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Bleached hair: Reich or gay?
Jack Green
Grayson Mitchell
Reich if you're good looking. Gay if you're ugly.
Asher Thompson
Incredibly homosexual
Andrew Powell
Only subhumans would want to change their natural hair color.
Joshua Clark
just let the sun bleach it
go outside
Jaxson Morales
>he doesn’t accept who he is
Cringe and liberalpilled
Gabriel Anderson
>be low t-faggot.
>Should I color my hair? Would I look more manly?
t.state of men today.
Jose Adams
Real men are bald.
Christopher Lee
Vikings used lye to dye their hair.
Noah King
Nolan Sullivan
Are you even white?
Joseph Young
Redpilled if its bleached naturally from sunlight.
Gay if its bleached with chemicals, it also tends to look piss yellow when its bleached unnaturally.
Nolan Gomez
>Reich or gay
not mutually exclusive
David Diaz
Depends on the context my man.
>bleaches because anime
This is cringe and gay
>bleaches to dissociate with others in that regard
cringe and retarded
>bleaches to look cool
cringe but kinda cool if you're hot
>authoritarian nazi or something cool like that
>bleaches to keep consistent with aesthetic.
>bleaches hair for protection in battle from the sun god
reich and kek
Tyler Bailey
Extreme blonde hair implies an obvious preference for white ideals. It would piss off spics and they woudn't be able to say anything. .
Julian Jones
Jace Gray
you've put some thought into this. Others have answered it more succinctly already. It's gay and degenerate
Jacob Harris
This, dying your hair is bitch culture.
Robert Lopez
Succinctly? More like they succ because they don't understand the duality of the bleach my man.
Isaac Hughes
Only gay men color their hair.
Caleb Mitchell
I dye mine because I have some sort of early gray gene. I had my first gray hairs at 16, and at 25 the sides of my hair were half gray. Looked ridiculous on a young face tbqh, even more than dying it does.
Ryan Parker
Charles Miller
this. Its gay as fuck.