Why do Americans hate France?
Why do Americans hate France?
France was cool back in the day.
Zoomers piss me off.
Legitimately we don't. We pity France and mourn the ashes of an old ally. We don't cry at funerals, we get angry.
no one actually sells freedomfires
that was a fad that didnt last at all
we still eat french fries
bring back the guillotine and witch hunts
Why do Europeans hate freedom?
You're always angry.
The congressman behind Freedom Fries repented of his actions and became a great voice in the House against the warfare state. Died this year.
What good is an ally that surrenders?
We don't. We wish France was cool and strong like it used to be.
Cause France isn’t French anymore
Not even once.
The French are arrogant, condescending bastards who love to smell their own farts and also think that they personally invented farting.
Americans don't hate France. We like making fun of them as they do us
i hate everyone that isn't italian because everyone is whiter looking than me.
Even mexicans/arabs.
Only Jewish slave or nigger or Brian dead communist. I guess most of America then.
America here, we only really hate canadians.
We can only hope. Since we stoped burning witch truly the word as gone to shit
We still have a fondness for Frenchies because they helped us fight off the British.
We remember our Franco-bros from back on the day.
Why wouldn’t we? Europe sucks in general but France is particularly shit.
Why do they even call them French fries? Weren't they invented in Belgium?
France? Honestly I forgot all about it. How are you guys doing? How are things?
Americans just love their wars (or used to, man can hope).
People unironically hating France hasn't been a thing here since like 2005 at the latest. Only old boomers clinging to shitty stand-up routines from the 80s actually care about the French.
We don't, we hate your gay ruling class, which really is a Europe problem and not so much a French problem. Britain... Now those motherfuckers HATE France. You should be asking them.
This is true.
The average American literally doesn't even know that about the French, nor anything about the revolutionary war really.
I see a lot of French tourists here in Boston. They are arrogant and smug. Every single one of them.
Long running joke. Like dumb Polish. No one knows where it started and no one really cares.
I wish American Media would cover the chaos and carnage that is France today.
Most Europeans , and Americans as well , are very arrogant. Canadians used to not be as bad until maybe 20 years ago when the whole “look at us free healthcare” thing started picking up steam.
Eastern Europeans and Persians are the ducking worst though , so arrogant and for what - they all moved over here.
Imagine the smell.
Fuck you talking about? I eat freedom fries thats all the sell where I live.
I used to think France was weak for letting the Germans roll in, but now I feel many of them recognized that the path the Germans were on was preferable (if they won).
We're jealous of their superior food and unmutilated penises.
we don't hate france. britain was our strict dad and france was our cool uncle who helped us undermine our dad's lame rules. spain was our other uncle that we thought was cool until he started touching us when we were fourteen.
the whole freedom fries thing around 9/11 was fantastic. it was the first moment in my life i started noticing mass hysteria and learned to chuckle at "THIS IS IMPORTANT" criers
>Why do Americans hate France?
As the most browned country in Europe, Americans, needing to be #1 bestest at everything have a subconscious hate for France in our spirit of competition.
because amerimongrel savages are jealous of our superior culture while they have nothing but degeneracy and jewry and ZERO cultural identity
just like the negro envy the white man
Because boomers are hypnotized by the zog and think isreal is our greatest all. And when France refused to join the zog wars they got pissed and did what boomers do, make absolute fools of themselves.
First of all:
French fries don't exist.
The ones you call "french fries" are actually Flemish fries, faggots.
It's even declared by unesco.
French just copied it
Jewish hate for the French being pushed in media. Every attitude of Americans towards foreign countries is basically the Jewish attitude towards that country, because the Jews control how most Americans see the world.
italians aren't white.
Shouldn't America and France be best friends because of how they both hated England?
France is ground zero for rootless cosmopolitan zog. They're /ourguys/ but have been subverted as much as the US.
And they are so fucking nice to us, it's so god damn annoying!!!
>America here, we only really hate canadians
"french" fries are not even french, dude
Because the frogs believe themselves to be so much better than their neighbors while just giving up their country and culture away to Arabs and Africans without a fight. Paris looks like Pakistan and smells like it too. They deserve no respect.
>stop appropriating my fries, bro
Well they helped us kill the limey invaders but they still have that yuromutt inferiority complex.
France is beautiful. We don't hate France. It's the French that we hate.
This was only a temporary thing after France said that they wouldn't join America's invasion of Iraq.
As it turned out, the French were right.
Thomas Jefferson coined the term, you brainlet, when he introduced them to the American people at a white house dinner in 1802.
We want reparations for the Quasi-war.
We should also give the lady liberty statue back to the French cuz too many libs are using it to justify open borders
They are frenched. It's a type of slice/cut. Nothing to do with France.
at which time belgium belonged to France, desu
Because they're fucking stupid
>Why do Americans hate France?
Americans hate France because France once had a Revolution and beheaded their elites, and Americans are mostly Germans who worship systematic elitism and oppression of entire populations.
