Americans are cucked

Every day you can read about how some amerinogmutt kills his white gf. What are the cucked Burgers doing? They do nothing. They are hypnotized by the niggers playing in NFL or NBA. Niggers are literally gods in America so Burgers don't care when a nigger kills a white woman. Imagine thinking guns puts you a head of us but you can't do shit.

Burgers get humiliated in the US media every day. Gets spat on for simply being white. But what do you do? Are you organized in the resistance? Do you make people join the resistance you little faggot? No. You're to weak. Too afraid. Too fragile. You don't want to invest the time in building up a sound organization that can combat the anti-white hatred.

You're content with playing Super Mario (YAHOO faggot!) and watching niggers on TV.

How come you're so weak? Too much high fructose corn syrup in your veins?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Toll was paid, hope the mother died too for allowing such degeneracy

You're right but how is Sweden better?

I hope she didn't have a chance to reproduce and had no siblings.

amazing. good on ya lad

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>glass house
>throwin rocks

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Why should I care about Darwinism?

Could always be worse. At least we aren't the Islamic State of Sweden yet.

Mother was just critically injured.

>Hello Pot, my name is Kettle.

Attached: pot-kettle-black.jpg (697x470, 111K)

>have daughter
>let her date a nigger
>lose daughter
>get shot
Sounds right. I cant understand white baizou who drive up to the toll booth and are shocked that they just pay the toll

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Toll paid

Mother has a nose ring.

I actually hope she lives so she can wake up every day to a world in which her whore daughter was killed because she was fucking retarded enough to date a thug

There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape, but even after admitting this there is no catharsis, my punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself; no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.

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Oh, the irony.

No one cares what liberals do in their ghettos.

>coal burner dies
>coal burner supporting mom shot
>nigger arrested for murder

What am I missing? I like hearing good news like this.

maybe this will get less coverage because a nigger killed her, but generally speaking dead white women get 10x more coverage than dead brown women. in sweden it's a different story though.

This, I completely blame the father. Women are not intelligent enough to realize they shouldn't date violent people on their own, they need to be taught this. Otherwise they pay the toll like OP.

330 million people. Some choose to cavort with niggers, they cannot be saved.

She paid the toll and her mom did to. He gets the based Black trophy if he kills himself as well.

>Blue eyed negro

The future

OP is 100% right. anyone here who lives in america and leaves their bedroom has seen black on white miscegenation increase dramatically in recent years. our popular culture is now more negro dominated than ever. all the music, tv shows, movies, sports, comedy etc is just 24/7 negro worship. it wasnt like this 20 years ago.

It wasn't like this TEN years ago.

The societal damage wrought by the Obama years is both ignored and difficult to overstate

Mother probably celebrated that her daughter was in a diverse relationship, and had to bury that deep sense of concern and overcompensate with extolling the wonders of race mixing

Her family must be rich, could afford to pay the toll in full.

he looks hot af tho
way above her league
she was pretty lucky desu

i think by ten years ago it was starting to get like it is now. the negro worship has been increasing for a very long time.

We should really let go of the Aryan brotherhoods gangs from prison.

> Burgers don't care when a nigger kills a white woman
She's a race-traitor.

T O L L = P A I D

We kill so many niggers in this country I’m not sure your assessment is correct.

The power of angles, lighting and hair placement

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alright folks sit down the rape capital of the world is going to tell us how to live our lives


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Imagine getting lectured on getting cucked by a swede

Based /tv/

Looks like we've got some military in the family. Imagine... fighting for Israel and for your daughter's right to get blacked & killed before her 18th birthday.

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Toll paid

its been well known for a very long time that the military is hotbed of white wimminz getting blacked. the military has a culture of race mixing and negro worship going back many decades now.

>cream paper w/ watermark

Meanwhile.... in Sweden.....

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They're all ugly anyway
White bitch has got a monkey nose herself

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>Burgers don't care when a nigger kills a white woman
why should anyone care about a coalburner being killed, that nigger is just doing his part in thot patrolling

hue hue everyone's cucked lets all laugh at each other while we get cucked at the same time

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Seems about fair.

I'm with ya senpai. Good riddance. Do you think she realized her mistake just before she was killed?


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This is funny considering your country is a fucking shithole where whores run rampant my brother fucked 50 woman and that’s just the state of your country.


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It's because American liberals love Scandinavia. They always say how we should be more like Sweden, and how it works so well. Since Swedish women love nigger dick, we suffer.

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Toll paid. I'd be angrier if it wasn't.

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Las goblinas

Ayyy lmao

>if only society was les racist tyrellquan wouldn't have shot me!

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>Ben Garrison

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We're not much better bro, consider that america has 60x more people than Sweden and you realize that we're pretty much on the same level. It's disgusting and we all need to protect our women from the propaganda that leads them down that path as well as the invaders who want to violate them.

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The cancer is spreading fellow anons we can’t protecy our woman if cancer can’t be cured only delay the inevitable.

I don't see how, with social media and virtue signalling running rampant. Roasty-ism is constantly reinforced socially.

I literally knew it would be a Sweden faggot before I opened the thread. Do you post this all the time or what?

Only we this pol are intelligent the rest of society is fucking moronic we can’t cure a society of idiots.

Thank you for the advice Mr. Shlomowitz! Goys, I take back what I said about protecting our women, it is clearly useless.

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toll paid

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Yes and that's why it's critical that you find a woman early and remove her from that environment. Escaping clownworld is easier than most people make it out to be since we mostly impose it on ourselves.

I live a peaceful life because there aren't any niggers where I live.


Man must be a paradise where you live user.

>her name is fucking Kali Yuga

Ad hominem is something only niggers and kikes do.

kek, I didn't even notice that, the memes are converging

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She has an obvious coalburner face.

>coalburner dead
>two zoomers redpilled


Not all of us are like that, but I admit we are cowed by the fear of not accomplishing anything useful. Believe me, I would lay down my life if I had to, if I knew there were even a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand other men like me prepared to actually do something to change the country and save it(and our people). But beyond a select handful, right now I don't see it, so I think most people slumber, especially politically.
If there were even a hundred thousand loudmouths across the country decrying this shit in a proper fashion we might even be able to change it culturally. But we don't, or at least they aren't saying anything.
But yes, I know the degenerates you speak of. The average(middle class) 20 year old male browsed reddit and sucks black cock watching the NBA game. They speak of nothing but the next marvel movie and what fast food they are getting for dinner. It displaces men like me, we're adrift in a sea of shit. Sometimes I wish I was in Europe but I refuse to leave my homeland. Spergy me would start spamming "AMERIKANER MOVEMENT NOW" but I'm not feeling it currently. I just want clownworld to end.

A Swede calling others "cucks" ...
Top kek

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There is a lot you can do alone though. Getting away from clownworld, living off the grid, and starting a family. Building infrastructure and making babies is almost more important than trying to start some kind of political movement that won't change anything.

>It wasn't like this TEN years ago.

Yes it was but things went into overdrive around 2012 once intersectional SJW feminism was used to stop and divert OWS protesting.

Once Miley made twerking mainstream in 2013, things have been going downhill

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Please, tell me how, faggot, because I don't think you understand anything about this nation with your gay shitpost.

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Every African is ugly.

one less race whore dead, one more nigger shot dead or in prison. win/win