Why did white men give up control of America?
Why did white men give up control of America?
All the white man ever wanted was to be left alone and have others leave him alone. This is his ethos. Strong in his way. Smart in his way. Individualistic to his core.
Unfortunately life doesn't work that way, practically. You either destroy your enemies or you allow them to grow strong enough to destroy you. Last great American was George W Bush. I think he was the last white man to truly understand that, and our country turned on him and hated him for it
They didn’t. Don’t get tricked by the jewish meme. Whites own
We wrongly assumed that everyone else would be reasonable and rational if they were just given equal rights.
September 11th, 2001
^^^controlled demolition
>Last great American was George W Bush.
Case and point exactly. These two knuckleheads.
We gave women the vote. It went to shit after that.
George W bush was the most garbage anti white president ever
idk man, but we got to take it back.
>anti white president
He literally started a race war which his fellow whites, like yourself, refused to back him up on
Fucking Jow Forums is beautiful, man. They're like "RACE WAR NOW! RACE WAR NOW!" and then someone mentions the one person in our history to ever literally start a race war and Jow Forums is like "NO FUCK THAT GUY"
Ty Cobb wasn't really a racist, just a mean bastard and it was one of the guy's he cucked kid that started the racist narrative.
Project Hammer?
Soviet Union?
$240 Billion in bonds?
$2.3 Trillion?
Nope? Nothing? You didn’t get the memo user?
women sufferage
ty cobb was jew blood
When they brought in immigrants and refugees and realized that they couldn't compete.
>which his fellow whites
Well think about it. When the USA was founded, in the 17th century and even later up to the 18th century, which ethnic groups were dominant in every aspect of life? It was white Europeans.
Which ethnic group is dominant now in US media, politics, wealth, business, law practice and so on?
There's your answer.
And just for the record I am not even really into the race war thing? It's not my preference? I think a race war would be fucking hell, and Jow Forums hasn't thought that desire through, but in effect "race war" was exactly what George W Bush's foreign policy in the middle east was. Back in the 2000s I was one of the dumbfucks who used to protest him and talk about how evil what we were doing was. I was young and I was brainwashed. Lol.
The hypocrisy on Jow Forums on the George W Bush issue is immense though. Either pick one or the other, you want race wars or you think race wars are immoral
YOU need to learn how to articulate yourself more properly
Idk, I suppose enough of them decided they'd rather have their kids grown up chastised, mugged, assaulted, raped, murdered, etc than have some annoying jews call them racists and nazis. Seriously.
Bush was an anti American peace of shit. His patriot act was unconstitutional and I don’t know who was worse him or Obama. Bush said fuck your 4th amendment with that shit. -sincerely a fucking veteran that fought in his stupid war in 2005.
>YOU need to learn how to articulate yourself more properly
(((you))) need to gftoh newfag jew
They got tired of hearing women bitching about "muh right to vote!!!" and finally gave in.
It all went to hell from there.
The white man went off chasing pussy. Open legs, open borders. Promiscuity has been the death of the West. The only thing that can save the white West is to repent of our fornication are turn back to Christ. As long as the masses have the opiate that is the orgasm no one will ever rise up. It's no coincidence that the immigration laws were changing in the middle of the sexual revolution of the 60's.
God Bless you user. A digital salute to you! Damn right about Bush. Bush is a jew shill. And user is a jew. Enough said. The New Dawn is rising and we will soon take back what is ours.
He didn't give it up. ..women took it from the weak white boy using sex
The one's who would keep control were sent off to die in ww1 ww2 and Vietnam.
>All the white man ever wanted was to be left alone and have others leave him alone
Tell that to the Native Americans kek
Cobb would sharpen his cleats before games with a file so the other team could see, they knew he slid into bases cleats up.
Yeah, he was a mean sob.
What aspect of the white man's relationship to the natives would dispute what I said? Whites were fleeing government oppression and religious tyranny when they came here. It is literally exactly as I said. When they got here, they found a people who were initially warm and receptive to them, but whom they ultimately found to be 1000 times worse than the people whom they just fled. They were slave drivers, barbaric, violent. They tortured people in the center of their encampments for fun, and then to top it all off they started kidnapping puritan children and refusing to give them back.
In what fucking world, in your mind, were the white people "the bad guys" and in what world did they do anything that was "wrong" or warranted shame?
you need to read the first hand accounts of the missionary's and settlers before you say that
The fuck are you talking about? He literally appointed a guy named Alphonso Jackson as his secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and allowed Jackson to use Section 8 housing vouchers to move violent ghetto-dwellers into white towns and suburbs. Or did you already forget about that?
Boiling frog stuff.
Too many small and seemingly unconnected concessions over several generations.
It was not by a brilliant strategy or overwhelming power, just a small bite at a time.
I love how you go back through this entire guy's presidency and pull out some random policy of who the hell knows how many that probably didn't even come from him or have anything to do with him and that's all it takes for you to be like "BUSH BAD!" I mean it's so clear you're arguing with an agenda here
We didn't give shit up we got tricked and stabbed in the back while trying to help someone "crying out in pain."