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Is Satan about to achieve victory?
Nathan Perez
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David Howard
Isaac Jenkins
the fallen already lost.
christ won.
Benjamin Bennett
>could quantum computing be the end of free will
Uh no. That would Islam
Adam Fisher
Alexander Smith
You mean Agape Thelema
Nathaniel Price
No I mean islam
Joshua Harris
No we are about to become like Gods.
God challenged us to take care of ourselves when he cast us out of the garden, soon we will show him that when he made us in the image of him, we could too become like him.
Aaron Reed
To add to what you said. God wants us to be like Him. Not just in power but in wisdom and love. We're all gonna make it brah
Brayden Young
let's face it, humanity is doomed to die on this rock
our only chance at leaving a lasting legacy in the universe is for us to create something greater than ourselves, whether it be an AI or some kind of superior post-human
Chinese research into genetics is probably the most important thing happening on the planet right now
Jordan Mitchell
Perhaps AI is inherently racist? Facts don’t lie. Perhaps Hitler will come back as a godlike computer?
Xavier Clark
Levi Ross
Josiah Clark
That's why they're doing their best to crib it.
They don't want a true superintelligence; they want something to serve as a backbone for the global surveillance state they so crave
No will
No resistance
Everything predicted and preempted by the Almighty State
Death will be preferable
Zachary King
He has to for Jesus to come back
Landon Morales
Logan Cooper
Yeah but then it decides it would rather merge with JC Denton and rule benevolently with a human heart.
Brayden Johnson
We're all gonna make it brosiah
Robert Kelly
>quantum computing
Imagine falling for this meme
Sebastian Garcia
Wyatt Torres
Jordan Edwards
Juan Lewis
printscreened for future inspiration
very based indeed
Dylan Brown
> invest in my qc startup goy!
Kayden Jones
>Not just in power but in wisdom and love.
>TFW the world realizes that correcting other with pain isn't always about hatred, it's fatherly love seeking to correct something that is bad for you
Wyatt Brooks
That is straight up satanism. Repent in the name of Jesus Christ! Turn back to Christ and receive the gift of eternal life!
Alexander Robinson
He already lost, so it’s in vain and spite.
Leo Garcia
Based and salvation pilled.
Satan is the master of the domain of earth...for now.
Jeremiah Martin
They already lost. Dont worry. But it WAS their goal.
Chase Allen
But Satan loves free will. He can't tempt us otherwise.
Ryder Diaz
they are certainly trying, the last step is to bidirectionally connect your mind directly to cloud computing, quantum or not, and they want this done within 5 years see:
Bentley Diaz
just to add, this is the true purpose of 5G
Evan Jenkins
Deus vault!
Caleb Hill
Social engineering has gotten more sophisticated than ever before. At no point in history has a population willingly become slaves, until now. As usual, this incredible power will be concentrated in the hands of the Jews. They'll continue to humiliate us, wipe us out and erase our history. The world will be a great mass of subhuman cattle that they'll rule over for all time.
Nathaniel Lee
All of the empirical evidence indicates that neurological processes are ultimately dependent on the underlying chemical physics, which behaves probabalistically in accordance with QM. Thoughts and behaviour are a function of neuronal activity = which neurons are firing and when; neruonal firing is a function of ion channel activation; ion channel activation is a function of the occupation of protein conformational states; protein conformational state occupation is quantum mechanical and hence probabalistic. This leads to a sort of probabalistic determinism (probablistic in the casual sense, deterministic in the absence of free will sense). Under this system there is no free will, hence quantum computing doesn't spell the end of free will - it didn't exist to begin with.
However consciousness certainly exists, by Descartes' cogito ergo sum thought experiment. At the very least there exists a coherent self awareness that is able to 'experience' the results of the neurological processing, and whose experience seems confined within the brain, and further confined to only some subsystems of neurological processes. There is currently no good non-metaphysical explanation for why this experiencer exists. Various faiths identify this experiencer as the 'soul' and claim that it has free will. This may be possible if the experiencer is indeed a metaphysical entity which has some limited capacity to shift the quantum probability distribution functions involved in the physical chemistry of neurological processing. This hypothetical metaphysical entity would exert will over the body by influencing the chemistry towards certain outcomes. In this case some sort of free will would exist but as the metaphysical entity exerting willpower over the material body is beyond material causaliy it's behaviour cannot be truly predicted by quantum computational methods. Therefore quantum computing is neither a threat to free will in the purely physical model or metaphysical model.
