Conservatives are too busy being mad all the time to develop senses of humor

Conservatives are too busy being mad all the time to develop senses of humor.

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Unless it's something "offensive" or "politically incorrect' - then we're the kings of comedy and lefties are too busy being offended.

Yeah ok libcuck

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Saying nigger isn't the same thing as telling a joke.

It is if it’s funny.


Tucker never screams at anyone.

Holy fucking shit. That video. 1,000 points Australia. Your point has been made, that's goddamn hilarious.

So who is The Onion making fun of here? Tucker for supposedly being a screamer, or is the article meant to be a parody of left-wing news?

Dude, The Onion is fully satirical

Dude. I don't know from where to start...


idk, yesterday's TDS was really funny
Perhaps right wing comedy has insufficient access to mainstream platforms.

>sense of humor
What does that have to do with The Onion?

Yeah the joke doesn't really work. Maybe with Bill O'Riley it would make a bit more sense.

>develop senses of humor
Are you seriously talking about senses of humor when every liberal thinks SNL is funny because they do a Trump skit every single time?

Get some new material.

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I'm pretty sure the opposite is true, the left is always working to get things banned or shutdown that they find offensive.

>claiming right wingers aren’t funny
>browsing Jow Forums

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This is funny, no?

3.1% of your population is now mixed
That's 10,000,000 brother. Don't forget 40,000,000 Mexicans(possibly up to 30,000,000 illegal on top of that, 35,000,000 black people and around 40,000,000 (other race). They also lump Mexicans in the white demo category which is fucking hilarious to me.

- 10,000,000
- 70,000,000
- 35,000,000
- 40,000,000
195,000,000 (Whitish people)

57.14% white

Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 56%er is true!!!!!!!!!!

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This any form of right wing comedy is censored to high heaven just look what they did to sam hyde


That counts as an onion joke now? Was it always this dull?

>Conservatives are too busy being mad all the time to develop senses of humor.
The problem with modern comedy is that they use Trump as some sort of crutch
They say Trump is dumb, the audience laughs and applauds.
I don't particularly care about a comedian's political leanings nor them weaving that into their comedy, but the current Trump jokes are horribly lazy.
Sometimes Trump jokes are pretty good though

If you think conservatives don't have a sense of humor, you must be wearing a coocoo cap.

This one is so black, my watermelon stole my wallet:

Satire became real life, so they have absolutely no material anymore. Else nobody would get the joke and assume they are a real news publication. They have now resorted to this shit "humor."

He screamed at that one dude in that clip that never aired. The climate change guy, who filmed the whole thing on his phone and then released it.

>the onion
You do realize that the response was a joke playing along, everyone who responds to this thread including me is a complete retard.

Touché. They used to have good entries some years ago.