It's not okay

Is this the most successful op in the history of this board? The cycle of increased outrage and exposure is highly memetic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shut up, faggot.

Yikes, homophobia much? I am comfortable with my sexual orientation.

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Best meme desu. 2019 will be the summer of hate, let’s ramp it up

It's very good because it makes people think

Only got a little into the video, are all of the "experts" that they interview about this wogs?

Yes but only if you are a clever goy. The default boomer take is just "raycism always bad!!1! dems r duh real rayciss!1!".

Of course, only PoC are allowed to speak on PoC issues you bigot. I particularly enjoyed hearing the black guy who teaches a "white racism" class condemn the message.

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Probably. They flounder around every time. It just goes to show what OC can accomplish.

How leftists read it:
>It's ONLY ok to be white
>It's not ok to be anything other than white
>It's wrong to not be white
>Jews are white

Based. Phase 2 when?

Just like how people believe that chugging gallons of milk is a white power symbol due to the inference of lactose tolerance making them superior. People believe this shit and it's amazing.

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Fuck off mossad

There needs to be FAR MORE razor-blade versions of the posters.

Beautiful. This is EXACTLY the response that the campaign wanted to get from of them.

damn white devils, it's NOT ok to be white!!!!

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I'm incapable of accepting that the world is truly this dumb.

When I was a teenager and didn't know anything, I always thought the human race was just too intelligent for me to comprehend.
I thought all of our problems were impossibly complex, and that, despite our intelligence, we were just overwhelmed.

The more I learned the more terrified I got about how wrong I was.
It feels like 80% of the world doesn't even put a quarter of the amount of thought regarding their surroundings as the average Jow Forumsack does.

Look at these idiots for example.
It's like they've never been baited into doing anything in their lives.
I used to be scared of how complicated the was; now I'm horrified at how dangerously retarded we are compared to a normal world.
We truly risk extinction.

liberals are racists and always have been. They fake tolerance and want everyone to accept them no matter how disgusting their behavior and what they support.

ay death to the goyim!

And yet no campus pres or business leader condemns that message

>taking the bait this hard

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Feel you. The pain and fury in my soul is indescribable. It takes everything not to let it consume me. I want to drown in rivers of traitor blood. I want to break the wheel. No more censorship or forced "inclusion", no more pushing the white man aside. It's time we wake up and show the world the wrath of the awakened Saxon. Show them the nature of fear. Show them white power.

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They do have a very bad grasp on reality. The reaction of the average white person to any sort of collectivism or group mentality for whites is discomfort and disgust. I was there myself so I know how it feels, but things like this make more people come around to adopting a group identity. Especially zoomers who are not completely gone yet.

Yeah it's almost too perfect lol

See Stop being a boomer

it's getting the response we knew it'd get.
even in trying to live simple lives, whites are to be exterminated.

no right to defense, to life, to breathe, the hatred is real, and this proves it.

on the day of the rope, remember who the traitors are. give no quarter (dime or nickel)

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imagine being so new that you reply to other comments in a new comment rather than mass replying


Whoa user, we don't tolerate bigotry around these parts.

>it's okay to be white
Whites seem to disagree

Fuck off no phase 2. Just endless phase 1.

>Is this the most successful op in the history of this board?
this op makes Edward Bernays look like an ineffectual novice

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I agree, but still "It's more than ok to be white" would be pretty based. Double the outrage.

It's all shitskins complaining in the video

>Operation semper paratus, semper fidelis, semper defendit

Print out one for each generally recognized race
>It's ok to be white
>It's ok to be black
>It's ok to be asian
>It's ok to be native
>It's ok to be arab

>Razor-blade only the "it's ok to be white" one
>Coat sharpened razor-blades in skydrol so it hurts like a bitch
>Put them all up with relatively low spacing right next to each other, but not in any particular order so it doesn't look centered on the white one.

Proceed to see if the white one remains up with all the others and the message of
>this is a place of inclusiveness
is true or false.

(((whites))) too.

remember. traitors before the enemy.

this. phase 1, is the only phase.
the hate will be brought out on full display for the whole world to see.

they themselves will give FULL JUSTIFICATION of white defense.

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oh my god it keeps getting better

who is trolling who i don't even

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And white antifa males and fat white boomer women and white news anchor males

What about "it's ok to be native"?
They'd be confused whether it's a praiseworthy campaign by Native Americans to subvert the original "offensive message", or an even more offensive anti-immigrant/hereditarian campaign.

