Why does everyone on this site blame the Jews for sll this globalist shit that Germans are doing?

Why does everyone on this site blame the Jews for sll this globalist shit that Germans are doing?

Germanic peoples are the real problem

-an Insular Gael

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off reddit

Germans became pawns of the Jews and Soviets after WW2. The new power dynamic that emerged was one where the west pledged allegiance to the Soviets and Israelis (both groups basically who support communism and globalism).

Soooooooooooo that's what you got. Europe is now a proxy state for international communist powers, international Jewry and naturally your good buddy and greatest ally Israel.

If you don't like it, you should have supported Adolf Hitler. IDK what else to tell you

Attached: patton ww2 communism nazis semit jews.jpg (1016x1024, 302K)

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>Germanic peoples are the real problem

Including Trump?


>The new power dynamic that emerged was one where the west pledged allegiance to the Soviets and Israelis
And just an addendum. INB4 "muh cold war" I know. 100%. But the cold war itself is the proof of what I am saying is true. The Rosenbergs, the subversion, McCarthyism. We fought against the guy who was telling us all that this would happen (Uncle Adolf) and as a result exactly what he predicted, feared and tried to avoid happened.

Attached: patton we have defeated the wrong enemy.jpg (640x460, 74K)

Yeah sure whatever. And pleadians are heading the illuminati.

Send better kikes pls

Nice try super satan

You basically live in the world where communism and leftism won. It won the great fight. Just like the confederates lost in the Civil War. Nazis lost in the global war. The leftism won. It always wins. In our world it always wins. And everyone is suffering and miserable today because of it. And they say "this is capitalism and it makes me unhappy", even though it's not really true that we live in a "capitalist" or certainly not "right-wing" system, and they beg for even more leftism. So it becomes a downward spiral. We're headed to hell. We're already in hell. We're going to spiral deeper into hell

Attached: problems caused by the state is this capitalisms fault? socialism communism leftists.png (783x703, 504K)

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I would say you got those digits cuz aliens really are heading the illuminati, but it's grey aliens, not pleadians.

Attached: grey aliens copy.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

Ok I give in. It's really the Irish. We run the world

Attached: Hibernian_b19e84_5866691.jpg (748x1104, 284K)

>screan cap me ladzzzzzzz

Attached: lmao1.jpg (720x611, 24K)

Basically grey aliens are communists and pleadians are nazis. Humanity has chosen a path to become grey aliens. The nordic pleadian space nazis obviously have a more advanced and subjectively better society in every way. Greys are just techno-bio enslaved robots. Everything that leftism will lead to. Complete "equality" "hive mindedness" "no gender" "small and frail". That's the path humanity chose by not supporting Adolf Hitler, sorry.

Attached: grey aliens.jpg (1024x896, 97K)

Hitler was cucked by dead nephilim who just wanted bodies to party on again. That's why all you reichfags are compelled to beat meat to anime daily

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that OP is a kike

Attached: OP.jpg (177x172, 10K)

Notice also that you not only got the "66666" but also user ID "ebil" which is pretty much "evil".
Holy fuck, man. What kind of metaphysical darkness are you immersed in?

And your tag is red like the color of some kind of satanskin.

Attached: reddit is cancer shitting on margaret thatchers grave junkie.png (1884x2292, 1.46M)

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Jesus is God, in the flesh, who died and rose again on the 3rd day. All authority in heaven and earth is his. Every knee on earth, and under the earth, will bow to him.

Lol yeah and pedophile priests put on their robes and pray to their crosses and pretend to be Christians too whenever it suits them. We all know demonic people like you will pretend to be religious whenever it suits you

Attached: smug liberal christian meme maybe if i use it on you you'll do what i want you to.png (500x318, 45K)

I'm not Catholic

And you should worry more about the public school system.


Jesus was a Jew.

Why do you hate Jesus? All he did was die for you.

When it all comes from the U.K.?

Who said I hate jews?

The english are saxon invaders. Just more germanics.

I did

Well I don't hate jews, they never did anything to me

Good. Don't succomb to the darkness.

Wasn't planning on it user

fuck off kike

Pleadians are also bad, they seem good but trick you with kindness and sweet words.
They are the cause of hitler's rise and also the reason hitler went full retard at the end costing the reich the entire war.

When will the reichfags have an original insult?
Never, for they have smooth brains.

This. You faggots are just laughable lately. At least present a challenge. Your Rules for Radicals playbook is exhausted of it's use. Old rats can't learn new tricks? Kek

Kek is consigned to the underworld along with odin and the other losers. Defeated by the God of Israel.

