Brit/pol/ - Are Nige Edition

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Election Day Theme

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>three days to wait until results

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nigel fancying is as cringe as trump generals in 2019 tbqh

Voted for Nige

If you want Brexit, don’t vote for the Brexit party. Farage doesn’t want Brexit as that would mean he isn’t allowed to keep his nose in the trough.

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Attached: London in 1927.webm (480x360, 2.92M)

For me it's the commonwealth

EU is for racist wasteman we love our African brothers

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Just voted for are Tommy lads

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Go away Carl, find a polling station to get egged outside of

just enough time for them to rig the votes

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Attached: London late '50s.webm (480x360, 2.87M)

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You’re going. Nige is going to nogxit you.

Good lad
Remember he only has to beat the Green Party to win a seat, he's got a genuine chance

Just voted for TBP, lads.

Pic related: it's me

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What the hell?

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The brexit party will underperform, because idiots who support brexit, but who are lazy won't vote for them because they think they will win, while remainer and labour voters will be more motivated to vote for them.

Remember when the polls said Hillary, Shorten , May and Remain would win despite their surges in the polls well the polls were wrong and this time there will be a shy remain vote.

The bookes are predicting that the brexit party has 98% chance to win, but remember when they said the same thing about hillary

>pic related and read her tweet

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How are things down in opposite world?

Help me, I voted ukip thinking it was farage

Who did I just vote for

rip ingerland

We just need to keep voting for Tory lite civic parties and we will get that back in no time

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EU rules. Can't declare results until all nations have voted.

love ya Nige

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Asked the staff about turnout and they said there had been about 100 people so far in an office that has 4000 registered to vote

voted bexit party, all my family are as well, even my nhs midwife in an interrracial relationship sister.

dirty jew

>former banker, now career politician who earned £1.5m as an MEP, will get £300k payoff & £63k-a-year pension, had pay docked for expenses abuse, earned at least £509k in 4 yrs from broadcasting, lives in £4m house, and has a chauffeur-driven Range Rover

Based man of the people. Are Nige right?

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I know there is a good amount of time left but I was just talking with the guys overseeing the voting at my poll station after voting and they said turn out is roughly 20% so far.

>English Americans are (7.1%) of the total population.[1][2] However, demographers regard this as a serious undercount, as the index of inconsistency is high and many if not most Americans from English stock have a tendency to identify simply as "Americans"[6][7][8][9] or if of mixed European ancestry, identify with a more recent and differentiated ethnic group.[10] In the 1980 Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry, at the time around 26.34% of the total population and largest reported group which, even today, would make them the largest ethnic group in the United States.[11]

A London remainer writes:
>I just voted in the EU Elections on the way home from work
>Asked one of the officials if they had been busy and apparently not. Slow and steady were his exact words.
>A bit disappointing. I know it is the EU elections and that people don't really come out.
>But I had hoped in a progressive area like the one I live in would have put out for a huge anti-Brexit vote.
>Seems not which is going to make that smug wanker Farage intolerable.
The higher the Nige vote - the purer the salt.

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Anything else been happening today?

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Kantar's poll based on 74% turnout well on track then.

post the fanfic again chukka for old time's sake chukka

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Remember if you're in Scotland to vote the Independent Gordon Edgar -
1. He's actually Scottish, and not a gay black English man
2. He's for Brexit
3. He's an agrarian conservative that champions rural issues
4. He's independent, so isn't bought off by the Establishment

>7-10 may

Show flag

probably some racist

i think you might have some sort of disease. Your as bad as the left that sees racists everywhere

Nice, I went with Batten.


fuck off commie

its like this every election on Jow Forums, bong elections and in America
People forget what have been saying over the past couple of months, and go crazy over muh blue, muh red tie, muh light blue tie

It's literally just about having the a party with 'Brexit' in the name have the largest number of seats, so the media/government can't spin that people want to drop Brexit. That's it. That's all that matters. Domestic policies are irrelevant because they are going to a place to rubber stamp laws on banana shapes.

No-one gives a fuck about whether or not you should be allowed to call people 'white niggers' or the context around your 'hilarious' rape joke. UKIP are dead.

>The higher the Nige vote - the purer the salt.