This is why Americans also hate Russians, because Russians did the exact same thing in 1917. America is a German nation that hates any anti-elitist, anti-dictatorship society.
>oy very! France opposed a meaningless war in Iraq!
this, the average american knows
>cheese eating surrender monkeys
and whatever else TV told him
you should rather give the poor huddled masses plaque back to the jews
Dis nigga got my back like old times.
Hating France is universal retard. Even the French hate the French
Imagine calling them either of those names. They're just 'Fries' or 'Fry'. That is all.
Very simple answer
m a c r o n
I'm among those who still like you, Merryfriend
yeah, but we for ones have a good reason
i dont. France is oldest and best fren. we should bully the British again, like old times.
Look here chag I know that we blew the fuck out of your country, and my dad probably killed half your family, but that is absolute horse shit, people here hate dictators and elitist, it's the Jews that run this country that worship them.
>Why do Americans hate France?
impliquant que nous détestons le peuple français et pas leur gouvernement corrmpue et leurs réfugiés musulsmans à Paris et Noirseille... je voulais dire Marseille.
They are still cool and strong. They've got the sixth largest economy in the world (behind only the US, China, Japan, Germany, and the UK). And they have the fifth most powerful military in the world, according to Global Firepower (behind only the US, Russia, China, and India). Within their military, they have the only nuclear-powered, CATOBAR aircraft carrier outside of America.
They're also one of the five Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty designated nuclear weapon states, and one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (the others in both cases are the US, UK, Russia and China).
So they are one of the world's most powerful nations.
Who knows
>m a c r o n
t'as défintivement raison
it's called Neo-Algeria now
dans tes rêves, macaque
The French are cool as fuck. And I respect them for being arrogant. They don't take shit from anybody.
France is my most-visited foreign country by far (I live in the south of England and France is pretty close). And I do like it. It's a great country.
Also it's a bit rich for a fucking yank to have a go at another country for being arrogant.
Fucking lmao. Europeans are not arrogant. You're just jealous of the many things we do better than North Americans. Food, culture, sophistication, that sort of thing. We actually eat real cheese (shock), rather than "cheese product".
Also, Canada, I just want to point out how so many Canadians (I won't say all, because I know Canada is capable of producing good people) on Jow Forums are just pathetic lapdogs to America. You see it all the time. And it's pretty pathetic.
Anglos were conquered by culturally frenchified Vikings known as Normans. Norman Monarchs of England eventually went to war with France. They stirred up anti french cultural sentiment imbued in the native Anglo Saxon population that was originally incurred when they conquered it in the 7 Years War centuries later. It worked.
No they don’t faggot
What was that, Mohammed?
STFU gayfer no one here even knows what a macron is or tastes like
That fad lasted all of 2 minutes back 15 years ago. What are you on about?
France was based back in the day, killing Muslims and helping the USA get started because it undermined and made the Brits asspained. Now they're a bunch of niggers.
the supreme shitposter
I have only seen two shitskins yet since 2019 began
two dindus, prbly caribbeans from the colonies we still have back there, but not any dunecoon yet
deal with it, leafcuck
it's ours now and there is nothing you can do Pierre Le Faggot
Look at this anglo thinking he is a continental.
Wwii is a good start. Most Americans didnt want to go over and fight. Then they take france back and the locals are all “wtf we like adolf!”
Then they fucked up viet nam so bad and somehow we got burned.
Then there was the time they got caught sneaking weapons into UN aid headed to Iraq.
France just fucks up a lot. They always have. Ask the rest of europe.
look who's talking
i live in iowa but i've never heard this story. i watch the local news almost every night. when did this happen?
>The French are cool as fuck. And I respect them for being arrogant. They don't take shit from anybody.
>Also it's a bit rich for a fucking yank to have a go at another country for being arrogant.
You just agreed with me.
>snopes is shit
i know.
A spic joke would have been more poignant, Meursault.
>Americans are mostly Germans
This isn't true. British Americans are the largest ethnicity according to census statistics and estimations. The reason for this belief in Germans being so numerous is because a couple decades ago, the American census introduced "American" as an ancestry option, and suddenly the number of people reporting their ancestry as British (or English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish) dropped dramatically, as these people preferred to call themselves "American". This phenomenon was especially seen in the South, which was historically settled by British / English migrants.
Wikipedia has an estimate of 72,065,000 Americans with British ancestry. Their estimate of Americans with German ancestry is only 46,403,053.
Also, of the top ten most common surnames in America, seven of them are of British origin. The other three are of Spanish origin.
Also let's remember that almost all of the founding fathers were of primarily British descent (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and the vast majority of the others). Which is why America speaks English.
None of this is very surprising, given that the US started as a group of British colonies.
most dunecoons here are moroccan faggots
even at coming here, you're worth even less than them
let that sink in: you're even lower than moroccanimals
as to doing something, reminder it's the French who invented the death flights, during algeria war (and that it's us who taught the method to Pinochet's boy)
want us to start that again?
or nukes tryouts in your backyard maybe?
We dont. Most people love the french, the others have their opinions given to them by hollywood