Who could be behind this?

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Phase jew is here

That one is retarded

>@4:23 the majority, 33%, are hispanic.
Lol, liberalism. Not even once.

It's not and it's coming to a city near you.

>15% of the students are Asian, 24% are Black and the majority, 33% are Hispanic


The rest are white but they don't count

It's still causing chaos as far away as New Zealand:


It's okay to kill jews.

>2% and also 40% are jewish

Phase 2: post pic related on campuses.

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Show your flag Shlomo

It’s too obvious.
>alt right trolls hang false flag signs to promote antisemetism.

>I'm incapable of accepting that the world is truly this dumb
itsall incompassing,,yearsof public Education,,,endless Media,,,the dumber igethe more i know.

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>not ok to be white
>whomen married to black women see

Please, somebody, say this is Onion news.
It's just can't be real.

My brain literally damaged by this shit as you see.

why hasn't anyone made "it's not okay to be white" posters?

I imagine them sitting across from each other fucking themselves with dildos and moaning about how progressive they are.

i like this one but you gotta understand most of the normies wont get the hypocrisy, thats why this campaign has been mostly us laughing at them and them being outraged but it didnt subvert anyone really

It's ok to be straight

why hasn't there been a pol campaign to post 'It's Not Okay To Be White'?

that way there's plausible deniability

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i actually laughed out loud when she said she was married to a black woman. Within seconds she went from virtue signaller, to coal burner, to fag.

Normans don't even know the phrase 'false flag'. If it even gets reported on, any response, even one such as that will reveal cognitive dissonance. They will have to explain how 'It's Okay to Be Jewish' is anti-semitic, and even if they convince people that it is, imagine the lulz from such a phrase being considered anti-semitic.

checked me, better than that clown meme

as i said in earlier post , i think noone will get the hypocrisy, but it will be cool to see them react i guess

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i think that you guys are idiots and that you're still right

I agree in general that phase 2 of IOTBW is unnecessary but I could get behind posting a few of these posters "It's not okay to be white" around.
As of now, these posters aren't a phase 2 to IOTBW, but rather a seemingly organic reaction to IOTBW from the left that will backfire on them by alienating white people further. Do we help take their mistake further?

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It really was quite genius

Wtf gayness has to do with warfare?

That Igbo should be served with a hot lead deportation order.

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first post worst post

You send the gays in first to waste the enemies ammo and then after most of the fags are dead you send in the straight guys to clean up the mess. Every sucesfull military needs some fags


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It's not ok to be a jew

To decide if it's "OKAY" to be white, first you must reflect on the origin of the word "OKAY."
In Elizabethan England, the height of ironic humor was abbreviating common phrases with incorrect letters. The most lasting of these was the phrase "all correct," which was stamped on papers for all manners of inspection when such things were passed. All inventory accounted for, all correct. Instead of "A.C." something was "O.K."
This bastardization ironic joke stuck, and now, "okay" is the neutral affirmative that was formerly "all correct."

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What a glorious trolling of cowards & fools!

seriously wtf keked

How many Hundred Handers does this mongolian forum have?

Yes. Open the floodgates and watch the left destroy itself.

well we got the reactions we wanted and expected

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Don't be a fucking felonious retard user. SImply posting all of them up, and watching the reaction should be good enough.

>Is this the most successful op in the history of this board?
No, you are :)

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They're is a reason the Jew word for the rest of you translates into "livestock.". Honestly, they aren't wrong. The goyim are dumb as shit. They deserve to be killed or enslaved at this rate.

Phase 2 should be placing it's ok to be black, it's okay to be Jewish, etc in the same areas with an equal number of it's ok to be white. I would love to see what happens when only the white one is singled out as "evil"

Polar bears have black skin though.

... but you won't see it, and neither would anyone else, because the lying Jewish media won't report anything.

I still prefer the okay hand sign. I love how a lot of liberals refuse to accept the meme and are actively using it as much as they can to protest the meme and explain the meme every time.
The "it's okay to be white" meme explains too much by itself and the intent is immediately clear. Hijacking the okay sign is way more subtle, yet it was forced down everybody's throat whether they liked it or not.

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What about printing out dozens of copies of those infographics of jews claiming to be white while attacking whites but also confirming they are Jewish? There are hundreds of them