To all NATIVE SWEDES living in Sweden!!

Do your part to protect our homeland and wake people up!

> what can I do ?

You print lots of these and put up everywhere! Easy and effective! These flyers make people think! They plant seeds in the brains of normies! And they short-circuit the brains of leftists!

> but SJWs and commies will just tear them down

You simply put them up again. And in as many different places as possible. You can also hand them out to people, or leave them on tables or on seats in trains and busses.

Full package with all high res variants in png format HERE:
Here is a screenshot of the content (extracted):

With the 8x variant you'll quickly print A LOT; 40 pages gives you 320!

These flyers go up EVERY DAY throughout the whole nation! Any day and every day - there aren't any special dates.


Attached: 1488.png (7070x10000, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rösta på AfS!

>he believes in a solution through The System and believes in democracy

Attached: absolute facepalm.jpg (1440x1080, 97K)

Can you please translate your pic related from Neomarxist to English?

I would like to read this document without google.

>>he believes in a solution through The System and believes in democracy

Med tanke på att NMR står och stampar på precis samma ställe som de gjorde för 10-15 år sedan undrar jag om du inte borde tänka om. Det är inte normala personer som går med i NMR heller. Gör för i helvete motstånd på alla sätt och vis du kan. En röst på AfS är en del av den kampen.

speak English if you want to be heard, faggot.

These fucking commies are secretive as fuck.


Attached: nazis-attacking-child-refugees.jpg (848x1024, 134K)


Schweden definitely belongs to the Schwedes.

Here is a translation from an earlier thread

>You print lots of these and put up everywhere! Easy and effective!
no, it's not effective

normies will reject it just by looking at this rune

You can vote all you want. But voting for anything at all is totally pointless and only gives you the illusion of power. Neither AFS nor NMR will ever be "allowed" to win and get into power through any election, ever. That's the cold truth.

The only thing we can do is to engage in intensive activism and on the grassroots level socially change people opinions by informing them of what's going on and spreading positive pro-swedish propaganda. That's how we change the socio-political landscape of our country. Not through voting.

This is so badly done it has to be a trick to make the population more SJW then they already are and more supportive of the banning of their old symbolic language.

All the delicious food they are scaring away!!

Nope. The average swede isn't at all afraid of the Life Rune. Perhaps in Belgium it's seen as a scary symbol but not here. Most people here either see it in a completely neutral manner or just think of Vikings etc.

Bump for my Swede bros

Y’all really need to get your shit together over there. If you can think of any way I can help from the States, post it.

I'm black, I've got a one-way ticket there on Saturday and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: IMG_20190521_053227.png (1440x1440, 308K)

based as fuck

Attached: Thumbs Up.png (1064x600, 372K)

Thanks fren.

Attached: btf.jpg (218x231, 10K)

sorry this makes no sense. you want to wake people up just so they feel bad? they have to vote, yes?

Don't fight a war for (((them))) to invade and """"liberate"""" us after we've taken back our nation.

nice, here in Belgium people would probably view it as something scary

There are no political solutions anglo bro. Just focus on spreading the blood and soil message and the idea that it's okay to want to keep the native culture intact and that we have a right to our own homelands. Create strong families, get many children and raise them correctly by instilling in them traditional values and so on. Making lots of babies is one of the most important steps we must take.

Attached: oftizwPz7c1vu697xo1_1280.jpg (728x960, 232K)

the arab is slightly retarded. it is through changing the mentality of the population, so they can in turn vote for good alternatives