Post white pills

post white pills

Attached: white pill.jpg (640x720, 432K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: white pill women.jpg (3000x2561, 773K)

Attached: attractive whites=less mixing.jpg (916x721, 270K)

Attached: whites=least gay.png (591x581, 103K)

Attached: whites=least trans.png (579x454, 64K)

Minority women are more likely than white women to choose tubal sterilization as a contraceptive method.
In unadjusted analysis, African American and Hispanic women had significantly higher odds of undergoing sterilization.

Attached: non-whites=more sterilization.png (960x720, 68K)

Hollywood is going bankrupt

>China demands they cut fag propaganda
>Hollywood cucks
>Chinese immediately release theatrical copy to internet pirates.
>Chinese and Americans pirate it. >Hollywood gets no shekels

These people used to be treated like royalty, now they are laughing stocks. Soon to be broke ones.

I fucking love this thread. We need a White Pill sticky.

Who has the infographic on Jewish demographics and how Reform/Secular are dieing out faster than a Japanese NEET commune?

the viewership of legacy media is getting older and thus the grip it has will weaken significantly as they die off. The new battle ground is the internet and as time goes on the power will shift all the more because of this. They can't compete in this environment without censorship, and that will only fuel us more due to the streissand effect

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Attached: Whites=least diabetic.png (908x429, 103K)

Attached: whites=least herpes 1.png (960x720, 84K)

Glad you like it. There's enough red and black pills around here, we gotta remind ourselves of the good as well.
This link may have some of the info you're looking for, not 100% sure

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Attached: whites=racially loyal.jpg (1024x854, 167K)

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Attached: racepill.png (1599x6683, 2.7M)

It's actually Totally achievable to get a faithful White gf.

It's not super hard and we can all help.

Attached: your vibe attracts your tribe.jpg (2964x1920, 2.98M)

Jesus Christ really is God, He literally lived a sinless life, literally was flogged to within an inch of His life and crucified, literally descended into the hollow earth and defeated death and Hell, literally rose from the dead and appeared to His followers, and is now literally sitting at the right hand of God
you can be saved from an eternity in clown world x6,000,000 if you just repent and believe on Him


Attached: honkpilled stages.jpg (1378x3039, 400K)

>Worshipping a zombie jew is transcendent


Attached: just stop.png (960x909, 582K)

your god is jewish

After boomers die, Israel is ashes.

Attached: gregheth.png (679x710, 355K)

Thanks for your opinion, glow in the darks.

Attached: neocons ftw.jpg (726x572, 134K)

There's a lot of problems that need to be solved, but many will simply be dissolved when the boomers go

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One could say god interfering with worldly matters, does not particularly make any party involved as chosen for divine love, but rather, the people affected positively have taken those acts upon themselves as proof to claim such.

Gods interaction in this world is dangerous and destabilizing, to the point that human hubris and their perception of superiority exudes onto others in this domain.

>TL;DR - God has no chosen people because humans are gods chosen, Jews that proclaim that they are the sole chosen is driven by their own sin and lack of perception

honestly can't wait for america to learn that Iran is actually great and that they're just a pariah for their view on Israel.

there isn't a single thing you could say against Iran that you couldn't say 10 times worse about Saudi Arabia.

qweens love that BWC

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Styx, is that you?

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Russia and China is Gog and Magog and will invade just before Yahweh cones to burn their armies up with fire.

I started smoking weed when i was 12 and after about a half dozen stints in juvy dropped out of high school at 16 to do hard drugs. Went to jail half a dozen or so times and about the same number of rehabs. After being arrested for a simple assault and possession of ecstasy, I took drug court probation to avoid prison. I was able to finish drug court at like 26 years old, but I was still drinking all the time and fell into a "depression" after finishing. I spent all my time online (mostly Jow Forums) and wound up in mental hospitals 3 times for getting drunk and acting crazy (I was fucked up mentally at the time, but I wasn't actually crazy). I started doing the Insanity workout and lost some weight. Did p90x and actually followed the diet and lost a lot of weight. After that, I started feeling a lot better about myself and enrolled in an IT degree at my community college. I had to take some programming classes for that degree and realized I enjoyed programming and was good at it (i'm high IQ and was in gifted programs as a kid. Stop reading if you're low iq). Decided to go to a 4 year degree for Computer Science at a state school. Worked really hard, did really well, and just graduated with a 6 figure job lined up starting in August at 34. It took a while but I'm set for life now. If you have a 120+ IQ you can do this too.

The mongoloids are Gog and Magog, which includes spics I think, watch the border. The camp if saints in Revelation 20 is an America or otherwise Western militia.

nah m8 gork and mork

You will be dead soon enough


Is this what Jews actually believe?

Attached: Shills1.jpg (1569x554, 212K)

It's true.

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Attached: Who-are-the-jews-Jewish-Almanac.jpg (1180x927, 764K)

And you're still a virgin.

wanna know how i can tell you just came here from /christian/?

Thanks I'll add it to the collection

Attached: Shills4.jpg (1365x2185, 451K)

Take the breadpill brother, it's the beginning and end of all whitepills

Decent pasta from

Jewish birthrate in the US is at the bottom of the barrel. Jewish Women pursue their careers Instead of having children and their race mixing is off the charts high. It feels like the majority of Jewish people I know are married to goyim. Jews aren't going to be around but the end of next century due to all the race mixing and low birth rates. You will only see those Orthodox Jews because they are the only ones not race mixing.

