Ask an Algerian immigrant politically incorrect questions
We know better how to run your country edition
Ask an Algerian immigrant politically incorrect questions
Are you afraid you will be deported? Are you religious?
why france?
Why do your women love white guys so much. Are they a lighter version of muslims?
I know the guy in that pic is a jew Mossad agent who poses as a muslim. This makes the picture even more relevant.
Not afraid about that and never set a foot in a mosque my entire life. I eat pork and masturbate so hard
It's a western country and I speak the language
Canada is too cold
Why do you need 5 minutes to answer ?
Are you retarded ?
They cook, do the housework, help raise children and get easily cucked, and don't complain when their woman is a bitch
I was busy finishing in you mum's mouth
The French still see you as Muslim and will deport you if SHTF. There are many irreligious immigrants that have religious children so they won't risk it.
How common is intermarriage and is it always Algerian male with French female?
>implying that cunt Jessica would ever cook you even an egg, let alone an english breakfast
>implying you don't have to beat the shit out of Fatima at least 3 times a day for her to cook you more than some shitty couscous
Can you leave our country and give us back yours ? Thank you in advance
Fucking hell faggot, was that the best you could come up with ? Pathetic
Because they want the french nationality through marriage and it's easy af to get a girl who's desperate for any kind of attention
yes by law
some algerian woman marry a french, but they never come back in algeria to see their families
I can see you know what you're talking about
Not at all you dumbfuck
Let me teach you
Islam forbids muslim women to marry christians, but muslim men can marry christians
Now go read some books you empty brained faggot
>give us back yours
implying it's not the case already lol
When is the last time you sold anything in Algeria?
We are closer to be a chinese and russian protectorate than anything else
>using this picture
You don't even have a country, Algeria still belongs to France. It's outer France and Muzzies must leave, ASAP.
god Ethnic Jews are fucking hideous. God clearly cursed them.
>Algeria still belongs to France
They wish it did
You got me here