It won't be that high, he will underperform remember when they said he would win South thanet easily back in 2015

Watching this. It's pretty entertaining
>Let Muslims in
>Attacks against womens rights and LGBT rights increase

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He did it to himself so the brexit party can use it

Fuck sake this is it isnt it? The remainers have won, we got too complacent! Fucking hell I'm actually fucking seething

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Is there anything stopping the person who made the gofundme from just pocketing the money?

It must be really easy to make a few thousand dollars/quid any time something controversial happens

Jews and Sargon

Do it for her.

Vote Brexit Party.

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>In the 1980 Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry
What were the other 20?

Faggot you just exposed yourself you "Swede"

just because you have some English ancestry doesn't make you an Anglo-Saxon, Juan O'Sullivan

>remember when they said he would win South thanet easily back in 2015
Nobody fucking thought that whatsoever. You're just making shit up now.

Voted for Nige today despite overwhelming pressure from my libtard social circle to vote Green as a 'protest vote'.

We can win this lads.

Will be cringe seeing these two women sitting with the EAPN i.e Salvini. Anyway I doubt they will get elected as the brexit party will underpeform

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>Uhm here I have a picture of Tommy laxley Lenin with this semite

>>It is clear that we must DISAVOW this zionist as it is clear from this picture that Tommy is CONTROLLED right my fellow English?

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you come here every thread with your mental gymnastics, deluding yourself more and more each time. Go and suck Jean-Claude Juncker's floppy dick.

>turn out is roughly 20% so far.
actually great news for Farage. Means the labour student vermin types not coming out. Boy did the Jews manage to shut him down quickly compared with 2 years ago. what part of the country are you?

'I hate successful people' is not the same as loving the poor, you pseud.

Show flag faggot.

he can have a mansion courtesy of Vlad Putin himself for all I care if he gets us out of the EU.

Londonistan now:

Attached: White Genocide- Londonistan.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

I have been working for the brexit party and we set that up. Its so easy to get you idiots to believe anything and to vote for us. We just want 5 years of free money from the EU without doing any work

what? please be patient i have autism

jai encule ta grandmere jean-mamadou

Derek Chisora is British so what does Farage mean when he says "closer Commonwealth ties mean a great future"?

Tommy might actually win a seat. Fantastic.

Good spot. The game's up, kekistanifag


We're only making plans for Nige

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>he posted it again
Show us your flag

polling closes at 10pm. lots of people go after 5 or 6 when they've finished work.

>Derek Chisora is British

Look at how much hate this zoomer gets for wanting people to vote for Nigel. Like I said people will be more motivated to vote against a figure that the media, while others will be too scared to vote for him, because of the media smearing. Brexit party will under peform

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go away you cringey twat stop embarrassing yourself

nice fanfic gapes

How can you be this ignorant that you think Farage is still part of UKIP? Do you just not read the news at all? How is it possible to be this fucking dense?

but that writing was based on you vikings changing Wikipedia
Very thing that we do these day will be changed into different bullshit
500 years into the future it wont be Elon musk or Neil Armstrong who challenged the stars
it will be some kind of omnicorp
We will all grow older to see everything we do become irrelevant
rich, poor everyone
it will all become irrelevant
learning from our ancients, there are actual artifacts that stand the test of time

see The stupid Swede cunt didn't change his settings on Twitter.

>former banker
fuck off shill

Are you saying the fact that he's successful is a problem? It might surprise you to learn that unsuccessful people tend not to achieve great things.

>Derek Chisora is British

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Anglosphere free movement when

You bongs know you want to come to alabama and drive a pickup with a shotgun in the back

Visa din flagga

based britcuck

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I had no idea this election was a thing until yesterday I just ticked the one that I associate with less pakis and Muslims

If Brexit party doesn’t get a massive landslide I’m just going to assume the rigged the vote over these next 3 days... surely the results will leak we even got game of thrones leaks

Commodity trader same shit

Oy faggots, who am I voting for? I checked out of politics a few months ago after contracting honkitis.

The actual state of Europe...

kek, the optimism of youth.
Real Election Day Theme

He was born in Zimbabwe and moved to England in 1999

>actually great news for Farage. Means the labour student vermin types not coming out. Boy did the Jews manage to shut him down quickly compared with 2 years ago. what part of the country are you?

Means that he will underpeform as the brexiters have stayed home