How does that make you feel?

you done fucked up now son.

Attached: SELFIMAGE.png (581x552, 662K)

Like you're a JIDF dumbass that is using a script to get your digits and assumes that you know the context of my use of Kek. Also that you're a liar since Israel isn't a country of Canaanite blood infected ashkenazis with tay sachs. Israel is the spiritual body of all those who belong to Christ in faith and are written in the Book of Life.

Reichfags are pretend christians. Real christians actually read the bible and realize that Paul didn't mean the church everytime he said "Israel." Furthermore, geographic, national israel features in the eschaton.

You need to up your scriptural game to come at me, reichfag.

JIDF kikenigger don't even try that shit. I know all about the changes made that have mislead many. You choose to challenge me using scripture that is already tainted by the editing done from the synagogue of satan while saying what you do. Such hubris.

Attached: Judeans not Jews.png (3254x456, 402K)

Read Culture of Critique. But first, watch and enjoy the ride: bitchute.com/channel/jews_for_hitler/

We have over 5000 extant, greek papyri. There are no such changes.

Do you keep your anime body pillow under your tinfoil blanket with you?

>posts a jewess as a german person
>hello fellow whites ya know GERMANS are the prablem do ya?

What's that you say Mossad?
Fuck of Hebrewberg-moneygrabberstein

It states in the tainted versions of the bible that Jews will receive the Holy Land from God and many Judeo-Christians and kikes claim this, but in all actuality, it says that the Israelites, will receive the Holy Land from God when all have returned to Him. The only Way to the Father is through the Son. So if the current "Israel" does not accept the Son or believe in Him or what He did, they then do not know God.
Which you choose to cherrypick from and not take as a whole. I know that in the end the true ethnic Israelites from the many tribes are supposed to become jealous of the gentiles blessing and eventually come back to God, but that does not apply to those that are converts that lay no ethnic claim and just so coincidentally persecute actual ethnic Israelites. Your people cannot even keep yourselves together genetically without stealing the genes of another. That's quite a mark to have and it makes you stand out no matter how much you try to hide it.

Attached: taysachs.png (640x852, 126K)

Cut your shit. It's see through.

Attached: Jews are not Judeans.png (3310x476, 395K)


I have something to give you, pic related.

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That's really low trying to appeal to the younger anons through pop culture references, schlomo, but such an attempt of manipulation from you doesn't surprise me either.

My people?

Hate to break it to you reichfag. My people are goys from the Emerald Isle.

I hope you think we're that simple

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If you don't like it I guess I'll keep doing it.

I don't expect much out of Canadians. Too much French and English blood.

You know you never validated that claim you superimposed onto me, whereas your own actions expose yourself and validate my words about you. The only people who use goy like that unironically are kikes and yes, the kikes have infiltrated the Emerald Isle a long time ago.

It's funny how you think you really are passing yourself off as Irish right now when your merchant character just seeps through your posts.

Did the pleidians tell you that? Or was it the insectoids? Are you channeling them? Are you the next blavatsky?

>meme flag
>How do you do fellow goyim

Attached: mask.jpg (501x576, 71K)

You talk like it and act like it and you have the same hubris that is innate to that people. Actions speak louder than words. Not hard to put it together for anyone with a few brain cells retard.

It's funny that you are all a hivemind that is incapable of stepping outside the prescribed narrative, pic related.

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>gets exposed so goes with the try to make your opposition look crazy cointelpro angle
>didn't work so now going with the NPC hivemind angle
You're really grasping at straws, Hiram. You're just projecting anyways. Anons already know that the defining characteristic of being an NPC is not having an inner-speech ability. You kikes demonstrate it all the time in your hamfisted attempts to change the meaning of scripture.


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>strawman misrepresentation
You really don't understand how transparent you are do you? I have already exposed you completely, you tried to assassinate my character, failed at it, and now you're just going through the motions of being the shill that you are, doubling down while deflecting from criticism. Your own buddies on the moderation team are sliding your own thread halfway down the board into obscurity because you're such a failure.

Attached: NPC1.png (899x904, 293K)

Oh no, my thread triggering neet reichfags on Jow Forums is sliding down.

Guess I better go. I'll leave you all with something.

Attached: Untitled39.png (768x768, 62K)

Cut the shit with the loaded presumptions kike. Anons don't have to be Reichfags to see through your shit. Nice try with the sigil. Enjoy the "feedback" pit viper.