How do we fix the mill*nnial problem?

How do we fix the mill*nnial problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:,-118.24894,33.98963,-118.483429_rect/11_zm/

Time. Time will fix them. And by fix i mean kill

They have to accept the superiority of their ELDERS

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A good fucking and wars of conquest

I figure this will fix everyone soon.

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Day of the pillow


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W-whats that, user?

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Fucking MEMElenials

Is that hipping singing about labias or fuck trump?

Can We send a Muslim Sucide Bomber to Bomb Millennials because Millennials are Godless Atheists?

Most of them are in their early 30's and are married.It looks to me like american millenials are the ones with problems.

t. 29 yo boomer

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Wtf is this shit?

>Gen XYZ
Propaganda threads by the Moscow jews to divide the West. Only the new fags fall for them.

Los Angeles housing

See for yourself

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Jesus christ, why dont these people get normal degrees? Why is it that when i see LA students they dont seem to be getting usefull degrees related to construction, production, electricity,... But they are getting useless degrees like gender studies, art and shit.

>2 toilets and 2 showers shared between all of those people

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>construction, production, electricity
That would require actual work and effort.Things like "gender studies" and liberal arts are for people without passion or interests.

You know why

So what do these people do after finishing school? Do all of them just work at starbucks and McDonalds?

Also i just noticed that monthly rent would be 1200 dollars for those "pods" Jesus christ, if thats cheap how much would it cost to get a basic 1 room apartment in LA?

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Jesus or war

>screech and scream about muh migrant centers
>make living in one trendy
these fucking people

>So what do these people do after finishing school?
The ones I know work in cafe bars and attend requalification (or whatever its called)classes at community colleges to get actually useful diplomas.The community college in my city offers thing such as locksmithing and bulldozer operation.It's cheap but the programs are good.

I'm not convinced they should be fixed.
Easily 50% of white people should be gassed and turned into motor oil for being irredeemable libshits and adult toddlers who will never breed, but will linger just long enough to fuck up society.

Interesting, it’s very low cost housing basically but it’s very White.

>we fix the
this photoshop was well executed

$1500/mo is not cheap, that hippy feel to it is expensive

It's pure gimmick shit, millennials love that crap.
>Oh, an apartment? That's not for me. I live in an inspiring sustainable green free-energy communal anti-establishment counter-capitalist free trade habitat with 60 others non-binary gender fluid non-conforming free thinkers ;)

Gas the millennials

A lot of them are told by their parents that a degree of any sort is better than no degree at all and that having one, even an art degree, would get them hired over someone without a degree.

force them to fuck if they wanna check their instagram.

I'm no longer amused by how obsessed they are with being attractive and sexy yet DON'T actually want to FUCK and get offended if you notice how how they are.

it's the most retarded shit ever 00 fucking InstaThots

>get fucked over with tons of debt for wages that haven't increased since the 1970s despite cost of living increasing tenfold
>oy vey why aren't you goys buying my cars and houses
Jow Forums is memeing you. I've never met anyone with a gender studies degree. The only artists I know did art as a minor (hence their major is still in something useful.) doesnt' matter, everyone is screwed. law, medicine, physics, engineering, compsci, mathematics, business/finance/accounting, psychology, doesn't matter. errrrryone getting screwed.


We wait

Someone hurt your feefees? I'm not telling you to rape them, but remember user, no means yes daddy.

You could rent a gigantic house with a pool for that money in Croatia.


where do they fap

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You know what's sad? The place there would turn into Lord of the Flies in a minute where it's basically jungle schoolyard rules. The alpha will get his pick, the cuck will have to deal with the shittiest bed section and forced to hear moans, the fatter girl will be crying, someone's going to steal your food from the fridge, some dreadlock-laden crustie is going to steal shit, all while they preach about sharing.

This is like capsule hotels in airports. Great when you have a 14 hour layover.

But still, why would you want to live in one though.

>Oh, an apartment? That's not for me. I live in an inspiring sustainable green free-energy communal anti-establishment counter-capitalist free trade habitat with 60 others non-binary gender fluid non-conforming free thinkers ;)

thats a nice way of saying
all the property is fucked and my wages dont keep up with the rate of inflation but i am making the best of my shit situation

bring back the 1940's

modern day serfs

Communal sex release Wednesdays.

>bought a can of Guiness and put it in the fridge
>roommate took it and poured it into the sink because it was too bitter

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They are hippies.They probably fuck on the floor in front of everybody and dont even clean the sperm from floor.


Guiness isnt even bitter wtf

what the fuck


except for the overhead fluroescent light tubes and the ceiling fan on the top right.

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Forgot to mention he took a sip then poured it down the sink.


Damn, how much does guiness cost in Poland?

