What did she mean by that?
What did she mean by that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>If i didn't have a hole i'd be completely worthless
america has to go back to burning witches
poor form. That sumo-like wide stance will mess her up, eventually.
3pl dead lifts are easy as fuck though
Umm...actually sweetie men can have vaginas. Please dont be transphobic here again. Thanks.
>women who are 20 years past menopause screaming MY BODY MY CHOICE
These "people" literally have zero self awareness.
Why did you make 2 threads frog
imagine being so motivated that you decide to show up to confront your oppressors and all you bring to the table is a megaphone and one sentence
these arent actual people, are they?
That webm is cute OP
That one nigger comedian really did nail it about women. Just a series of holes.
>ugly obeast telling anyone they can't get laid
>What did she mean by that?
That women talk alot
thats it
lol that would send her into a murderous rage if you said that
why is that an achievement?
He was practically a philosopher when it came to women, a lot of feminists despise him. Shame he died.
so this is what the people who call you an incel look like...
>sumo deadlift
>"HAHAHA you like to read books! What a FAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!"
>"Fag over her talks like sucha fag with his words an shiiieeetttt"
It's like trying to have a conversation with a monkey
Honestly monkey are more civilized than these mentally ill twats
Thats not how you deadlift...that is the equivalent to not touching your chest to the floor when doing push ups, or not coming all the way down between pullups. And shes going to fuck her back up.
All so she can say she did it...
What an old jew with a megaphone in favor of killing babies? Who would of thought?
They are white. They're all white.
It's over, we lost. Keep blaming jews, keep blaming nigs, yet whites are the ones fighting for their own destruction
He could have said that the actions of a few should not dictate the circumstances of the many.
Enjoying your Breitbart 2 mins of hate? Fucking goyim cattle thread.
you're an incel and you'll never get laid
>massive silence
It's a sumo-style deadlift, spurg. If you don't think it's a real deadlift, go tell Dan Green and Candito's eyebrows.
Lol how exactly arent Jews to blame. Sexology is a Jewish science dominated by Jews and sexology is why we are where we are. Top secologists in the nation are Jewish and they are pushing child eroticism on at universities right now. You have no clue what's going on.
Jews are to blame, but if whites are so deluded to go with their lies to these extremes, whites are either accomplices or retards
What are pullups?
its' cause snake mouth. this is why God chose
man to fuck tons of girls and it's not ok for girls
to have sex with tons of men, because the snake
mouth is over eating, ie gluttony. women are
Sumo wont hurt you if you use proper form. It is less work though.
I refuse to believe people can be this stupid. They have to know this isnt rhe case but they are trying to corner you to discredit you.
the good girls were burnt by the bad ones, that's
why the world is loaded with witches now. nice
trick eh, scream witch, burn your sisters alive
and laugh as you're the real witch who takes
americans are subhumans and deserve death
>Switch grip
Absolutely plebian.
holy shit, USA is the best circus in the world
and it's fucking free
> It is less work though.
If that were true, all powerlifters would use it. They don't.
It is easier for some people depending on their individual measurements, strengths, mobility, etc.
Yeah I agree with that, I put whites and Jews on the same level at this point. Plenty of subversion coming from whites too.
when will the right realize that we're well past talking these people down from their insanity?
most people believe that war is just and necessary if used to fight evil, but they seem to think wars can only exist if sanctioned by the government. what an unamerican idea. it's time to take our country back and kill these people, not because they have a different opinion than us but because they're evil and opponents of freedom
I know right. I wish we could just contain those retards on their continent and just have this kino televised every day
Dan Green, total pleb:
whats wrong with sumo
the idiotic females who know deep down theyre just a fuckhole at this point in time and their nigger pets tagging along to feel superior to whitey and forget their inferiority complex for a little while .. there's no point in going to these events unless you're a masochist. everyone there deserves to be beaten in the street and if they do it theyre brave and powerful if we showed up and started kicking niggers, faggots, and cunts in the head we'd be tracked down and doing prison time. hell even if we showed up and successfully defended ourselves from being attacked WE'D be charged
>The only thing I have to add to political discourse is my quim.
Opinion disregarded.
>sumo squat
>half rep
>dropping weights
nice meme
315 dl for a female her size is pretty fucking good.
>shit form
>3 pl8 DL kek
>fertility ruined
What is this supposed to prove?
