If so, explain what happened?
Have you ever observed pic related irl?
lost my virginity to a half-black ultra-leftie weeb chick who was desperately in love with me. constantly signals on social media how she hates straight white men and how she's "queer" (because she has the ability to perceive female attractiveness) ...but it turns out she exclusively has dated and slept with dorky white guys. including the guy she was dating and had moved in with. (so yeah I lost my virginity to a half-sheboon but I did inadvertently cuck a guy in the process so all in all, could've been worse.)
anyway she thought I was more of a weeb than I was and that roleplaying a kawaii maido would turn me on, so she called me "master" which made me hard as fuck because I took it like I was fucking a slave of mine. took much restraint to not get into the RP and call her nigger, but I did teach her that she liked to be choked so that was cool.
brittany venti?
slide thread slide thread slide thread
I just graduated from a major national uni
All the most vocally anti-white leftard chicks are absolute whores for white Chads. It’s hilarious.
Internet brofist.
Yeah, a middle eastern(?) woman on instagram shits on white men all day but she goes to my university and dates/hangs out with nothing but whites. This type of thing doesn't really bother me though. For example, I shit talk niggers all day here but if one is kind to me inrl, i'm not going to say something like
>fuck you nigger!!!
yes, my girlfriend is carribean. i ask her what her problems are, and shell cite the 1950s and shit all day. she also grew up in florida so shes got all sorts of issues from that shithole as well that dont quite relate to the west coast/much of the rest of the world, its quite the opposite actually. just further proof of the brainwashing media campaign against them
You want this white dick baby?
Not to me personally, but in a shared lab space there was this cute but kind of obnoxious chick that looked and talked a lot like Cindy Starfall, and she'd often make jokes about white men being evil. One day I saw her with her bear-mode white bf.
God I wish. she was way uglier
>Fucked a half-nigger
I grew up in the ghetto and as long as you are a moderately attractive white, every nigress and Puerto Rican in town will be after you. Not worth getting involved with them though, not at all.
Can relate to this dynamic
I dated a half black girl. Still kinda miss her.
Reall shit?
look ok, when you're 26 and a virgin living alone in your apartment working from home with no social circle in town, you get a bit desperate.
it's logic i don't understand
>i hate x
>but i like fucking x and watching x fuck
i just don't understand how you can hate a race yet you'll date them. hell some of the anons here say they hate niggers and spics yet they lust over things like "i'm gonna colonize this bitch". and you have non white girls saying they hate whites yet they want to be fucked/nutted in by them. is there a definition for this kind of thing?
it's almost like the part of your brain that wants to have sex with women is far more primitive than the higher-functioning parts and the former overrides the latter without self-restraint
>lost my virginity to a half-sheboon
>cucked a guy in the process
Nothing to be ashamed of, in fact you're living the Jow Forums dream. Good work brother.
Here's some logic -
White men fuck black girls because pussy is pink. Black girls covet white men because black men act like niggers
>i just don't understand how you can hate a race yet you'll date them
its actual desire/likes vs programming. its no secret straight white men are the people its cool to hate in todays world.
Used to have an internet friend that lived in a different city, she was only a year older than me but we chatted like she was my older sister, really friendly gal. Anyway she was South Asian and eventually become full lefto-socialist sometime after we stopped talking. But in doing this she broke up with her South Asian boyfriend (who was my bud) and stated dating a WHITE MAN many years older than her, despite complaints about the 'oppressive western patriarchy' that has been keeping her down her whole life, though she is probably one of the wealthiest and most privileged people I've ever known, definitely high caste in her home country. So to answer your question, YES. Abso fuckin lutely.
Literally the majority of experiences I've had with brown women conform to this, or you know; women generally
>If so, explain what happened?
For instance in college, I had this Indian girl who was "racially tsundere" for me all the time. She would drop all the classic lines you would expect from a left-wing educated brown chick and would even call me "a stupid white boy" etc.
Be me being based and redpilled would just laugh in her face everytime she did this -- which is what I saw a lot of white beta faggots failing to do. Everytime I would laugh like this I would smell her pussy getting wet across the table. I pumped and dumped and she got super butthurt, I then used to call her a "stupid Indian" in front of her white leftist friends lmao
Conceal your power-level but hint at it in subtle ways. Follow my advice and you will fuck all them. Being a chad helps too bahahahahahaha
Basically every Asian feminist, ever
Tfw no whitey hating half black gf. Feelsbadman
Its okay guys Im just fuckin with ya. I dated a girl in college she was a mixed Black, White, and Chinese QT3.14
I miss her, she even knew that I was racist and hated Niggers also. When I accidentally spilled it she looked at me and said "Yeah, everyone hates niggers. All my black cousins are full blown niggers and they are just terrible people". I will definitely petition her acceptance into the Fourth Reich.
>dating a WHITE MAN many years older than her, despite complaints about the 'oppressive western patriarchy' that has been keeping her down her whole life, though she is probably one of the wealthiest and most privileged people I've ever known, definitely high caste in her home country.
this is my girlfriend. im 30, shes gonna be 23 soon. she grew up way more wealthy than i did but used to cry all day about white privilege and how white people control everything. peoples minds are under attack, this is nothing new. its just always easier to see the programming of others than it is to see our own. thats how i woke her up to most of it all