Thermodynamic laws assume a closed system that does not exist in nature. Aether was the prevailing theory pre Einstein, that space is filled with a primordial atmosphere, a nearly massless fluid that is so tenuous it flows through normal matter. It has had many names throughout history, but I prefer the terms Aether and Spirit as they are the names used by our people.
There has been systematic suppression, direct attacks and assassinations against many individuals who were successful in implementing or unlocking part of the potential this atmosphere gives to mankind. Nikola Tesla is not the only one prevented from realizing these discoveries into practical technologies in daily life. Look at the life of Wilhelm Reich, a US court literally ordered his works burned, the man was a mad Jew from Wiemar Germany who started out in psychology as a student of Freud, one of his early works was "The Pathology of Sex" and his conclusion that sexual deviancy is contagious and that most of his patients who were homosexual or some other outside the norm sexual orientation had been abused as children. He had to leave Germany *before* the Nazis took power, eventually made it to the USA and the USA burned his writings. Stanley Water demonstrated a water powered dune buggy to his local news and a team of engineers they had recruited, he died shortly afterward.
Electrical science was murdered by the powers of this world, any men among you capable of it, please take part in rebuilding this stolen part of our inheritance. Replicate some things for yourselves, make and share infographics on the topic. Good things to search: On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena The Problem of Increasing Human Energy Tesla. Ed Leedskalin PMH Bedini reed switch oscilator The magnetic field of a bifilar pancake coil Magnetism is a vortex
I will also answer questions, but please bear in mind my understanding on this subject is not perfect, more of us need to be working on this.
What are neutrino's role with the aether since they are nearly massless?
Julian Murphy
What about dark energy?
Michael Hernandez
damn I'm dumb, I'll guess I'll ask a newbie question
What's your general take on these "revolutionary" methods we have been hearing about for 30,50 years now? "Someone found a cure for cancer, this other guy discovered a way to have instantly clean water", why are these things never mass produced/spread? Is it monopolies suppressing new technology, just really early breakthroughs that need more time, what is it?
Angel James
how easy would it be to make a levitation aircraft with electricity and mercury?
Evan Bailey
>What are neutrino's role with the aether since they are nearly massless? I don't think particles strictly speaking exist, but instead that they are stable waveforms in the aether.
What modern science calls neutrinos (also dark matter/energy) are approximately the aether in its undifferentiated state, what we call direct current electricity is a linear flow in the aether. Magnetism is a vortex, electricity flowing through (technically mostly around) a wire makes a magnetic field for the same reason a bathtub has a small whirlpool in it while it is draining.
Picture a thin tiny tornado flowing around the wire with the wire itself as the eye.
Neutrinos have been missed because they were discovered centuries ago and given a different name. Look into Mendeleev's original periodic table, he had two theoretical pre hydrogen elements in his list, this is barely if ever taught in schools.
What those terms are describing is the background atmosphere of the universe, we don't see its effects in matter because matter is made of it.
>"Someone found a cure for cancer, this other guy discovered a way to have instantly clean water", why are these things never mass produced/spread? >Is it monopolies suppressing new technology, just really early breakthroughs that need more time, what is it? Anyone who tries to commercialize anything at all that concentrates the aether intentionally are destroyed by the (((mysterious force))) the moment they gain traction.
It is why the only way we will have this stuff if if we build it ourselves.
>how easy would it be to make a levitation aircraft with electricity and mercury? Difficult, also cancer, also if you bought enough Mercury to do it that way the government would probably kick your ass.
There are other metals that have the desirable properties of Mercury other than not being liquid at room temperature (which isn't needed anyway).
Also that method of levitation causes cancer.
This exact problem of the Electrodynamic Theory of Gravity has consumed much of my time and efforts in the past year, the basic trick is to create a large enough aether flow that the earth's field is locally overpowered by the flow created by the device.
I created a large flow that caused anomalous mass to appear in the form of iron oxide on the order of pounds beyond the original weight of the device, it was quite frustrating at first and has lead me to a lot of side roads trying to crack it.