What a fag

Wait until he is asleep. Pour some rubbing alcohol on his BALLS. He'll wake up, get upset he is wet from the liquid.....then about 30 seconds later, as the alcohol sinks in, his nutsack will feel like a FLAMETHROWER is being applied to it and it will last for 1 minute. The BURNING pain will be on the scale of a 9.5

(we used to do this to Iraqi Prisoners in Abu Graibe in 2005. Squirted 60% rubbing alcohol thru the bars onto their crotch. They'd be jumping up and down screaming.... it was hilarious and it made me HARD watching them suffer and scream also...

incels too insecure to sleep communally

have sex

The better question would be how much to get out of your lease?

Fuck that cunt.

have food

It wasn't even $2 so I wasn't that mad.

i do have food

have teeth

He left on his own when he finished his studies. Current roommate is pretty respectful. Haven't had food stolen in years now.

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no you don't.

It's almost like they instinctly want a family but they've decided to ignore all the values necessary to form one so they also instinctivly group together in an almost cult-like fashion.

Unless you're a zoomer, die.
That'd probably fix it.

No, I'm just married. I fucked up and got married 10 years ago before Tinder existed. GODAMMIT LOL

Only people in CA live like that. It's not a millennial problem, it's a leftist problem

No u

Take politics out of the classroom, leave sex education to the parents, and bring in laws to stop teachers from politicising college and university students

Ok the similarities between the two rooms is extremely unsettling. Same lights, same room shape, same bunk beds in the same places... almost like it was set up that way on purpose.

This costs more than my slum apartment. It's huge but has tractor trailers ripping by 20 feet from my bed at 2am and retarded niggers/ drug addicts around. Anything to not have to share a kitchen though.

Asteroid with its own moon. Gonna 'pass' earth at 12 times the distance between the moon at us

Let the chaff trim itself. The non fucked millennials are starting families and having kids at least where I'm from.

I'd honestly rather be homeless

OP's pic is what happens when you teach a generation nothing but consumerism, hedonism, and tell them their only objective is to "be happy".

The International Jew was more than happy to fill the blanks - and of course, as always, with Jews, you lose.

>People choose to live like this and pretend it's a good thing.

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>It wasn't even $2 so I wasn't that mad.
I guess it was like 1.50€ like here. Still alot for a single beer, when i can get local beers for dirt cheap.

LMAO real life gulags

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if you want to have sex with yourself or another - you have 6 eyeballs on you


$ 1000 a month range - what the fuck!! What the fuck is going on with housing prices in LA can't you get a bachelor pad or at least a shared roommate experience for that price

The pricing for a fucking bunk bed and cheerios
>Hollywood: $50/night — $280/week — $1,000/month
>DTLA Arts District: $50/night — $280/week — $1,000/month
>Los Feliz: $50/night
>Westwood: $50/night — $280/week — $1,000/month
>Venice: $60/night– $350/week — $1,400/month
Now I get why the bitch waited outside and was all nice. She's making 1-percenter bank with that shit.

>i noticed you like moons, so im going to shoot you with an asteroid with a moon passing you at a moons distance of your own moon

Even one of our elven women have fallen for this Jewish trickery

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maximum 3 month stay

nightly rates

this is just a fucken youth hostel with LA bullshit added on

>live like you're in the 3rd world
>have all the commodities of a 5×5 appartment but costs more than a house in a year


Holy shit, the reviews for these podshare shitholes are comedy gold

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I've never seen hostel review responses like this. This is like off someone's facebook wall ffs.

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>these degrees are offered in many locations
>trust me no one gets those

You're not paying for the space and furnishings, you're paying for the (((experience))).

lmao this is gold
>don't be ageist

>he picked the pod next to a nigger
>left his bags there while he went to the cuckkitchen

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>Also i just noticed that monthly rent would be 1200 dollars for those "pods" Jesus christ, if thats cheap how much would it cost to get a basic 1 room apartment in LA?
i've posted the answer last time but no one gave me (you)s.
check this zillow link:
dozens of 1-bedroom apartments with decent amenities and features in ok zones. price: all of them are equal or under 1,500 dollars per month, the same price as the gulag bedroom

>polishing his nails

The reason they say they can't find cheaper housing is because they want to rent a zip code, not a living space. I'm an LAnon and I pay $1500 for a 2 bedroom in a nice neighborhood

This person almost sounds like a Jow Forumsack

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Let's face it, if you're here and you're over 13, the culture's turned you into a BITCH.

"You don't have to live like a refugee.."

Just imagining that cracked me up.

Seriously, what kind of an establishment owner writes review responses like they were their personal blog entries?

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>melenials can't even order pizza without passing out from aniexy.
>Want everyone to live in a cramped compound.

When did you move in? 2012 on a never ending lease? Fuck off with your $1500 lol unless you're in a total shithole. A "nice neighborhood" to beaners like yourself is horrendous to most whites.