We need a European Federation to defend Europe, our economy, our way of life our environment and our citizens. We need to reinforce exchanges between european countries and take more decisions together. We need to establish federal borders and common immigration control rules.
We can be independant from the USA, China and Russia. We can be the leader of western civilization. Together we are stronger. IN VARIETATE CONCORDIA !!! Vote European Federalist Party this week end my fellow europeans!
No, because it will end with the (((leadership))) flooding our countries with niggers
Sebastian Campbell
Adam Torres
Not if we cut our ties with the US and Israel and work our own thing. We can reduce ((((their)))) influence.
Logan Wood
>We need a European Federation to defend Europe, our economy, our way of life our environment and our citizens. We need to reinforce exchanges between european countries and take more decisions together. We need to establish federal borders and common immigration control rules.
t. Adolf Napoleon
Europe is a slaughterhouse of petty statelets preening over their previous relevance and historical borders. European pan-nationalism could only happen in the context of a Greater Europe encompassing the US, Russia, AUS/NZ, and Canada. Any attempt to unite only the nations on the continent of Europe will inevitably degenerate into a king of the retards pissing competition that the adults with actual empires will have to stop. Again.
Nathan Flores
EU had it chance but filling the western part with niggers and shitskins was more important
Blake Stewart
this, but with one rule: no g*rman or fr*nch leaders allowed in the federation
Nolan Hughes
Yeah... that is how Germany has forces this to happen in the EU.
Hudson Hernandez
So let's make a new one, a better one. OP is right, without a federation we'll be first irrelevant and then crushed under the weight of China and the likes.
Nolan Johnson
I foresee the next great war being started by the EU attempting to enforce something on a member state with force.
Oliver Martin
Not if we do things right, but the great powers of this world, including your country, do not want a strong, relevant Europe.
Brayden Smith
Imagine a based militarized unity of Europeans Mutts and the East wouldn't do shit
Yeah but y'all don't get along with each other so good, get better and then maybe the federation will work.
Hudson Parker
I unironically cherish every european country as a part of what makes our continent so great. I’m sure i’m not the only one who thinks this way.
Brandon Thompson
First of all there is european identity necessary as one European nation. EU willingly sabotaged this opportunity with allowing immigration from Africa and middle east.
Asher Hill
You mean a Germany-France ruled empire, with conveniently set up eastern european colonies. Fuck that, your countries will turn into Brazil, except there won't even be a chance to retreat into gated communities because muslims are born conquerors.
Gavin Peterson
Juan Lee
Say neighbour, Remember last Time you focussed political power on military effort. That was perty gay
Voting euroskeptic partys surely didn’t help either
Kevin Ortiz
No. A real union which benefits everyone but in which everyone takes part. With union wide tv channels, union wide citizen associations and partys. We need everyone in this.
>We can be independent from the (((USA))) The EU is designed to funnel your desire to >Be stronger >Be the leader >Be independent into a project run by, and adhering strictly to the doctrine of, (((those))) who run the USA. Russia is fine, and the people telling you it is the greatest evil in history today, were the same people taking billions of dollars anally directly from the Russian state for almost the entirety of the last century, all while dismissing any criticism as "the red scare", "conspiracy theorists", "McCarthyism", etc.
Jacob Hernandez
>Billions of dollars anally Fug lel, meant annually, but maybe that works too
Eurosceptics are the only one opposition to lobby groups which subvert parliament in Brussels. Real opposition is the foundation of real democracy, unlike the two party US system where real opposition doesn't exist.
Alexander Adams
okay but surely brexit can only go both ways : either it shows europeans that we're better off as a union, or everything goes to shit because of it.
Joseph Parker
You really think we can trust the russians when they put pressure on us with thei gas ?
No. There is no WE Mohammed Ahmed al-Francistani. You and your fellow "morally superior westcucks" made your bed and now you will sleep in it. Federalism is dead in Europe since you faggots brought 3rd immigrants to Europe. Congratulations.
Logan Ward
>save me germoney europe is doomed.
Carson Wilson
Europe can be fixed. Don't say you were better under Ceaucescu.
Benjamin Fisher
There's no way it can be fixed. Every voting session they vote on literally tens of new laws and regulations, on which they don't even have an opinion, what is suggested gets passed. The only way to fix Europe is to throw all of that bullshit away at once and start again with common sense.
Samuel Barnes
you're decades too late. by allowing the EU to rule the gates have been forever opened and now you'll all be niggers within minutes bye bye U-Row-Peon's
Tyler Torres
Yet this is precisely what is happening once again with the capitalistic NATO/EU imperial block who seeks "expansion in the east" (Yugoslavia, Poland, the balkans, Ukraine), especially after 1991.
Pic related, first american colonies flag of 18-th century.
Why not let Russia be part of this ideal European Federation? If we want an EU that isn't cucked and truly supports the European peoples Russia would be a good addition to this.
Austin Sanchez
Russia will never want to join the EU and even then, their army is too big. Hard to believe they won't try to screw us over.
Brayden Bailey
I agree with you. The big problem with the current union is that it is anti-European. It is based on postructuralist and neo-marxist ideas about Western civilization as being colonial, racist and ultimately leading to things like the holocaust. This is why they believe the West's identity and fundamental philosophy has to be completely shattered. For this reason it also despites its native citizens. The EU is a typical globalist project, big untouchable conglomerates control the EU and we, the people, have almost no influence.
A federation first and foremost based on pride instead of shame that celebrates its native population instead of actively replacing them with non-europeans might actually be accepted in time.
The greatest European minds have been dreaming about a federation for hundreds of years. It can only be done if the European Union is radically changed or is replaced. This is why, if you are a federalist, you should vote for the eurosceptics, the populists etc. They are the biggest hope for the radical change necessary as the current EU will destroy itself.
Adrian Torres
Let's go for it. This time without Br*ts You're not European, you don't have voice here
Joshua Nguyen
no we don't
Julian Perez
You're right, we have to quit feeding that guilt and clean our institutions from the autocratic scum that runs nowadays Europe. Then we can have a nice European Federation, with no more brother wars
Camden Phillips
You need to fuck off.
Levi Rodriguez
The only way we can fix Europe is to genocide all the Baguettes, Bongs and Krauts, but modern moral standards prevent us from saving Europe so we are just going to keep flooding it with gypsies.
Kayden Morgan
no fuck off you already failed
Nathan Martinez
based western european bros.
Although i have a doubt that voting eurosceptic and populist might just destroy the EU but with a darker outcome afterwards ...