For a long time porn often became a daily life style for society
it's normalized though media via computers.
Yet no one dare say it's a waste of time, every year porn is just the same thing no matter how many time you watch it. Ends in the exact same ending yet we have those degenerates pornography that enter in our life
Zoophiles, furries, brony, interracial, cuckold, paedophile etc
Like a cult controlling your sexuality and corrupt your mind at young age. Every pride march you see sicken your eye's, yet they belive it's normalized though media
Every rainbow and trans flag you come upon "what's the next thing they'll normalized?" You question yourselves. Yet you wish to quit watching porn yet you came back crawling to the screen wasting potential life time that you could be having a healthy lifestyle
Pornography turn you into slaves
You'll never be free many days you say enough is enough. But you'll come back because we became weak
>look at porn
>disgusted of what you jizzed Upon
>claim you'll quit
>next few days go back to repeat the same pattern again
I'm guessing you seen it too, with every porn you watch turns you into a degenerate freak while looking for new fetishes or kink to feed your drugged mind while your home country is being torn apart little by little. Porn is a slave program
Ever want to be free from the program? From those sick minded sub human telling us what porn to watch next for their desires to become legalized while we sit at home doing nothing
That is why we become disgusting and lazy to become real men
Porn waste your life
Other urls found in this thread:
What about fapping to erotic nudity?
wouldn't motivation and dedication be related?
Depends on what we're talking about really? I know most of those weebs jack off to these "loli" but who want to fuck a kid
Rather give those pedophiles a good beating
Anime is often for sad otaku who have no life
Motivation is something you tell yourself but never do it
Dedication is something you swear an accomplice until it's over
There is nothing wrong with Porn you poojeet wannabe nazi that hides behind a memeflag.
Shouldn't your flag be the 2nd reich?
Since yellow doesn't suit you well
Well next time add a crescent moon
When you become a minority
Just by watching your scat porn
>look at porn
>disgusted of what you jizzed Upon
>claim you'll quit
>next few days go back to repeat the same pattern again
This is a manifestation of uncontrolled lust. Growing up in this society very few of us received guidance on how to deal with lust in all its manifestations. However, lust is not only related to sexual things. Take for example going to the supermarket while you are hungry, the same story as your green text will happen: In a famished haze you will buy way too much food at the supermarket. You will get home, eat a big meal, and then realize how much of an idiot you were to buy that much food and waste all that money on food you didn't need.
Different manifestations, but the same source: lust. Watching porn and masturbating is like taking lust and putting it into overdrive; artificially stimulating yourself beyond what your body and mind can handle. Its like going on a shopping spree at the supermarket every time you get even a little bit hungry.
If you want to take control of your life and your sexuality, stop masturbating and stop watching porn. Start to push lust out of your life. Lust has been normalized as our standard operating system, but it is a lie.