Why do they call us “mediocre white men” Jow Forums?

Why would they say such a thing.?

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why are you using twitter?

They're unwittingly using correct terminology, they've just totally deluded themselves about their own abilities. Mediocre white men are better than about 99% of top tier nignogs and spics. Top tier white men are like gods walking this earth. Also, if you read the statement it's laughable that these superior brown retards are implying the only reason their superiority isn't realized is because they're not very confident and they're too lazy to go after every opportunity available. Seems that if these mediocre white people are more industrious and more confident it might be a sure sign that they're your superiors, but I digress. It's impossible for these people to see reason.

hey're fighting white ghosts in their heads, this is literally mental illness.

We’re are destined to argue with other puppets until the sun collapse ms aren’t we?

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Why are you posting a tweet that’s been made a thread 15 times before you browncel faggot.

ten years ago, that nigger would be "cyber bullied" for being a whiny little bitch. now, random people online lavish it with praise.

social media needs to end.

yep. nothing ever changes.

Twitter is a Marxist, anti-White shit hole. I hope Jack dopey Dorsey gets ran over by a semi.

Because his ego is trying to grapple with the idea that even the most mediocre of white people completely outperform his group.

because you've never done anything worth noting

I got 99.5th percentile sat scores and got admitted to a top 10 school as a non-legacy, non-athlete white guy, I think that I’m pretty notably above average. Btw there are many guys on Jow Forums like me, ever seen the college threads where half the people go to top 20 schools?

no one believes you, incel

Shitskin cope my bong fren

I feel like I have both of these personalities battling inside of me, minus wearing athletic wear in public.

Cool, I don’t need you to.

>cartoon avatar

Why do bixnood sheeboons do this?

>you are better than these people
>fake the confidence

Does not compute.

Seriously. I'm beginning to associate the word with the incoherent ramblings of incredibly insecure retards. And it's always the same pathetic bull shit excuses and coping mechanisms and finger pointing. All that effort to avoid admitting their own shortcomings to themselves.

>As a marginalized person, let me talk down to you from a position of power
Their image of white men comes from Jewish movies in which Jewish actors play dumb irresponsible white stoners or violent white psychopaths, or normal looking white people with secret Nazi basements with Hitler shrines. They''re so enslaved mentally that no overt authority is required to make them dedicate their lives to their master's cause.


Unironically the exact same. People won't believe you though

So are white men at elite universities pozzed or redpilled?

90% of them are from upper middle class WASP families and therefore pozzed af. The rest are redpilled.

actually most are just upper class t b h not even upper middle

They're looking at Beto and Buttigieg, actual mediocre white men.

I like this picture a lot. I wish I had a Chad friend.

they use anti-racism/liberal politics as a status symbol to beat down other whites. Only poor people need to think about their own interests in politics b/c the WASPS can always rely on their family wealth and connections no matter what nigger is in charge.

I used to be the Chad in this. I haven't had a friend in years.

It really was like that Hitler quote about jews for me as a lower middle class white guy in a top school. Slowly I came to hate them


the "smartest" black kids in college are below average white kids. of course you get rare anomalies more so if thye have white DNA but over the course of my 26 years I have met 4 blacks out of hundreds who i would generally refer to as intelligent. one working when i was working as a stock broker the other were engineers. 86% of thems only purpose on this planet its to make a fast food franchise owner very rich. utterly useless race at least spics build for us.

because the mediocre (ie average, literally) ones are those they think they can compete with
that's already delusional, but not as much delusional as thinking they can compete with above average White men (ie half the White men)
so that means they at least half know their place: could be worse, I guess

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Thats what chads get for tolerating virgin presence

strangely enough I've met more very smart black people than I've met smart spics. For some reason blacks are more genetically variable and so while once in a blue moon you'll get a black person with an IQ of about 140, you'll never ever see a spic that smart.

>also yes, it's a bleak future lads

They're incapable of doing anything great themselves, so all they have is tearing other people down.

For all their class, they are usually not bright enough to realoze their privilege likely comes from having a good family. Something Ive noticed, good family leftists, ashamed of their families, misattribute their fortune to their skin color. Bad family leftists do not understand that just because their parents were irresponsible that the family unit as a cultural facet doesnt deserve to be destroyed merely because some mommies and daddies, such as theirs, should've gone for adoption or go barren to the grave.

A mediocre white man can install a car engine, and build an addition onto his home, something this nigger can't even imagine.

I’ve heard a rumour about how Jews and wasps use non Whites as a tool to push down normie white people frequently. Essentially they support diversity quotas because they know that they will always be included within the white portion of the quota. They support the elevation of non whites because if you help them by giving them affirmative action you are essentially taking a space away from a more competent white person. They do this so there’s less competition for them in the long term as the only people who reach the top are incompetent non Whites and themselves. A few normie white people manage to get themselves in and cause some trouble every now and then but nothing to threaten their power.

That's pretty much how it is in my experience

Look at the data.
Women rank 80% of men as below average. 80th to 90th % are mediocre.
Of course they think the game is rigged. Everyone below Chad looks like a mouth breathing retard.

you misunderstand. They are displaying their lack of self awareness. What is actually being said here is that even a mediocre white man is better than a shitskin.

>Need fantasy role models to replace their dads that were replaced with government handouts.
>Calling others 'mediocre.'


This is what I don't get: why don't people just report all those twitter posts as racist?
"Twitter doesn't care"
So what, report them anyway, since they violate Twitter terms of service.

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Stupid people often don’t know they’re stupid.

No you don’t. They always fuck the girls you like.

Projection. Qualified white men are routinely passed over for mediocre women and minorities.

i'd be shocked if even 10% of the userbase here is white

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You just have to be confident and kill whitey bro

Because they are. They advocate being fake after saying they have more merit than others.
I like to challenge people who say, 'fake it til you make it' to things they cannot cheat on. They are so used to being fake the opportunity will arise.

You don’t make fun of someone by calling them mediocre unless you think they’re great.

thanks user

i really had no idea what they were trying say.

Why isn't social media regulated as a utility yet?

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I accept white men superiority

Code switch to bring explicit antiwhiteism into mainstream

I'm white.

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Women are correct in their assessment of looks if you lump men and women together. Most men would agree that women are the fairer sex, at least until middle age strikes.

they are just assholes

a true chad know how to leave crumbs for his beta sidekick.

>Why do they call us “mediocre white men” Jow Forums?
Because they are mediocre brown women

Even the most mediocre white man is better than the best nigger in the world.

No earthly idea why they would use an artificial profile picture or avatar instead of their actual likeness.

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This was what people did "back when Jow Forums was good". Basically any confrontation where
>Even if they win, they still lose
applies, should be taken advantage of. If they take it down, then leftoids btfo, and if they leave it up, it serves to highlight the hypocrisy of the platform, and drawing attention to this (everything on the internet is archived, screencaped, etc by autists somewhere) effectively tarnishes the entire twittersphere, since now it is possible that anything "twitter popular" is or was forced from above.

You misunderstand..
Women are tuned to go for the best mates. This has turned out well for our genetic health, but it’s left them unable to accurately rank men

Buttigieg seems reasonably talented, he knows a bunch of languages, that’s a serious accomplishment and requires a lot of personal motivation for an American not exposed to many languages normally

>tfw forced to develop a Chad personality because everybody turned into introvert due to social media retarding everybody.
I'm honestly tired of inadvertently doing pic related by saying hi. I just want somebody else to take initiative for once.

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