On an issue by issue basis, what are some right wing positions that are absolutely rock solid? What positions do you feel you could definitely convince the average person of? What parts of right wing thought do you find most persuasive?
Issues where the right is undeniably correct?
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I've found myself moving further right for a while now, and I'd like to explore more right wing thought. However, I just can't get into a lot of the popular right wing pundits. On the internet, ahistorical hacks like Steven Crowder unironically believe that the nazis were left wing because their name means "national SOCIALIST," and Sargon of Akkad can't seem to read more than two lines of any study he cites, sometimes even going as far as to cite studies that don't even support his view. In academia, truly right wing economists and sociologists are rare, and when I've tried to read right wing literature (namely, Ayn Rand), I've found it tedious and preachy. I've also read some explicitly fascist stuff (Mussolini) but I think it's a bit too much to start with.
So I'm trying a new approach of looking at stuff on an issue to issue basis.
Equality isn't real. Religion is beneficial. Change isn't necessarily an improvement.
Gas Jews
Hate speech isn’t real
Gays reproduce by molesting boys
all non whites need to be deported
Cute trap
All of them
That everyone having an ethnostate isn’t a big deal. I think state rights should be re affirmed and basically turned into ethnostate and everyone may as well just keep our military and contribute. And is California wants to be some melting pot multi cultural multirace pot whatever. People should be free to organize in a way that makes them happy. If a bunch of black white or Asian people want to organize a state or ten where they’re the only residents and police themselves whatever. But they contribute to the military in an equitable way.
Egalitarianism is suicidal.
>All of this pedantry
You belong on the left. The left is for the pedantic. People who are too fucking dumb to just open their eyes and realize obvious things for themselves. Go be with your commie opiate addict tranny homo commie friends
I'm pretty far left and very progressive. But I think the right has the right idea on guns and the 2nd amendment, not only are they a core part of our culture, they are a right. And a right for a reason.
I think better education on firearms is important and that totally.banning them outright (while rare even among leftists) is a terrible idea.
I disagree with them on most other issues though, especially economics.
Nah the right is just the loveliest place for reductive twats. Some issues are supposed to be complicated, some institutions are supposed to be questioned, etc.
women shouldn't get equal pay or the vote and should be executed upon reaching the age of 35
blacks should be castrated and re-enslaved
gas the kikes
race war now
I bet you put dildos up your ass and can't get your own life together, meanwhile you sit and masturbate yourself about "how dumb those mean, simple minded, right-wingers who don't like books and love christianity are".
But those are just broad blanket statements, not actual ideas on policy.
I'm a far left progressive and I agree with your statement completely. Doesn't mean we'd agree on policy (who knows, maybe we would but assume that we'd never be able to find common ground?)
And to be fair, because I don't wanna be a fucking hypocrite, I will admit that I can't get my life together lately. But I have a pretty successful history under my belt at least and am pretty sure that in my case the problems will only be temporary
A separate place for every race makes the world a better place.
Just take a look at any high school lunch room. The kids self-segregate according to race.
Seriously start watching Alternative Hypothesis on Youtube. He's the shit and if you're not convinced by the time you've familiarized yourself with his content, you probably never will be. It's long and detailed but it sounds like that's what you're looking for.
I mean if my shit were together I wouldn't be wasting my time posting on this board
>jews are smarter than the american middle class
Big suprise
>Religion is beneficial
cringe and bluepilled. religion is used to keep the goyim under control.
Most people agree with right wing views. I don't give a fuck anymore what I say at work, and most coworkers agree with me when I say it. As long as you don't tie it to any named (((ideology))), they will assume it as natural and correct.
meritocracy is superior to equal distribution
Hey I'm just on here because I can't sleep.
I just got a promotion, bought a house, and got engaged, looks like I don't belong here. But I hope things turn around for you, user. Sincerely.
