Humans are currently pumping 60 times more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere than volcanos do. What are we going to do about it?
Humans are currently pumping 60 times more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere than volcanos do...
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Kill chinks and poos
Pedal to the metal
Why is that a problem, given that any excess carbon in the system is dumped on the bottom of the ocean.
Chemistry bro, Do you fuckin' speak it?
and Jews
The mass deaths of Native Americans was the best thing to happen to the environment in the past 500 years.
Shitskins need a culling.
plant more trees
One big eruption will output more than all the Co2 humans have output in the last 10,000 years.
Gas the kikes.
Stop mass immigration policies that are causing the population in the west and asia to massively increase when it would otherwise decrease. This population shift of billions of people over the long term is catastrophically disastrous for the environment, not only in terms of CO2 imbalances but things like overfishing, deforestation, mass extinctions, desertification, etc.
It also oversaturates the labour market, driving wages down and exacerbating wealth inequality.
Laugh at faggots like you who think it does anything other than make plants grow bigger and change the amount of carbon dioxide molecules in front of the 10,000 other air molecules in front of your face from 3 to 4
You underestimate the amount of co2 from volcanoes already being processed by the earth and dumped into the oceans. It is a huge amount. And it’s ability to process isn’t limitless
I don't get all this carbon hype, what do you think trees are made of? It started off as a seed FFS. Just need to encourage more plant life to lower the carbon content in the atmosphere. Not difficult in the least.
Behold the tweet of absolute truth.
No, we put out 60 times more co2 than all the volcanoes in the world.
That’s false though.
This is “leftist” environmentalism, “but it reduces Co2 output! Nature first!”
There are between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 UNKNOWN VOLCANOES on the ocean floor. Up to 25% of those could be ACTIVE.
>any excess carbon in the system is dumped on the bottom of the ocean.
Sure, if you wait several million years. Gas exchange at the surface works on much shorter time scales.
Enjoy Carboniferous Two: Electric Boogaloo. We'll have dragonflies the size of predator drones when they trees begin to pump out excess O2 from all the free carbon dissolved in the atmosphere.
sanction china.
>What are we going to do about it?
Plant more trees?
Nothing because I don't plan on being alive for another few years. Fuck you, fuck your kids and fuck the planet.
The more CO2, the greener the Globe.
We could make the sahara green if wo produce more CO2
There have always been volcanoes, and they've put out more CO2 in the past.
Chemistry says the only thing that will change the equilibrium constants is temperature. Thus, temperature determines the amount of CO2 in the ocean, and temperature determines the atmosphere to CO2 ratio.
WE can't affect the amount of CO2 in the air; temperature does. What determines temperature is covered by Svensmark's theory.
This is where you start with the appeal to experts and bandwagon fallacies.
WTF I love volcanoes now
>Humans are currently pumping 60 times more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere than volcanos do.
Based humans, fuck those smokey mountains.
Are you a little butt volcano hurt that you lost the election?
Source bro, this is pol.
that's backwards.
if the sahara were green it would produce oxygen and devour co2.
one tonne of this gas is equivalent to 5,000 tonnes of co2 and china is pumping the shit out whole sale
You are literally a brainlet user.
The ten largest cargo ships in the world pollute more Co2 than all passenger vehicles combined in the world, and the human contribution of Co2 is tiny, and the global concentration of Co2 is so small that all attempts to prove in a controlled experiment that it can increase the temperature of an area through radiative forcing have FAILED to confirm their hypothesis.
Only Co2 at 10,000 times thicker concentrations than in our air can be shown to significantly raise the temp of an environment.
>muh made up fact pulled from my ass.
No. Clearly the ice core data shows a lag of only 800 years between temperature changes and CO2 level changes. Not "millions of years", you pulled that from your ass.
Even so, short term changes in CO2 will not cause a great deal of temperature change.
The problem with your leftist, is you think technobabble and your intent to save the world is "science". You are incredibly ignorant.
>I read a propaganda site it must be true.
1 cargo ship outputs more Co2 than ALL cars in the USA combined.
The international community agreed the Montreal Protocol in 1987, which banned most of the offending chemicals. Recent research suggests that the hole in the Northern Hemisphere could be fully fixed by the 2030s and Antarctica by the 2060s.
the hole being
took many decades for scientists to discover that when CFCs break down in the atmosphere, they release chlorine atoms that are able to rapidly destroy the ozone layer which protects us from ultraviolet light. A gaping hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica was discovered in the mid 1980s.
Nothing, warmth is good.
>unironically believing the ozone hole was human caused.
user you are like the Japanese when they thought their emperor was literally god with the power of the sun.
>the international community agreed.
This is like saying as a slave, “all the mastuh’s agree! We gotta work twice as hard or god will get mad and punish us!”
Gonna shag yer mum tonight, that's what I'm gonna do about it.
Let me know when you're done so I can have my turn.
>The international community agreed
Literally pulls out the bandwagon fallacy, and it's wrapped in a red herring fallacy to boot.
Look, all the media said Trump wouldn't get elected. They were wrong. Were the all stupid, or did someone who owns them all tell a lie?
And yes, my university's physics department sent the team to Antarctica that discovered the "ozone hole". I sat the seminar on the discovery, and a couple years later, I sat the seminar on why it was no big deal. You only heard about the first because it fit a political agenda.
