@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump on Helping American Farmers &Ranchers 5/23/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit Arlington Natl Cemetery 5/23/19
>Don Jr on F&F 5/23/19
>SoS Pompeo on CNBC 5/23/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Vietnamese DepPM&FM Minh 5/23/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan outside Pentagon 5/23/19
>CommSec Wilburine/NOAA/FEMA Presser on 2019 Atlantic Hurr Season 5/23/19
>PressSec Sarah outside WH 5/23/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 5/23/19
>KAC/VPCoS Short outside WH 5/23/19
>KAC on FoxNews 5/23/19
>ActFAAAdm Elwell on CNBC 5/23/19
>NIAIDDir Fauci on Bloomberg 5/23/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan @Senate on Natl Sec Resources 5/23/19
>PDUSD(I) Bingen/ODNI/NSA Officials @House on Diversity 5/23/19
>StateDept Press Brief (Morgan) (audio) 5/23/19
>This Week@Interior 5/23/19
>DoDVideo: Vietnam DepPM&FM Visits Pentagon 5/23/19

OP pastebin:

Attached: cowboyhatback.jpg (1920x1080, 1M)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's all it takes for a wolf girl to break into your wagon and steal your clothes. Why don't you own a gun?

Attached: holo hmm.jpg (900x726, 107K)

on a scale of 1 to shitting your pants on live tv, where are shillary, comey et al right now?

Attached: screen-K6ywQ_TJ5SM_2019-05-23-01:02:12.jpg (1679x962, 898K)


Attached: tarrant.png (1227x170, 41K)

why did drumpf need to say that america will never be socialist

What the fuck is The Reagan Battalion?

who here /howdy/?

Attached: big hat yalldve texan awoo.png (1024x788, 360K)

I'm gonna go ahead and awoo

Attached: 1548465836443.jpg (580x568, 240K)

Only betas own guns

>here's your witcher tv adaptation

Attached: witchershowcombat.webm (480x600, 2.89M)

there is literally no good reason to own a gun

Attached: 1535407748605.jpg (1305x1463, 133K)


What's all this about the declassification?

Attached: 1483821504776.jpg (500x445, 29K)

Attached: file.png (600x389, 50K)

Howdy Yall for TX

Politically connected people won't be touched, by definition, if you are a Democrat, you are above the law, as seen by experience so far, I hope President Trump does fine, get rid of the nonsense so he can govern properly.

Final burn is complete, satellite deployment in about 15min.

Literally a pair of greasy, forelocked Jews.

Attached: mpv-shot0010.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

Got 18, now 20, do I hear 22?

Hilldawg knows she won't live to see prison anyhow; Comey is hoping he's got enough flunkies to take the dive

Attached: new bidder.jpg (2125x1413, 1.53M)

>being surrounded by niggers

my president is not a genius :( my country is fucket gibe visa pls

This is my girlfriend, say something nice about her

Attached: 9A0B0C6E-0C7B-4BB2-A1AA-D0AFA980AD48.jpg (560x1920, 286K)

>Lobsterbacks said the same until they got to Lexington Green

Attached: Battle of Lexington Concord.jpg (437x300, 30K)


Attached: 1539822427732.jpg (1600x660, 120K)

Attached: file.png (616x587, 246K)

LMFAO at the krassenstein brothers lifetime ban from twitter

the Trump Curse™ strikes again

Attached: howdy.png (571x471, 478K)

>Trump couldn't stop the caravan >Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law >Trump couldn't make Mexico pay for the wall
>Trump couldn't build the wall >Trump couldn't repeal Obamacare >Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't drain the swamp >Trump couldn't pass the travel ban >Trump couldn't raise the taxes on the rich
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt
>Increased immigration
>Increased Israel military aid
>Never built the wall
>Never replaced Obamacare
>Didn’t stop jobs from leaving
>employed more foreigners than Americans
>Betrayed America’s NATO allies
>Raised taxes for the middle/poor class while decreased taxes for the rich
>Never rebuilt the crumbling infrastructure
>Divided the nation
>Never withdrew troops from the Middle East
>Started tariff trade war with everyone
>Increased trade deficit with China >Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>New Bill prohibits wall expansion

Full Bill

>Expands h1bs, h2bs
>Wants the largest number of immigrants ever
>Ramping up for more foreign wars >Hillary not in jail
>No declassified FISA
>No election fraud investigation >Fires non-globalist staff members
>National emergency has done NOTHING
>Bans Bumpstocks
>Couldn't end Chain Migration
>Couldn't end Green Card Lottery
>Snuck tpp provisions into the new nafta

No way!.
You are telling me that a video game that a live action adaption of a video game was poorly executed?

Nuh uh. I don't believe it.