I absolutely hate the right's insistence on appeal to common sense. All I want is for someone to appeal to something a little more than "well it feels right to me." Almost every time I see a right wing argument I go look up the source they're using and it's some dumb ass blog or it doesn't even agree with them. It's always these broad appeals with no substance. When Dave Rubin says he's pro free speech, I think, "okay, great, but I wonder how he feels about people using free speech to silence other people's speech?" It doesn't seem like he has an answer. Everything is so surface level with the right, and often times it seems like further digging reveals nuance that actually discredits those surface level arguments that seemed good at first.
EVEN WORSE, I can think of a few places where the right is probably correct. Simple economic things like rent control or in the US, raising minimum wage in all places to $15 per hour seem disastrous (although maybe debatable with minimum wage when we look at real world job loss). But when I ask right wingers, they give me real dumb fucking moralism, their feelings, or conspiracy theories about jews.
All I want is a few issues that the left is objectively wrong regarding, on a deep level.
Have you read "More Guns, Less Crime" by John Lott? I'm really interested in it because he's a pretty well established and well thought out economist.
Cool! I'll check him out.
If you think America and Canada are Meritocracies I have fucking news for you.
Look up the benefits of marriage. then realize you have to quantify if you mean the financial, economic, societal, or psychological befits. Then realize each of these also apply to each member of the family, the father benefits, the mother benefits more than him, and the children rake in the benefits heaps more than both the parents. Then realize that feminist rhetoric has increased the percentage of children born in "single-parent" homes to a whopping 40%.
Who's the girl
pic src taftaj1, trap extraordinaire
>What positions do you feel you could definitely convince the average person of?
None. People almost never change their position from one encounter. Even if they can't refute what you've said, it will still take repeated exposures before they decide to change their mind.
Minimum wage destroys jobs due to deadweight loss.
almost all of them beside abortion.
>what race is it?
>I absolutely hate the right's insistence on appeal to common sense
stopped reading there cuz common sense tells me you're a faggoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
Lay the feminist bare.
do your own homework, faggot
You really just summed up a lot about the right that frustrates me. Not the ideas - but the stem of their ideas. Libertarians are similarly problematic, they're in love with the individualism meme, but have never read a real book on political philosophy. And no, Atlas Shrugged doesn't count. "But taxation and adequate public services are bad because muh bootstraps!"
They're right that all of life is precious but are wrong in forcing people to accept that life is precious...They can't play God
Seriously race realism. That and capitalist economics, at least as the main system. I've watched so much communist YouTube from non-compete to contra to Jose to slime faggot, and none of them can remotely come close to picking apart basic tenets of race realism or capitalism. I have not settled completely on modified capitalism as I recognize inefficiencies can be necessary.
Unironically read mein kampf
John Lott has some issues with some of his studies
Destiny debunks race realism pretty well, wins most of his debates against the alt right
Life starts a conception.
Now whether you believe in the Christian sanctity of life thus zero abortion is another story, but any other starting point of life is arbitrary.
Right to freedom of speech (not vote or mass press, just speech).
Right to self defence with a weapon. I find AKs for overthrowing tyrannical government a murky area, but hand guns to stop assaults and theft to be a very easy argument and one I'm convinced is just.
Single national language. No special treatment for certain citizens (either you're a citizen or not).
Freemarkets but not full blown libertarian absurdity.
damn, white men look like THAT?
The appeal to common sense on the right is great. It took me a while to see it. Jesus, it’s not hard: families are important and should be bolstered not torn down, our own decisions impact our life more than anything, our own fuck ups are ours not somebody else’s, and niggers are the fucking worst. That’s all obvious if you’re not a smarmy equivocating overly complicating dickbag.
The left is also objectively wrong that equality is worthwhile much less possible. That diversity is somehow more stable than the alternative. I mean fuck, I can’t get a delivery to my house or a ride from somebody on an app that speaks English and can read a damn map - how is that a good way to organize a society?
Debunks reality, nice lol
How did he get those DSL's that fast?
If youre talking about abortin - making it illegal isnt forcing anyone. Just like making drugs illegal didnt force anyone to not use them. Theyre everywhere
But it shows people that maybe theres a reason why it was outlawed.
Life starts the moment a female is born (she's born with all of her eggs) and the moment a man creates the sperm.
