Everyone already knows that niggers are stupid, trannies are insane, and faggots are a blight on civilization.
They're just not allowed to say it in public.
Everyone already knows that niggers are stupid, trannies are insane, and faggots are a blight on civilization.
They're just not allowed to say it in public.
You forgot that negroes are violent on tip of it all.
>and faggots are a blight on civilization.
rude. agreed with everything u said up until that point.
I say it in public all the time
People say it in public all the time.
You must hang out with faggots.
how convenient of you to leave out filthy rat jews
your private discord server with 3 people obviously does not count
kill yourself faggot
how convenient of you to leave out traitorous rat white male politicians
I've never even seen a tranny in real life.