>China and India
You want to share the burden, but it's really two countries that produce the lions share. You can't even acknowledge this and you have no plan to address it. Considering you're in a de-industrialized white country that produces 1% of CO2 emissions, with emissions trending down. I suspect your bullshit activism is falling on deaf ears and actually building resentment to environmental activism.
>can be shown to significantly raise the temp of an environment.
So you do admit that it can increase it a small amount and thus cause all the low lying land in the world to get submerged in the ocean?
It doesn't matter.
The article I linked was specficailly about CFC-11, some gas produced in the 1930s that does infact tear up the ozone
we don't use it anymore, China still does
not blaming co2, in terms to destruction of ozone itself this stuff is co2 on steroids
its non issue to US manufacturing and probably europes as well, because we already stopped using it long ago
Breathe more oxygen and harvest more plants, enjoy more trees and watch the oceans thrive
also pointed out its reversible so its not some hyperbole about world ending events nor any other absurdities, you're the one getting upset over political issues I guess
Other than some sort of irrational and emotional link in your mind, chloro-floro-carbons and CO2 don't have spit in common and you were using a false analogy fallacy.
Come back when you can discuss this like a scientists.
>What will we do about it?
I suppose we'll have OP not mention that we've also probably improved emissions technology around 60 times better than volcanos.
Or no, continue being 1-sided about everything - OUTRAGE!!!!
>>The international community agreed
197 nations signed the agreement, its succinct and accurate way to represent them without having to list them all
its also quote direct from
so its not like I can claim credit
>repeats a bandwagon fallacy + red herring.
No wonder you think man made CO2 is a problem. You're not rational.
You missed the point, because you're a fucking idiot. Just because a bunch of people say something doesn't make it true. Especially not the "international community", IE, jews.
I quoted the article that was published yesterday (5/22/19)
the 'false anaology fallacy' they used was if CFC's had implications for 'climate change', and the answer was yes
the balls in your court to prove cfc'c are not 'very potent greenhouse gases' now
never said that once, at all, in any of the comments I made, nor even implied it
get some hooked on phonics
>than volcanos do
And how much does the ocean pump into the atmosphere?
this. anons can benefit from having house plants near their hangout areas at home
Also, for some reason people bitching about our climate never discuss or give scientists/engineers enough credit: we'll probably continue to evolve emissions control science/tech, and the use of electric/hybrid vehicles will likely continue to grow.
People just need someone to blame for their internal issues I guess.
"Wilson" enjoys a refreshing beverage on the set of "Castaway 2, Electric Bugaloo."
You don't understand English, do you?
The agreement happened, its proof we stopped using CFC's, which is a claim I made so I provided the proof
calling it bandwagon fallacy has nothing to do with the point of mentioning it, its not to say climate change is real or false, its to prove we stopped using CFC's/started phasing them out, because that was the claim *I* made
you understand?
maybe another way for you to comprehend, to claim 'bandwagon fallacy' does not prove my claim that we stopped using CFC's while china hasn't. now does it?
Wilson awards Tom Hanks another medal for donating another planeload of cash to Iran.
where are you dumb fucks now?
let's accelerate the things do deep breaths in from now on, no sassy half breaths
I'll think you'll find its the Chinese
"Wilson" is fondled by the eccentric British billionaire who finds him washed up on his private island in the erotic climax of "Castaway 2, Electric Bugaloo."
I’m going to start using this argument. If climate change was real we would all be putting sanctions on China
Tom Hanks is a pedophile.
He sent hitmen to kill Issac Kappy.
Richard Branson, who portrayed the sexy billionaire, refused to use a body double and is still recovering from his role in "Castaway 2, Electric Bugaloo."
Oh my fucking god, we're not disputing that we did stop using them, but that it was a valid decision.
What a tank.
Kill yourself and it’s solved
>Just a happy handkerchief tweet after Kap was killed, ya knows.
user, tons of really smart people are researching carbon capture and carbon free energy.
If you really care about it, vote with your wallet. Make sure there’s a market demand for those clean products. Don’t waste your time trying to get inefficient, bureaucracy ladened governments to solve the problem. Not if you want anything to actually get fixed.
Yeah, volcanoes need to step up their game. Volcanoes are the niggers of mountains.
Why are you bothered. It’s proven not to effect anything.
What's the refraction index of CO2? 1.00045. Vacuum has a value of 1. Water is 1.333. What can we glean from this information. We know that shining a light through water causes it to refract at an angle, but not to reflect back at its point of origin. Why then do we all take for granted this nonsense about co2 and greenhouse gases?
Totally irrelevant, bro. that's not how the greenhouse effect works.
Various gasses block various bands of electromagnetic radiation, based on chemical bond lengths.
The earth emits heat and we model it as a black body curve... see blue line in picture. It's has problems because the poles are obviously colder than the equator, but the difference isn't that bad when you consider it's all relative to 0 kelvins.
The idea is that light enters where there is a window (see solar black body band), is absorbed, warms the surface, and then is re-radiated in the IR band.
If the IR band is blocked you get venus.
If the IR band is open to space, the earth cools.
CO2's "greenhouse" absorption bad is at 13 micrometers. As you can see, it's blocked already. That's why more CO2 won't cause more warming.
bullshit and lies.
Australia is currently pumping out 20 times more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere than humans do. Clearly, we should genocide the eucalyptus
this. fucking volccers!
If CO2 was really a problem, we'd all go nuclear power overnight.
nothing lol