Convince me not to date a white girl

Black guy in a white suburb here

I got a bunch of blondes flirting with me. Why should I date a black girl? If you faggots were in my schoes you wouldn’t date one.

No race war bullshit but why? Should I get an Asian or Latina instead?

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t. Pajeet

Date whoever you want. Literally basic bitches and fame mad sluts are everywhere, they have no valid purpose other than as objects anyways so who cares who you're dating? I certainly don't.

Stop propagating the (((skin color))) meme

Its about culture not skin color. My best friend growing up was a nig, to me he wasn't black he was Ethiopian. Its about culture and heritage. Find someone who you can make a beautiful family with. Its natural to want your family to look like you

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Just dont murder them when your done with them, thanks

I'd say go for it but then again would you really want to date a girl that would date a black guy?

>wanting coal burners
yeah stay in your cuck shed

Less than half the chicks in that pic are white. Fuck a mexican, they're white-looking mutts so it won't matter when you pollute their gene pool.

under rated.


>cuckpost from a leaf

I fucking hate this board.

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"American" should be its own race at this point. None of those people are white yet they're not anything else either. They're just nondescript mutts.

Asian women are for BWC.

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>South Africa
your shithole is no better than america at this point.

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In terms of race? There's probably more actual non-mutt whites in SA than there are in USA.

We're also no worse and that's shameful to USA

not in terms of race, but in terms of nigger control. Your nogs got off their leash and are now burning down your country. At least american nogs are kept in containment cities.

The US has 320 million people, you are right.

A more accurate equivalency is, would we date a black girl if we were stuck in a black neighborhood?
And would we survive if we did?

White girls dont have buttholes, they just poop out of their vagina

your mom must have done a job on you for you to hate black women so much that you would rather date a white girl.

Niggers do this too. It just takes them 9 months.

>Convince me not to date a white girl.
Do it yourself, typical lazy nog.

that is a ruff looking bunch of bitches.

Lmao. UH alumni here. These cheerleaders are fucking butt ugly. Shaka bruh.

If all the niggers get with white girls then there wont be any white girls left?

Well I have to ask, are you simply black? Or are you a nigger? Are you personally a stand up guy or are you a piece of shit? I could also add if for any reason you get her pregnant said mixed kid will always be ostracized (too black to fully fit in with white people, too white to fully fit in with black people) and thus is more likely to suffer mental issues.

But hey you're just asking me, a random user, on this Mongolian sheep shearing board.

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Ignore THOTs; acquire currency user. These ladies will never be loyal to you as they only see you as a sexual conquest of exotic origin.

Muhammad Ali explains it very well

latina are fair game, for everyone since they're half-breeds and some even part african.

Because your child will have a low IQ, if you date a black girl your child will likely have a higher IQ.

One day you'll be lynched.

Weed them out for us. Thanks.

We could solve every problem by mixing whites into Japan's dying population and leaving earth from Japan. Let the shitskins nuke each other. It's a big fucking con to seed space with pure white Asian seed and burn the failures.

fucking morons

you hate yourself so much that if your child looked like you, you would be repulsed. can't blame ya.