Prove you're not a Blind Racist

State 2 (two) positive aspects about blacks in your country.

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1) There are relatively few where I live.
2) They tend to kill each other fairly frequently.

1. There are very few of them
2. They're only here for studies.

They live mostly in London so I don't have to see them that often.
Uhh, drawing a blank.

How about prove you're not a tranny.

>gives the police something to do
>employs many prison guards

They fuck our women well
They are strong

>Provide jobs for law enforcement/prison staff
>Their culture is one big "AVOID ME" billboard for anyone that partakes in or enjoys it.

Not your little meat puppet, tranny faggot.

1. they self segregate
2. they are so loud you can hear them coming

1. they're not pakis
2. err

They speak English (unlike spics)
They give prison guards work

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But what if there aren't any?

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1. Their babboonery makes me smile
2. There are plenty of them to go around for Day of Rope

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1. They gave us jazz
2. They're funny af

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Easy to kill, and they cant shoot or maneuver

1. BBQ
2. Hot black chicks.

They help Jews make money with the gambling trade.
They help racist politicians get elected.

Dindu and Nuffin


absolutely based

My racism did not just crop out of the ground. Blacks are just insufferable to live around

Good at monkey ball and I can think of a dozen that can live in Puerto Rico after the purge. That NatSoc taxi driver, Pastor James David Manning, Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, Candace what's her face, Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Denzel, that black fascist on Facebook, diamond&silk, and the guy eating the chicken wings on YouTube telling all the other niggers to have fun dying in Africa.

1. They are entertaining. We have thousands of gifs and webms dedicated to their behavior.
2. Uh...jazz music?

1)Most of them are in jail.
2)Most of them are in jail.

i like to fuck black woman, white guy here

1. Black males are too busy cucking white men and screwing Stacy
2. Excess of hot black women

1. There are almost none of them
2. The ones that are here make me laugh when I see them during winter

>State 2 (two) positive aspects about blacks in your country.

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They lower the prices of houses.
They supply the neighborhood with drugs and AIDS.

You live in Brazil. Of course you do.

1. look better than whites
2. better at sports than everyone else


Sopa macaco e uma delicacia

Now their going to start in on you
Honey, in case you're getting any
ideas. I'm always here for you.

1. Entertainment value

>At one point, they created jazz, which I enjoy
>They prove me right. A lot


1. There’s none
2. Look at 1.

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They make the other coloreds look better.
They support a thriving pawn shop, liquor store, gun store economy?

>blind racist
I can’t even really name you 1 good thing user, but can name you a hundred reasons why they’re bad. Could you name me a hundred reasons why they’re good?

Lower housing prices ain't no positive. This why we have white flight.

>2. Excess of hot black women
send some

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They keep Doctors, Lawyers and Policemen in work

They make private land lords millions in rent paid by the taxpayer

Are they easy for a white dude? And are latinas?

1. they sexually satisfy the white girls in a way that white guys just cant
2. they are good at sports

1. If they are from a Christian background or not very religious, they are mostly chill, very friendly and hard working. Never had problems with them.
2. If aspect 1 applies, they are also very eager to learn Germany and speak it way better than a lot of other immigrants.

1. They are still way better than gypsies.
2. They tend to wear funny clothes and look hilarious when riding a bike.


------------------------>The Joke

Prove that putting your genetic family before complete strangers is morally or ethically incorrect.

If you can't find a single thing that you appreciate about blacks, you just hate them without using reason.

I like jazz, afrobeat, funk, and soul music, which arose from the unique cultural mixing western musical tradition and African rhythmic tradition

Where can I find all of these Asian prostitutes?

I'm not blind, that's why I'm racist

Of course they are easy that is why fucking them is not some kind of accomplishment to brag about.

Not at all. This isn’t their country. My point is made. I can hate them with that exact reason. I don’t appreciate them because they’re not my people, I don’t relate to them in anyway.

I'm proud straight, male, Belgian coalburner

1.) there aren't any niggers here
2.) there are only black students from eastern bloc-allied african nations; these people are civilized and high-functioning

It seems everything with the qualifier "west" is absolute dogshit: western Europe, western Africa, the Americas, all cesspools of subhumanity

>They are violent
>They are stupid

They keep police alert

I'm not blind but I am a racist.

You’re an oildriller not a coalburner

1. They shoot other blacks.
2. Their stupidity is entertaining.

1) They have cool accents
2) They are usually educated and amicable people to talk to

I'm referring to the African immigrants of course, not the street niggers that I see each day

Sure just like we hate Jews with no reason

that's like saying good things about terminal cancer
just can't be done mang

1)they smell bad
2)they commit crimes at an alarming rate

If he is gay, I guess he is a coalburner as well.

But the data says everyone considers them the ugliest. They also suck at lots of different sports.

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Do you get bonus points with latinas for being a catholic?


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>Belgian coalburner

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1. They don't live in white neighborhoods because they can't afford it
2. They don't work at my job because they're uneducated

It's good that I barely have to see them.

From what I've seen so far of this thread:
>Americans have the toughest time seeing anything good about blacks, despite living in a country where blacks are few and far between in comparison to Brazil
>Europeans have a very american stereotype view of blacks, showing much more hatred for muslims and other minorities that are more common in Europe


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OP is a nigger faggot.
> Would you blackenize a colon?

Fuck off kike.


1) Good for negotiating low prices on the black market
2) Chicks know to do top-tier sex without complaining

He said male, y-
>checks flag
Just... get out of my sight

What do you mean "this isn't their country"?

Dude, we are not a thousand years old ethnostates. America isn't the country of the blacks any more or any less than it is the country of the whites.

If anything, only indians can claim any sort of racial-historical ownership of the land.

We are colonial nations. Our races are whatever invader races came in and took over.

Brazil niggers don't mind blacks because you're barely better than them. But in the USA it's literally like living around zoo animals, which we otherwise wouldn't have to do.

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America is a white country
Europe is a white continent

Niggers belong to wakanda
Muslims belong to wakanda too
Jews won't exists in the future
Beige people belong to brazil

I doubt the religion matters if it is a one night stand. If you are talking relationship it will help since you will have the same religion background and ideology. The hard part would be separating the cultural Catholic from the true Catholic.

1.They keep the nigger population in check by abortions and shootings, that's good.
2.They make the dumbest white person look smart, so there's that.


>1. There's only about then of them in my city.
>2.They're with the rest of the tourists off the cruise ships.
If they're american, they're always dressed like they're in a music video and are always very obese like pic related.

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forgot to add

Slavs aren't whites and have no sense of humor

there is literally nothing good about having blacks in this country

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What about niggers occupying one of your airports?

They don't belong here

1) My country doesn't have any
2) My country doesn't have any!

Brazilian culture and African culture is very similar that is why it is easy to get along with blacks. I.e you are all violent and you nation has collapsed int anarchy.

This country was originally meant for Anglos of same culture, seriously every person who started moving immigrants in + pushed for such thing in a political position is Jewish. It was originally intended for us, not spics, niggers, mudslimes, or kikes. The more a land gets multicultural, the more problems it has. Blacks have not done anything good for our culture, white culture. All they’ve done is infected this country with their shit nigger rap, mix with our women, and bring more crime. They and the rest of peoples need to go. We were here first. We conquered it from the Indians. What our ancestors gave us, we will not let it die in the dark.

At least Slavs didn't surrender when Romel came. Slavs fucked half of Berlin, they are the upper race