Whats wrong with doing pushups on on your knees?
We can go back and forth with this.
Decreased ROM. Her biggest fault though other than meme nitpicks is dropping the bar and not finishing the fucking lift to the ground like you're supposed to.
That's the biggest hurdle is how the establishment is rigged against one side. Right wingers need to stop debating the proles and start harassing the heads of the hydra (politicians, academics, celebrities etc). Even if you change a lefties or progressives mind it accomplishes little because sure you have a new ally but the beast still exists. The most frustrating thing about politics and both right and left can recognize the ruling class is evil but because of ideological differences they are easily played against eachother. As much as neither side wants to admit it the proles on both left and right have more in common with in another than they have with the elite class that they both protect in their own way.
breh I could sumo pull 350lb when I was 15, bitches aint shit
Correction, that was half a dead lift -making it only 157...;)
I see, I thought it wan't dissimilar to underhand v overhand pullups activating dif muscle groups
whats so monumental about lifting something up once?
her form is correct you retard
Now thats a deadlift. Anyone who says otherwise is a girl.
why dont you fucking try it you dyel faggot, you couldnt even lift up 2 plate without snapping your spine
No it's actually less taxing on the back compared to a regular deadlift. I am tall and have a long torso so I do it in order to train the muscle without snapping up.
Is this actual subtle bait? Rare, if so.
>more taxing
Lift less...
What about feminine penis?
sumo is valid, how about you show a video of you dealifting. Hell ur vid can be RDL/conventional or even sumo.
This bitch can’t be anymore than 120 to 130 at the most dL 315. Her form was not perfect but ok. That is probably around 2.5 her body weight. Beginning to think you all are a bunch of neck beard fatasses who have never lifted.
>just have this kino televised every day
What is TLC?
It was most likely a PR for her.
Why does everyone look so chapped and pale? Especially the girl in the beginning. Looks completely soul-less. Have they been in the desert without water? Are they on chemo? I think their is something wrong with the color.
Mate I had my form checked by some legit powerlifters and they all said my regular form was fine. Yet it didn't stop me from hurting even while doing this lift once a week. Some people have weird leverages and need to cope.
On the plus side, my core and rowing power is strong as fuck because of this.
>We can go back and forth with this.
Not when you haven't even gone back. Posting a different guy doing std. doesn't mean that sumo isn't legit, brainlet.
No, they're women
the new term is fronthole.
Man I naturally pale and they are paler than I am. I guess they dont go outside much.
"Did you eat my Big Mac last night?"
But its mainly nigs getting abortions so I applaud these brave women and their strong low-T allied men.
Have fun with your hernia operation.
>comparing yourself to a female
You faggots don’t actually realize the difference between males and females and probably think it’s ok for trannies to compete with females.
yea, really tough, she's only gotta lift it a foot since she's a 5' tall goblin.... 300 pounds... WEAK, at her age i was DL'n 600+ and leg pressing half a ton. girl power and what nots, lols.
>Nott0 when yuu gone hommu not have-suru. Posutinguu a difforentu gai doing std. that sumo isn't regit no mean, waitto piggu.
FTFY, fish face
>legs further apart
Women really are natural born cheaters.
Whoa she can lift 180... I could lift that with my balls
>Memeing on sumo makes it invalid
Hey faggot I don't care how you lift or what grip you use. Posting a guy doing sumo doesn't make standard any less legit either. Why do you even care? Does someone making fun of sumo really set you off that much?
>weird Mormon kid
i'm 32yrs old and Im tired of these faggots that walk around trying to incite retards at these rallies. When nothing ever gets done about any of it. It's old and I think many people are wise to the bread and circuses type shit but then again Im probably wrong about that.
my point was really that even a kid can outlift a roastie, mutt
No. Not bait. I am dead serious. The point of lifting weights is to isolate a muscle group or groups and replicate a full, complete path of motion. You are simulating real life activity in a controlled environment, so that you can safely increase your ability to do said activity irl.
The deadlift, is just that -simulating the safe lifting of an object to waist height and then placing it back onto the floor -in a controlled manner.
Only weak minded men and...women are impressed by half rep, high weight power lifts. Shit is bad for you in the long run and completely useless, outside of the gym rat scene.
TLDR: Fitness is not fashion, it is about making life easier -not harder, by hurting yourself.
Did that old lady say that he should 'get fixed'?
I did that in Grade 10 lol