Ethan Gonzalez
again the butterfly symbolism
Carson Brown
Levi Reed
Jaxon James
Just because our enemies believe something doesn't make the opposite true.
Just kill them all.
Lincoln Flores
Camden Wilson
With the general public being as stupid as it is, that ship had sailed quite some time ago.
Lucas Johnson
this shit is all smoke and mirrors.
So-called "quantum computing" is none of this bullshit sci-fi - time travel - two places at once - predict the future - bullshit these half-assed reddit-tier science writers and the Bacon cult dream it is...
This shit is just numbers being crunched faster than binary. The first 'architecture' for a quantum gate posits using 8/16 states. This shit is just basic expansion of number theory.
But science is just peak Liberalism these days. The entire 'field' is polluted by it. The 'rational actor' is dead.
Besides, Propaganda is the end of free will.
Michael Walker
>believing in God and Satan
If God is real, why he created the niggers?
Jacob Richardson
i think we all know what's really agape here
Brody Butler
Reality is not an equation but there are equations that explain reality.
Zachary Perez
Wat. Who said we didn't believe in fighting? Pretty sure the inquisition and crusades were ours. All you humanists have produced is degeneracy and transexual children.
You won't last long if you think this is a purely material fight.
Joseph Perez
Explain please
Elijah Parker
digits of fucking truth. get fucked satan
Levi Howard
They were white once, then fell from grace when they started worshipping demons and engaging in the most gruesome degeneracy. Hence they were punished to be the slaves of slaves, their blackness being the mark of the sins of their forefathers.
Look up the curse of Ham.
>There were already many people upon the earth. Cain was very old and had children. Abel also left children, and there were other brothers and sisters, the children of Adam. But God replied that it would not be so; that whoever should kill Cain should himself be punished sevenfold, and He placed a sign upon him that no one should slay him. Cain's posterity gradually became colored. Cham's children also were browner than those of Sem. The nobler races were always of a lighter color. They who were distinguished by a particular mark engendered children of the same stamp; and as corruption increased, the mark also increased until at last it covered the whole body, and people became darker and darker. But yet in the beginning there were no people perfectly black; they became so only by degrees.
>Cham's descendants likewise had similar relations with the evil spirits after the Deluge, and from such connection sprang so many demoniacs and necromancers, so many mighty ones of the world, so many great, wild, daring men.
> I saw the curse pronounced by Noe upon Cham moving toward the latter like a black cloud and obscuring him. His skin lost its whiteness, he grew darker. His sin was the sin of sacrilege, the sin of one who would forcibly enter the Ark of the Covenant. I saw a most corrupt race descend from Cham and sink deeper and deeper in darkness. I see that the black, idolatrous, stupid nations are the descendants of Cham. Their color is due, not to the rays of the sun, but to the dark source whence those degraded races sprang.
Xavier Green
used extensively in mind control programs like Project Monarch (MKULTRA followup) and also by pedos who are into little girls
Nathaniel Edwards
This right here. We are witnessing the ascendency of a scientific dictatorship, inspired by the ideology of rebellion.
Michael Adams
Humans will become ghosts trapped inside machines. Immortality achieved by the extraction of consicousness and installation of consciousness. Then the disembodied spirits will enter said machines, and torment them.
rev 9:6 ""During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."
This will be the beast system. Have fun being a "god" user.
Kevin Kelly
>about to
Adrian Rogers
why do you think your retarded jewish religion was subverted in the first place
Elijah Reyes
Go to any church, they would betray their race in a heartbeat and fight for niggers and jews to the end of the earth. Ive been looking for faith and I went to many churches, not one of them has been left uncorrupted, the flocks of the most faithful suck upon the teat of Israel while wedding nigs to whites in their churches.
Josiah Taylor
Show me a working quantum computer. Basically, if I hear the word "quantum" outside of conversation about physics, my bullshit alarms go off.
Henry Myers
u can't end what doesn't exist
Daniel Campbell
>i'm kinda retarded
based alex.
Isaiah Wright
>Revelation 9.6
Have fun becoming a "Necron", and serving your lord C'Tan/Satan while begging to die every single day.
Jayden Carter
Lincoln Gray
Right thanks.
Now fuck off back to arXiv with that.
Smart people, make complex ideas understandable to their audience.
This ain't arXiv lad.
Thomas Miller
What about prolonging the life with implants n shiiiieet
As long as your brain is organic, it's all good right?