Is Nadler wearing an ankle monitor?
Sure look's like it to me.
Is Nadler wearing an ankle monitor?
Sure look's like it to me.
What the fuck, why are his legs so short? He looks like the Penguin.
Jewish inbreeding causes many genetic defects.
My God man, get a tailor for fucks sake. You can afford it on a congressman's salary.
Jews ALWAYS look slovenly. It's like a trademark.
yeah why the fuck would a congressman want to look like that in public? how does that help his career in any way
This guy gets it.
He's a kike. He doesn't need career help, he has tribal nepotism
I agree he looks slovenly. But what do you guys think? Is the fat fuck wearing an ankle monitor?
I used to work for a Jew who wore nice slacks and button ups to work but his undershirt was visibly stained and had multiple holes in it around the collar.
imagine voting for THAT
why do americans dress like walking trash bags?
Prior to stomach-stapling surgery in 2002, Nadler weighed 335 lbs. He is only 5' 4"".
So he was a goblin shaped beach ball then?
Jesus Christ he's such a slob. Most poorly fitted suit I've ever seen.
He's an Israeli kike not an American.
When people say government doesn't work or that they take forever to do fucking anything, they're literally talking about this jewish midget
>That has got to be the illest fitting suit I've ever seen on a government official and I've seen me some government officials.
You all still dress like shit
Just visit Brașov
You can pick Americans out of the crowd as if they were wearing fluorescent orange
defective ashkenazi genes
100%. I thought jews has tailors and shit?
You guys and your fucking ankle bracelet theories. Sure, just like Huma was wearing. And McCain. And Clinton. What the fuck, over? Are you all retards?
And gyppos wear our good will leftovers.
Alien walk
thanks I would have missed it otherwise
he didn't want to spend the money
I doubt it. Probably just the way his shit-tier suit happened to lay.
If there were more images this idea might be compelling
he either stuffed a pack of smokes in his sock or its an ankle monitor
you have never seen a white person, much less a romanian, much less a gypsy
Holy shit. His legs are swollen up like he has filariasis.
Fuck you for stealing my line
Jewish genetics
Creepy pedo guy.
kimjong might be fat, but he isn't a deformed kike
kikes have the most inferior genetics on the planet when it comes to anything other than lying, murdering and thieving