The Nazis WERE left wing genius. Look at their social/economic policies and you'll see they're an American leftists wetdream and everything Hitler is accused of doing to the Jews r the same exact things the left is doing/ wants to do to the right/Trump supporters...btw does Pantifas flag remind u of anything?
>okay, great, but I wonder how he feels about people using free speech to silence other people's speech
You can't, you can only silence speech with actions.
Unless you're talking about slander, lying or advocation of removing freedom of speech, but they still need to followed by action.
Life starts at conception is kind of a misleading argument though. There is a difference between cells and organisms. You could say life begins at conception due to the combining of sperm and egg to create a cell and cells are considered life, but the fundamental characteristics that makes something an organism is completely different.
"a complex structure of interdependent and subordinate elements whose relations and properties are largely determined by their function in the whole and (2) an individual constituted to carry on the activities of life by means of organs separate in function but mutually dependent: a living being."
A human being is composed of human parts, and a single cell is not a human being.
You're not going to find statistical evidence for philosophical arguments.
How can one reasonably be expected to quantify an idea such as "free speech"? It's a moral argument with varying opinions on what does and does not constitute free speech. However, the entire premise is about a government and its institutions being unable to restrict speech of individuals.
If you want to argue about whether or not individuals can restrict other's free speech, well, those individuals have to do so within the confines of local/state laws.
I might be able to restrict someone's free speech by physically silencing them; however, that would be considered assault. Could I follow that person around all day every day with a bullhorn and effectively harass them to prevent their free speech? Sure, but that too would eventually qualify as a crime against another person and that individual could place a restraining order on me for doing so.
As for your other issues, I don't have enough information in front of me to argue those positions in a manner that would probably satisfy you. Although, I will say that increasing the minimum wage equally in all locals across an entire nation isn't necessarily the best idea in a place as vast as the United States.
Death to Israel
What if every time you try to talk I shout so loud that nobody can hear you?
Not reality.
Fuck jannies
Unfortunately not user
Thanks for the (you) I guess
The single cell created at conception as a unique human DNA that has never existed before and will never exist again. It's not the mother's and it'a not the father's. An egg cell has only the mother's DNA. A sperm cell has only the father's DNA. But at the moment of conception, a new individual human being has been created. That's why the "masturbating is mass murder" argument is retarded.
Food. Like the wife from All in the Family.
>t. actual retard
I hate being associated with you
Swan song on the worlds smallest violin
I said ACCUSED of doing and I didn't say whatever he did do (((they))) didn't have coming
I wonder if s(he) fucks non-white guys
They are a waste of time. What is correct isn't dictated by who can find a source backing their opinion the quickest. Also in debates neither person has time to verify the validity of the other sources or claims.
Fuck off glownigger
I know this might be getting into semantics but that's not true when you say at the moment of conception a new individual human being has been created. Human embryo would be more accurate of a term, sorry for harping about this
Imagine all the things we got coming
What do you constitute as actions?
By gloqnigger, I think you mean one of those flags waving to dancing queen in a dilapidated waregouse?
Well I disagree on multiple levels, depends on what you consider debates. I can see you saying that certain debate formats might be a waste of time, but debates help exchange ideas, to influence public thought, can encourage people to look up additional information, bring new perspectives you haven't thought of before, to pursue more knowledge
We aren't arguing if a fertilised egg is an organism, we are arguing if it is human, the start of a human life. Whether that beginning state is as a cell or organism is irrelevant
Well we can't really define a human being by the number of cells it has can we? Everybody has a different number of cells, and where would you draw the line? Do sixteen cells constitute a life? A thousand? A million? Any definition other than conception is arbitrary.
I am not retarded, this is the actual truth, the ultimate redpill that is like white hot fire to commies and leftists - Books are for fags and if you aren't already a fag when you read them they will turn you into a homosexual.
Let me say it for you one more time in green text so it sinks in:
>Books are for fags and if you aren't already a fag when you read them they will turn you into a homosexual.
There. Absolute truth.
