Post your favorite buildings.
Comfy Architecture Thread
Local art museum.
Neo Classicism is Best Classicism
That's a painting.
A while ago they added a 'modern' addition on the side. It's not really ugly but it really kills the building ascetic seeing a brick next to roman architecture. I could not find any pictures but the worst part is when ((they)) added a pile of ((modern art)) in front. Makes me sick looking at it right next to such beauty.
I know you posted this to troll but if it wasn’t a church I wouldn’t really mind it
Damn, good painting.
Oh, you were faster
It's one of my favorite buildings.
Gehh I wonder why everything in this thread are european or american buildings. Where are the kangz?
Beautiful European Gothic Architecture
Doubt it. Look at the leaves shaking and blurry.
It's hard to dislike it. The Gothic dome makes it really unique.
Easily the best historical building in my hometown heh.
You really enjoy this thread don't you?
It will be super comfy once they've finished rebuilding it
The only really nice one in my small town is from 1921. Nothing special, but I like it.
>Post your favorite buildings.
No 'Comfy Architecture Thread' is complete without the exact kiked opposite
You know nothing of paintings nor photography lmao. Why is Jow Forums filled with so many knuckle dragging, unsophisticated niggers with no eye?
I have an architecture fetish.
Architecture is the most important piece of art man can create. A painting will fade and a book will rot away. Buildings on the other hand, will stand for hundreds, if not thousands of years, showing future generations the achievements, glory and willpower of the people who've built these buildings. And future generations will gaze upon these buildings to feel a sense of pride in their forefathers' achievements and feel the need to surpass them and create something even greater.
Even if the nation dies, the buildings will stay, like gravestones of the culture that has built them. Building amazing buildings is basically building your legacy.
This is what makes us different from niggers. We want more than mud huts that will collapse once it gets a little wet.
What could have been
Well said.
Serbian parliament?
tell me neighbor, seeing that it's a rather spacious building, is it fully used, or ar there parts inside that are just empty?
Or not, but they look similar
>Commieblocks and a big tit
that hotel though, it should really be remodeled. It fits in only at a glance, until you see what it actually is
something like pic related would fit in nicely
Eh, our parliament isn't anything special, it was basically done in the time period's equivalent of international style- nothing uniquely serbian about it
such a shame our genuine architecture didn't have time to take off before the commies decided it was too (((chauvinistic and bourgeois))), pic related a prime example, and seeing that the current power elites are also neocommies (and to take care of that problem in the Balkans would require a ludicrous amount of genocide of the commie spawn) it probably won't be restored any time soon
There are all kinds of government offices inside and also a fairly big library so it's not empty.
It's fully used, and it's even too small for the Parliament.
The more representative chambers are used for conferences, diplomatic visits, etc. The basement is a giant workshop to repair furniture and maintain the building. There's also the library of the building, offices, and other places you're not allowed to visit. The only thing that's unused is the dome and the lords' chamber (they just can't find a good use for it).
MEPs and the bureaucracy of the Parliament itself has a different office building nearby. The bureaucracy branch will move to pic related, a new office building which is connected to the Parliament with a tunnel, so you can consider it an extension of the building. The Parliament is also connected with another tunnel to another building, where the boiler room is located (this is why the parliament has no chimneys). This building also serves as a barrack for the crown guards and the security personnel of the building
why do (((artists))) want to turn every building into the crystal cave from dark souls? that level sucked.
is it because they are all scaleless lizard people like seath?
the fuck is that?
>is it because they are all scaleless lizard people like seath?
I'm pretty sure you nailed it
I wish.
But it's in private hands, and they'd never invest money in that.
Crying shame. It's on the ruins of a medieval gothic monastery. The back of the church was built on the walls, so the gothic pillars are still visible.
Oh, I know that building.
It's next to the -former- main railway station, right?
>the fuck is that?
A way to wreak a 100 year old neighborhood
Portmeirion. The only place in Britain built in the 20th centuary which is not soul-crushing.
The hotel itself looks really nice on the inside, it has an Art Deco vibe to it.
But the outside is simply monotone an boring.
Madrid has some beautiful architecture when I was there I spent nearly all of my time just with taking pictures of the buildings
FYI, the tiger's nest is not in Thimphu.
I'll dump some pictures of a 1912 plan of Belgrade that never was built
Anthroposophic power station in Switzerland.