1) "Something can't come from nothing so Jesus and all his stories are real" 2) "Jews don't like it, so it must be true" 3) "Bible quote" 4) "Some monks were based and copied manuscripts and did science work instead of reading their holy book and praying like they were supposed to"
Nice reddit post fag. Also, most people who are autistically open about being an atheist do so because they use it as justification for living hedonistic and disgusting lifestyles. That's why almost every internet atheist is obese and why you do things like shove bananas up your asses.
look at all these arguments. Typical christcucks. I'm a skinny lanky boy and yet he calls me fat. How would he know who I am over the internet? It's just like females calling other posters "virigns," there's no proof of this, they just believe.
Elijah Torres
look i love you christ fags... And have gone to my local church most of it was nutty bois and hot females with other bois not my jam