What useful did they contribute to the world?
What useful did they contribute to the world?
Google it retard. For example
first name:
>Karl Ernst von Baer
top kek @ this subhuman
Cheap labor
for example oil rafination (g: Ignacy Łukasiewicz)
but my personal favourite is the pilage of Berlin (g: Joseph Stalin)
Killing weak little Kraut boys and taking their women
What have you?
and yet you still get blacked
Rape and conquest.
Tesla, Curie, Chopin from the top of my head
>Brown are neighboring tribes
What did they mean by this
Other than us, they're all shit tier
>What useful did they contribute to the world?
The Witcher
each one deadlier than the last
fuck off memeflaggot
You would've probably die soon after childbirth instead of shitposting on a tuvanese throat singing forum if it weren't for Tesla, you uneducated prick.
I give you small т for use, also small м
that'll be 20 euros
shit, forgot to add: no copy pasterino
Exтreмely вased
Read his wiki page lol.
Why I am wasting my time for retards...
Resistance to Western-like degeneracy
>buffer against mudshits
>cheap labour
>being white
>btfo germans
>being white
You have to go back.
Unironically whiter and blonder like Western European multicultural shitholes
nice bait
Who stoped ottoman empire?
FPBP. Let's change the rules
Radioactive contamination
Better grammar than you
So fake
kek'd, good one
Yup, amusement
I'll grant you free access to ß and ä
you're welcome
>The Mongol Invasion of Poland from late 1240 to 1241 culminated in the battle of Legnica, where the Mongols defeated an alliance which included forces from fragmented Poland and their allies, led by Henry II the Pious, the Duke of Silesia. The first invasion's intention was to secure the flank of the main Mongolian army attacking the Kingdom of Hungary. The Mongols neutralized any potential help to King Béla IV being provided by the Poles or any military orders.
>The campaign was heralded by the Battle of the Kalka River in May 1223, which resulted in a Mongol victory over the forces of several Rus' principalities. The Mongols nevertheless retreated. A full-scale invasion of Rus' by Batu Khan followed, from 1237 to 1242. The invasion was ended by the Mongol succession process upon the death of Ögedei Khan. All Rus' principalities were forced to submit to Mongol rule and became part of the Golden Horde empire, some of which lasted until 1480.
And after having their Slavic fore mother's passed around as a stand in fuck stool for Mongoloid abuse, the Slav(e) gained his freedom despite obtaining considerable admixture from his far Eastern rulers.
What useful has Germany contributed to the world?
Besides corpses of their fellow Europeans?