Comfy Trad Art

Attached: Andrew Loomis - In Memory.jpg (1505x1971, 466K)

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Gay shit

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These replies are exactly what's wrong with Jow Forums. Degenerates.

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Clearly you're meant to be in a tf thread over at /aco/

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>boomers and jews took this from us

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lmao and now compare that to the new one with no binary options and other bullshit

unironically fitting in a vampire world, hopefully they wont catter to the right wing snowflake and do all sort of cool gender shit in the 2nd

>0 actual artworks in this thread except for maybe 2 loomis illustrations

what the hell is wrong with you retards

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oh yeah, cause vampires have to be 53 genders,
give me a break. I mean, decadence might be fitting, but forging in social justice issues of a group that is maybe 0,1% is not fitting. It's forced.

death to all transvestites & leafs

Attached: leaf.jpg (900x1016, 565K)

Bradley White Sr, Bradley White Jr, Clarissa White, and Elaine White

>the only one who contributes is a spamming faggoty leaf
>wtf is wrong with you

Brush away the toothpaste from your eyes VanFaggot, and sage that motherfucker

>dies for Israel
So trad

>only two children
>boomer propaganda to stop population growth

not necessarily explicitly giving them non-binary genders or making statements about it but having gender variance within the vampire universe is pretty standard and desired. that is unless youre an easily triggered right wing snowflake

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you sound like a snowflake yourself, leaf. There are only two genders and that will never change no matter how much do you want to delude yourself. I don't count intersexes, because they're really rare and you could classify either of them as one of the two genders anyway. But even if you wouldn't want to do that, there's still only two genders for the rest of people, discord tranny.

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>cognitive dissonance, ladies and gentlemen

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>There are only two genders and that will never change no matter how much do you want to delude yourself.
Literally false youre just too low IQ to differentiate sex and gender

Don't waste breath on the perverted leaf.

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At this point you're probably not a Canuck. Some Chink or Indian. If you are of Scot or Brit stock. Respect the Poles. Everyone must respect Sobieski lads

>muh gender is a spectrum
Show me the fourier transformation of g (t) to G(s) (g=gender)

it's literally science, you mongoloid. Sex and gender are the same.

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sex = biology and gender is everything socially imposed based upon your biology

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yoinking it. Beautiful

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>only paintings
>no mosaics

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after 20 minutes of sponsors haha, The cgi is amazing. Original Polski still not available cunts

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As the pendulum swings, beauty now undervalued will become profitable to those who bought during the current dark times.

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that's just your newspeak. I can give new meanings to established words too. That doesn't mean their meaning changes irl
Also, for now, society imposes binary genders. Look at clothing, washrooms etc. Everything is constructed around genders being binary.

look for artists at the Tate museum, the Frick Collection...

painters who work from life

painters who learned from the old masters

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Fucking leafs. This country is total and complete shit.

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european art cannot be destroyed, though ugliness is proclaimed by the profane as the highest of virtues.

there are pockets of gathering artists in florence, paris, new york, who are rebuilding the tradition.

life mimicks art.

how umch do these go for nowadays?

do you paint?

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Where can I learn to paint like this? Who are the best living painters who still practice whatever this is called?

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Digusting Rabbi god

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nice hare

Dunno, I barely passed art class. I can only appreciate.

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We can call ''everything socially imposed based upon your biology'' agloobooboo instead of gender if that triggers you less. its still a thing no matter how you call it
>Also, for now, society imposes binary genders. Look at clothing, washrooms etc. Everything is constructed around genders being binary.
yes thats the whole issue to some people. that imposition is very oppressive when you see it

Look for "ateliers"

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They hated Jews back then. I'm sure once you get through with summer school you'll learn that in history.

This was painted by a 23 year old living painter who is a part of the underground atelier scene in the US and Italy.

Attached: VENEZIA-A1-weary-memory-uf19x30-op-387.jpg (567x387, 31K)


holy shit thank yiu.

it doesn't trigger me. Gender dysphoria is scientifically recognized as a mental disorder. And that's that. You can say whatever you want, it doesnt' change the fact that there are only two real genders in the end.

no one recognized my Hitler's painting

Its not bad. Not great either. ...

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because the actual only nazi posters are shills

you're welcome. what's insane is that classes are as cheap as tradeschool. get in now, it's about to skyrocket in price as the money laundering/human trafficking networks behind modern art shills like koonz and the whitney crumble, alongside the mainstream media. the contemporary realists will be inheriting the limelight - the talent pool (particularly in the US) is INSANE. I'm personally collecting a lot of the younger ones who are studying under the living masters. It's my next bitcoin, you're welcome.

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It's a spectrum

Dominant(M) ----------------------------- Submissive(F)

you can be anywhere on that spectrum, same with all gender traits. You just struggle to separate it from sexuality but once you do, its a no brainer.


Men literally only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting.

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