Attached: white-black marriage.jpg (1329x637, 261K)

Half Jews are Jews

What's the source you use when someone questions these claims?

Not pasta and /ri9k/ material. It's how you can go from untermensch to ubermensch. Jow Forums is hopeless. You losers still have hope

that's passed on through the mother, so jewish men who have children with a non-jew don't count as a jew. they just dilute their genes more and more

Yeah but they are going to marry more goyim and miss Sabbeth worship and eat pork and seafood. By the time they're 1/8th Jewish, they won't even care about their Jewish heritage. I'm 1/16th Jewish and it means nothing to me.



I'm 1/64 dindu and same

I live in New York and I see it. Jews are such race mixers. Orthodox Jews fudge the numbers though. They have birth rates through the roof and they refuse to marry goyim.

Is the Jewish normie as bluepilled as the goy normie?

I can't find it now but I recall something Kevin MacDonald brought up on how jews are sawing off the branch they sit on with this whole pro-mixing strategy that will lead to their own demise.


Doing my part with my liberal half-Jewish squeeze.

Slowly, slowly. Already undid veganism, getting there on guns, sowing doubt about trans. It's a year plus in the making fellas. Just be patient. Anyone can be redpilled.

Yes. Absolutely.


is her mother jewish? if so your kids will be jewish

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It is worse to lay with the beast than to be the beast itself. Whites who mix are traitors.

>it's cool bro, i'll just use a cond-

Attached: Contraceptive failure by race.png (571x341, 76K)

The crazy thing is that we're already past the point of no return with Jewish genocide. Most of my Jewish classmates would describe themselves as "half Jewish" when I went to elementry schoo in an incredibly Jewish neighborhood. None of them were kosher, they ate ham sandwiches with a glass of milk. This was 15 years ago, I could imagine that they're holding even less of a Jewish identity now.

Dad. And he's definitely the black sheep of the family too.
Her mom might have converted after marriage...idk. But they stopped caring pretty early on. My girl wasn't even close to having a bat mitzvah.

You'd be wrong. Raise them Catholic and they won't even think of their Jewish heritage.

You dont have to listen to.shills and degenerates, Christianity is dying

Do you have a version with the Ubermensch instead of the Nazarene?

As long as it was the dad then she's not jewish so it's fine as long as you don't mind your kids having 25% jewish dna
Jewish descent is passed on through the maternal line. This is known as matrilineality in Judaism or matrilineal descent in Judaism. If the mother is jewish (which is not the case with you) then she would be a jew even if she was raised catholic.

Attached: Matrilineality in Judaism.png (1117x685, 273K)

Sex dolls are becoming more realistic.

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico

I see it as them having 75% Anglo. Supermajority.

It looks like science has already slowed down enough from dysgenics and globalization that we may be able to avoid the creation of AI before all progress grinds to a halt after IQ drops below a critical threshold. Once this happens we'll be able to destroy the idea of "progress" and resulting degeneracy piece by piece. The worst may have been averted.

the problem is that jews aren't really a race per se. They're more of a cult that people can choose to join if they fit the criteria. It's why so many of them are indistinguishable from northern Italians, many Ashkenazis aren't actually descended from Israel at all, they just joined up at a certain point in the past.

meant for

There's some based 75%'ers out there

Attached: nicker.jpg (1200x675, 133K)

Jewish blood is Jewish blood, quit using their standards to judge them and start using reality.

nice filename goober

Bombs schematics are easy to find.

>implying anglos are better than jews
>implying they aren't just jews without an aversion to jewing their own people too

All jews go to hell after they die.

Blue pill
Women r whores

>maternal haplogroups don't real!
ask any mutt, it's not necessarily how you see yourself but how the group sees you. The jews will always identify them as such if their mother is a jew no matter and this will have consequences.

Attached: mtDNA map.png (800x581, 75K)

We'll slowly fade instead of being horribly massacred. So we're better off than South Africa.

These cunts don't even follow their talmud. They eat pork and skip Sabboths worship. They might only raise the kids Jewish to make their grandparents feel good and stop giving a shit after they turn 18. You'll find this country is full of Jews that don't even consider themselves Jewish.

cringe and boomerpilled

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Mossad did 9/11

Wow, I knew niggers had more estrogen than whites but I didn't know it directly correlated with sodomy.
I somehow hate the kike stream medias even more and I didn't even know it was possible

yeah they're not religious anymore. whatever jewish identity they do have is usually pulled from the holocaust for victim points and other social justice nonsense. so it's always in some secular political context and you can't run on the fumes of the holocaust forever. as time goes on that memory fades more distant and fades all the more.

Attached: jewish identity.png (287x619, 108K)

here we go again. Ok christcuck who would you rather have your daughter marry, a based godly Christian nigger or a white non-Christian? You have to pick one.

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everything will be "ok" eventually, the whole world is an up and down curve, with dark and golden ages, we are most definetly in the dark one, but it will curve out to "ok" or "good" eventually

Christian whites > nonchristian whites >>>> "christian nonwhites (oxymoron)"