Everything you READ is bullshit. Got your head down in a book? It's all BS. Marx? BS. "Real socialism"? BS. If all you know is reading your gay fagbooks, then you can't understand the reasons why. You can't understand until you go out into the real world and actually exist in it, and you see how much more complicated and complex it is than Marx with his black and white, 2 dimensional Jew-Mind-Faggotry, and you say "holy fuck. I wasted so much of my life with books and turned myself like 70% gay in college. Thank God I'm in the real world now, seeing real things, and ungaying myself at a rapid pace".
I don't expect you to understand, because you are a faggot. You are a faggot and someone suffering from 21st century mindvirus.
what is 21st century mindvirus? 21st century mindvirus is a lot of things. But here is one prime example:
"ReadingFags" often like to do their reading on the internet. In front of screens. What effect does this have? It causes literal demonstrable brain damage and premature thinning of the cortex. The cortex is the part of the brain that is responsible for your ability to perceive reality.
So basically, reading shit, at least on the internet anyhow (but prob in fagbooks too) literally reduces your ability to process reality and understand how things really are.
So strictly speaking as a matter of science now, reading makes you fucking dumb. Science hasn't proved the faggotry part yet, but give it a few years and it prob will because on a long enough timeline "intuitive" conservatives always get vindicated.
We define a human being by having multiple human parts, organ systems, organs, tissues, and has a completely different behavior compared to just a number of cells. Drawing the line is what creates the complexity in the abortion argument. It's not as arbitrary as you think though in the way you're trying to frame it
Are you black?
That a matriarchy of any sort is absolutely impossible simply because men exist. As soon as shit hits the fan, everything goes back to 10,000 BC-tier hierarchy’s. We’re all playing house right now, and no one knows what shit can really be like.
TLDR - We’re all just humoring women.
I mean they are a waste of time in being the foundation of your beliefs.
I completely agree they are a good entry point to further learning or great test for your current beliefs, get you to think about an issue in another way.
Perhaps I could have been more specific in what I was getting at.
Any other way you try to define it would include some fully grown adults, though, too. If you're missing a bunch of organs and rely on machinery to live; if you're in a coma; etc. You can't just walk up to someone and murder them if their organs don't work or if they're comatose.
.... What the fuck did I just read. You seem mentally ill.
>We define a human being by having multiple human parts, organ systems, organs, tissues
Do we?
>Crowder and Sargon
>right wing
I am in pain reading this
Yeah, Crowder is (((Israel is our greatest ally!))) personified, a real good goy. And Sargon is barely coherent enough that you can even say he has an ideology, but if I had to place him I'd say he's a left liberal.
Let me think about this one for a second, just want to clarify. So you're kinda saying that you could still be considered a human even if you were missing certain human organs or parts, correct? Is that your argument?
Debates aren't meant to be a foundation of your beliefs though my friend, I kinda get your sentiment that some debates aren't always a true test of "the truth" if you're talking to some random joe on the street.
>I'm a far left progressive
no you're not. fuck off LARPing faggot. those bitches don't come here. enjoy your (You)
How about center-left progressives...
>it's a lonely beta incel turns into a 10/10 trap episode
>not fooling anyone
The issue here is that this is a fucking complicated topic that deals with philosophy, science, technology and religion and our labels. A lot of things in the scientific community are just labels, labels through a human lens to help us understand it. Maybe things are really fucking arbitrary actually, and the definition of life can definitely be murky sometimes, like looking at a virus.
>Debates aren't meant to be a foundation of your beliefs
My issue is the amount of politically minded people on the left and right who treat them that way.
It just gives more power to demagogues and the likes of mass media or Shapiro, destiny etc. Hell some people 'lose' a debate but when you actually read or listen to their material where they aren't under pressure you realise they were right. floundering during the debate can actually hurt the support their position should have
Right. So if you want to say the child needs a heartbeat before it's considered a person, there are adults who rely on machines for their hearts to work. If you want to draw the line at sentience, well, someone who's asleep or in a coma doesn't fit the definition of sentience. Any definition of personhood you come up with for a fetus/zygote/embryo other than conception also excludes some adults.
Eh, the left wing thing probably isn't that far fetched, but admittedly most of it comes from retarded "Dems are the real racists" cryptolibs. Read some Nietzsche and Evola.