just realized I forgot about AOC for 2 weeks. She dropped off the map or what?

Imagine tricking retards into actually supporting this under the guise of accelerationism

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The only green deal that matters.

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Last I heard she want to be mayor of nyc

Banning Planes, Banning Cars, Banning Nuclear Energy, Banning fucking cows, none of this is productive and would actually fuck up everything. The true way to fix the planet is to just destroy all the cities brick by brick because they are giant heat traps.

Hopefully the US would sort out their environment.

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Yes. Establishment Dems told the Justice Dems to fuck off. Justice Democrats think they have more support than they really do but the thing is Justice Dems are only supported by a small fringe contingent of minorities. They have no white males supporting them and white females are iffy at best. The Justice Dems are the ones hoping for minority rule of the US problem is they are 50 years too far and anything can happen between then and now.

NO planes, no nuclear, rebuild EVERY building, and other stupid shit

Go fix China and India before you try to fix us you fucking faggot.

We should honestly eliminate the population and infrastructure of mainland china and india and replace it with a mix of solar farms, hydro electric dams, and wind turbines.

we should just alt f4 all the cities.

Fuck no. Cow farts are my kink.

AOC is so fucking hot. She will be mine.

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She looks like a pack mule with six extra chromosomes.

You can comfort her after she loses her reelection and has no money or a job.

I think I remember they had some kids come into Diane Feinstein's office begging her to sign it and she scolded them and told 'em to fuck off lol. Meanwhile this chick already has Netflix specials about her. Her popularity just comes off as so inorganic to me.

No, but I'm read for the AOC Gaping Pussy Shot Leak.

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She IS Joe Biden.

See, Ol' Candy Toes Biden is an idiot. It's his job. Because he's too stupid to understand how dumb he sounds when he says things, he is able to say some of the most retarded things with such confidence and authority that it sounds almost plausible. Well, AOC is the same exact type of politician.

It is, Justice Dems and TYT (The Young Turks) basically hooked potential candidates up with money and coaching. AOC and the others ran in democrat majority districts with little to no opposition and a high minority population. AOC's district if I remember correctly was about to be dissipated into several others and redistricted and could still happen. If you watch TYT and their network you will find out more about them, they literally tell you what they are going to do.

It also made more people realize that the Democrats are fucking insane.

The Dems aren’t even ready for it. Lmao

>they won't let us grow plantains and yucca in New York
>they say it's too hard

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I’m ready for her to kick me in the balls and yell insults at me in Español

Remember to turn the water off when you brush your teeth, lol. You're helping.

A donkey with dead shark eyes.... yeah. faggot

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She's gonna get reelected bro. But I would comfort her for sure.

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She would be good as a mayor. They're fucking useless

Is she ready for this dick?

A gift that just keeping giving. It's awesome. MAGA

Somebody put a shitskin wetback in your picture user.

Rothschilds whore, care of The royal families plastic surgeon.

Lemm tell ya, My favourite part is the nigger reparations. I heard a black scientist on TV say theyre so good the even help make the Dolphins not die

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I'm ready for her nudes to leak when she actually starts to threaten the powerful democrats.

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If they had the power to carry it out it would be a modern day great leap forward and lead to the death of millions. Thankfully there's no chance it will be carried out.

I saw some reaganite's video explaining why she's a front for the Justice Dems and is an example of the alarming future we're likely to see with such vassal/front candidates being bolstered by organizations behind them. That it's not some dim-witted fucking bimbo like this to worry about but rather the people behind her like Chakavarti or whatever his name is. Smart and capable but autistic/awkward guys.

Could be a load of shit from some gen x reaganite but then again it all made perfect sense.


I saw a clip of Bamnon talking about a while back. He says if you go through each different section/imitative has a committee. Committee for this, committee for that. He said it literally sounds like soviet communism

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damn shame how far we've fallen, fren.

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yes only because it pisses off boomers and people who are still cuckservatives in 2016+3

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boomers stopped coming here and the rent free mindset stopped

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>losing a 25% white district in a major city in NYC of all places
ok retard