And Jow Forums, with their Jow Forums-feet ice cold in the snow

>And Jow Forums, with their Jow Forums-feet ice cold in the snow,
stood puzzling and puzzling,
"how could it be so? They came without money. They came without rape. They came without crime, drugs, or hate!"

>And they puzzled and puzzled 'till thier puzzler was sore. Then Jow Forums thought of something they hadn't before. "What if immigrants and refugees", they thought, "don't want white genocide. What if immigrants and refugees, perhaps, just want a safe home and to law abide."

Dr. Seuss,How Jow Forums is always wrong

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imagine being as big of a judeo-pedophile as dr seuss and then imagine looking up to him as a hero. leftism is synonymous with mental illness.

somewhy i find imagining trump personally drive a big red truck filled with immigrants to some random mexicanaland very very hilarious.

Sounds like the plan to fill sanctuary cities has been a resounding success. We should send another 100,000 to San Antonio.

Lol mother jones is trash

Give it half a year.

want some more, try looking after a couple of hundred thousands.

we should send them not to the USA you fucking cuckold israeli cumsucker

Cool they didn't immediately loot and ruin the city after a month. Let's see how it looks this time next year.

Why don't they realize that every immigrant is a racist as well.

True, he left his wife while she was terminal to fuck some filthy slut. Her last letter to him is sad

>Dear Ted, What has happened to us? I don't know. I feel myself in a spiral, going down down down, into a black hole from which there is no escape, no brightness. And loud in my ears from every side I hear, 'failure, failure, failure...' I love you so much ... I am too old and enmeshed in everything you do and are, that I cannot conceive of life without you ... My going will leave quite a rumor but you can say I was overworked and overwrought. Your reputation with your friends and fans will not be harmed ... Sometimes think of the fun we had all thru the years

I cant believe they champion this immoral piece of shit and push him on kids.

Goes against the narrative. It's like feminist importing muslims when muslims are actually very redpilled on women.

Just wait 4 months and keep your eyes on the local news (and ignore statistics given by the government).

Mother jones as a source? Are you even trying?

>Mother Jones
Fuck sake,sort yourself out.

I had no idea. What a fucking snake.

>Mexicans are good at accepting more of their own kind

>They came without rape
*breathes in*

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I’m glad my state put a stop to these illegals coming here.

>just want a safe home and to law abide

and vote leftist

The fakest of all fake news.

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I bet you said the same about Trump doing that to his pregnant wife.

Democrat voters don't understand that a political monoculture with no competition is bad for them too.

Trump never claimed to be a paragon of virtue.

Trumps wife wasnt sick.

Awesome! The next lot can go there too!

Plenty of restaurants and shit jobs for them to do there. Thats what it's allllll about

adultery should carry a death sentence for both women and men.

That's not an option. They said the magic "asylum" word so we can't just punt them back across the border, and King Federal Judge has ruled we can't separate the families and detain them indefinitely. In the absence of any better approaches, we have to put them somewhere, and sending them to sanctuary cities is the best we can do.


San Antonio was the biggest shithole I ever visited or saw in America

worse than Des Moines and New Orleans

they'll have plenty of Mexican shit to do, like BBQ at the parks on the weekends

What were they expecting? They keep going on about illegal immigrants being great law abiding citizens, then act like they just came through a hurricane

>Implying it's ok to cheat on your pregnant wife as long as she's not sick

Did Seuss ever claim to be?

> somewhy
I like!

>Implying immigrants don't leave these cities

Don't forget to sage.

Trumps wife wasnt on her death bed left to die alone

You can set up 20 meters of permissible border territory like Hungary and tell them if you don't like it you're free to leave the way you came.

I actually agree though, Trump isnt virtuous but trump also was the only choice we had. You have two choices ang sometimes the whoremonger is the best choice.

"Trump Dumped"
Yeah, I love how these dumbfucks
>dragged their kids here without a coherent plan
>got detained for breaking immigration law
>got put in indefinite legal limbo because commie-activist judges and Congressional pedokikes and cryptojews roadblocked every attempt at deportation
>finally get shipped off somewhere because Noseberg & Co. left the president with zero alternatives other than permanent detention
>continue to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they find themselves in

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Damn that is fucked. Had no idea about this.

Bro, Seuss was a Nazi

The bubble will pop any second


CALLING ALL /tex/pol

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After drinking through this article, it makes me realize that our biggest problem is the Hispanics that are already here. The "Catholic Charities" that help these people get further into the interior of the country, what do you think their ethnic makeup is? Without these people to feed them, give them shelter, and help them get in touch with family they have that's already here, they wouldn't be able to make it here much less stay.
Also, OP is a retarded fag.
>/pol-"there are loads of immigrants pouring into our country and we don't have the means to sustain them, this will cause problems
>Article- loads of immigrants are pouring into the country, and here are the details on how difficult it is to sustain them, isn't this so nice?
>OP-"durr see" *wipes slobber* "/pol eternally btfo!!!"

Except they'll always be control forever, so it's not really THAT bad

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After *skimming through this article. Auto correct is a bitch.

I'm really glad that it went so well! It means they can take another 100,000!
This is great news for everyone - San Antonio gets all those refuges that they seem to love, and everyone else doesn't. A win win!

Where can I get some of the LSD you're on?

Keep sending them

>to law abide
By not becoming citizens, working with out registering for the draft or a work visa, not paying taxes their actual taxes apart from a witholding, working under other peoples ssn and fucking that person's taxes, and committing identity theft by opening loans in other peoples names, and then comitting voter fraud.

>The thing that communists never understand is that theft of resources is the issue at hand.

No I think you were right the first time. I would need a few drinks to get through a motherjones article too.

The real difference is there is no difference between legal and illegal spic, its only race & genetics that matters.

*real redpill not real difference

>"how could it be so? They came without money. They came without rape. They came without crime, drugs, or hate!"
It's possible if the refugees are actually women and children and not restless young men.

>He thinks crimes come first
Just keep an eye on the crime stats every year as they grow.

>referring to Jow Forums as a person and not an imageboard
>3 posts by this ID

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