If you think about it, it must take a lot to get a country to decide to complete remove a people from within their country and ban them. Generally speaking, people are usually pretty fair and nondiscriminatory, so it must make you wonder why they would come to that conclusion and choose that particular course of action. And it's not like it happened once, it has happened hundreds of times, between dozens and dozens if not more countries.
Everyone knows not to punish your brother for the crime you have committed, everyone knows one person is not a representative of the group. This goes back to fairness. So what must it have taken in order for them to decide that complete exile and banishing was the proper course of action?
Or have we been lied to and this didn't happen? How many times did it actually happen, and was it really ALL Jews? What were the reasons given?
Christianity produced Communism and Fascism those two ideologies show in plain sight why they kick Jews out.
Even do by Jewish believe interest rates also know as usury is forbidden over decades they where forced into that single profession leading to this massive stigmatization. Middle ages prohibited them from having any type of property so they where forced into currency trading making them ultra rich, the ancient ghettos had trading hubs even used by Monarchs.
Kayden Cruz
>Christianity produced Communism
Then why was the Bolshevik revolution lead by Jews? Why did Communism always seek to banish Christianity?
Communism is, at its core, the Jewish religion. It is the Jewish prophecy implemented. Your either lack of knowledge, or deceit on this subject requires that I doubt the rest.
Jaxon Sullivan
>why are blacks always rowdy? >why are spics so lazy and steal? >why do chinks always steal? >why do poos always lie?
it's genetics same reason jews always get kicked out
Michael Brown
Anti-Semitism oy vey
Ayden Evans
actually white people forced them to be that way
Jace Roberts
you know why coins have those ridges on the outside? Because coins used to be made from precious metals and kikes would shave off pieces off them.
Blake Parker
And german, italian, portuguese, spanish, japanese, anglo, irish, french, dutch,... diasporas are completely ignored by everybody, nobody gives a shit about them, but niggers, muslims and jews are almost like invasive species.
Xavier Lopez
Kek, such comedy
Hunter Howard
Lol fuck, I didn’t believe it at first but pol is always right.
Found the Jew. No one forced Jew to act like Jews.
Michael Nguyen
John Miller
Non stop subversion of host society
Elijah Adams
If I was kicked out of 109 bars, is the problem me? Or is it anti-Anonism?
Luke Fisher
Communist is an Abrahamic religion infulenced by his contemporary culture that was Christian and not Jewish, the remark that it was lead by Jewish doesn't prove fact.
>Why did Communism always seek to banish Christianity? same reason as Islamist decided to exterminate Christians from Iraq and Syria but no one talks about them...
>It is the Jewish prophecy implemented who cares... its all the same shit, people fighting about semantics not noticing that all those religions in their core produce shit humans, the fact that they wanted to make a heaving in hearth doesn't make it less X.
Lucas Davis
The internet is telling me this pamphlet is a hoax and a forgery. Of course, i am skeptical to believe this, as it's likely just damage control. So I am already on your side, but do you know of the history of this or citations to its validity before I read it?
Mason Stewart
>Why did Communism always seek to banish Christianity? >same reason as Islamist decided to exterminate Christians
But your claim was that Communism was Christian
>It is the Jewish prophecy implemented >who cares
You will henceforth be ignored. Either shill, or retarded, either way, further attention has been deemed unwarranted.
Ryan Johnson
Read it and then look at how it all lines up with the kikery of today you illiterate nigger.
Carson Morgan
Because jews are nomadic tribe which is parasitic. Other example of such thing can be gypsies, any user from balkans/eastern europe can confirm they are the worst cancer you can meet. Jews=gypsies+intelligence
You two are a bunch of try hard, that just default to insults from the first replies, worthless scum indeed.
Communism is based on Christianity and more exact on the teachings of Jesus Christ this is a self evident fact but because the truth huts you deflect the blame to the Jews (classic Christian deflection to be honest). The new testament is basically the backup communism manifesto.
Eli Wilson
>Bolshevik revolution lead by Jews also forgot to mention that this was mostly Nazi propaganda. for example Lenin fathers where converts so makes it even funnier.
>Christianity produced Communism >I just pull stuff out of my ass.
Eli Gutierrez
Brandon Bell
>i don't understand how philosophy evolves Imagine following a religion with similar believes as those of communism.
Ian Lee
>I just pull stuff out of my ass. American education
Julian Miller
Yes, I've kicked everone out of my life who has made me jealous. Bitch, please. Fuck, you are a disgusting scab.
Carson Flores
Isaac Garcia
If Germans were gong to exterminate millions of Jews, why did Auschwitz have a hospital, library, theater, soccer field, post office, maternity ward, swimming pool, currency, paid workers, stores?
These camps were meant for deportation, not extermination.
Jews have been kicked out of country after country throughout history. They cannot help but continue to be guilty of the same things over and over.
Jews play the role of the victim while they victimize everyone on the planet.
The Holocaust is a Lie. The Holodomor actually happened.
I'll tell you the reason: jews never assimilate to be part of the country they reside in. Try this experiment: ask 20 people this week what their nationality is. You'll hear things like Italian, German, Spanish, Irish and so on. Ask a jew? It's always "Jewish". That's because a jew is a jew and they see themselves as better than everyone else. I've lived in a lot of places with jews and sometimes been in conversations where the jews thought I was a jew. They are the worst racists of all. You'll hear them say a lot of deragatory shit about "shiksahs" - non jew women. They despise them. It took me a long time to figure out the jew and that's because I always tried to see them as I see all people. But their contempt and repulsion at others is astounding.
Nathan Jackson
>Why were Jews kicked out of so many countries? For their generally faggot jew ways.
Benjamin Brooks
Jews have never been kicked out of non-white countries like they have in white countries. The problem isn't Jewish behavior, it's White behavior.
Austin Carter
i think all french people should be sent to france all west africans sent to west africa all mexicans sent to mexico and.... >all jews sent to israel
They are like that autistic kid in high school that tries to bully everyone. Doesn't matter how many times you beat him within an inch of his life he never learns his lesson.
That's what all the siegefags and skinheads missed. They screamed "109 countries" but never bothered with a question mark after that. This kind of thinking can penetrate some normie minds, but the more brainwashed will reject it. Use the Palestinian shit as a springboard for JQ, many on the left are waaaay more susceptible to it if you go through that way, they squirm in their seat it's hilarious