Attached: Kagome.....................................(the 2 mortal kombat movies were okay).jpg (284x332, 23K)

i can stick my dick literally anywhere in her

It's confirmed, for sure, happening. Trump sent Barr a letter giving him full authority to look into the 2016 election spygate shit and declassify WHATEVER he needs to.

Attached: smug barr.jpg (1024x785, 108K)

Attached: 1512769984096.png (1312x1011, 685K)

The girl behind her is looking at her ass.

I am watching the skylink video that was posted
1. Most of the gains are in longer links like i said (london to singapore for example)
2. He doesnt break down the latency of the radio links so its hard for me to quantify the base delay they introduce

where's the valve to let the air out

When it's done, you could shitpost and stream 4k video from Point Nemo

Flags are going to get really strange in here when that happens.

Attached: 1459028435574.jpg (526x496, 86K)

the witcher was a book prior to being a game


60 seconds ago

It'll still have redactions, though won't it?

Attached: 1508631213474.jpg (667x1000, 289K)

Press S to spit on their digital graves.

Attached: Krassenstein Bros.jpg (560x527, 49K)

I want one. That's a pretty good reason.

>inb4 any argument
If you won't let me have what I want and you find a way to make that an absolute requirement of living in your society, my only options are to kill you and burn society down if I want to have that thing. Why do you want people to kill you and burn down society just so they can have stuff? It doesn't make any sense.

you will weaken eventually

Attached: 1549503798467.jpg (604x604, 106K)

there's a good chance she'll roll over and suffocate you to death in your sleep

How'd they of all people get banned from Twitter?

She's going to save the nation social security payouts?

What'd they get hit for? aside from the ponzi schemes

Attached: abstract.png (224x225, 1K)

Based and hampilled

Comey is headed toward the Pacific. Though, he will have to get around a new fence when he passes through a small, border town in Texas.

Attached: 002d2ce0a2f676bcdf284fc1a0bddf4cda13d674a923868769cd74e6cad7e858.jpg (744x368, 84K)

It comes for all eventually

Attached: 1492021511098.png (422x422, 168K)

No way lmao. It was so fucking obvious

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Attached: crossbonescowboyhat.jpg (598x797, 40K)

It might not, or it'll be minimal like on the Mueller report. TOTAL declassification authority.

Attached: barr white power.jpg (2089x1223, 166K)

>the witcher was a book prior to being a game
yes it was. So was Dynasty Warriors. for some reason those work okay

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.47_[2019.03.02_00.43.34].jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>Plan trusting faggots still think it's people like Hillary and Obama who are going to go to jail
How do people even still follow this LARP?

Only betas need guns
Why would you do that to yourself though

Joe, let's hear your explanation for the dead intern in your office years ago

>Why do you want people to kill you and burn down society just so they can have stuff?
no reason

Attached: 1535944297700.png (704x396, 225K)

>Why would you do that to yourself though
literally story of my life

>only one source
Wow its nothing.

Attached: 1533870985548.jpg (960x720, 248K)

>Early wanting to kill Hitler

Attached: 1557230638407.jpg (857x1202, 192K)

>National Sorry Day is May 26
Are you sorry? Apologize

Based and red pilled. Some people haven't read FBI-user. President Trump is allowing for Option B. The Republic is more corrupt than anyone imagines.

Attached: CFG+.gif (4024x7877, 2.16M)

not a single source other than a shitty pdf of a bill, you should be ashamed to call yourself a shill with how bad you are

When can I expect to read the FISA warrants since they're being declassified?

>ever willingly going to florida

Attached: 45712461-D249-486D-9FA2-50B210BCD27E.png (550x399, 567K)

Likely just grand jury material desu... And perhaps matters and individuals that are under their own investigation, apart from the russian hoax.

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President Trump gave AG Barr the green light to review and declassify *all* documents related to the 2016 spying scandal.

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Attached: inuyasha_girl_ears_scream_kick_sword_49510_800x1200.jpg (800x1200, 435K)

Shoo shoo shareblue. This has nothing to do with that semen gargling faker.

Attached: mexiqans.gif (300x212, 1.92M)

Your posts make me think less of Australia.

Isn't it Frank again?

Spread the good word.

Attached: Krass Bros.jpg (1048x640, 73K)

the best way to die desu
suffocated by loving thicc gf

Because those two deserve to be in jail.


Attached: file.png (589x626, 449K)

>this can says beer; all of em do

Attached: kav.jpg (220x275, 12K)


Attached: 1539470548488.jpg (2227x2786, 785K)

>ID: PEd
a lil cot once told me a certain #21 did something

Attached: NannersClown.png (1000x924, 343K)


Attached: Kagome hug.gif (500x247, 1.75M)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 8.24.41 PM.png (1052x1258, 900K)

>Immediate recoil at having been found out
Just as I expected.

>Only betas need guns

Like I said, I want one. I suppose if that makes me a beta I'll just have to kill alphas and drink their blood or something until I become alpha myself. What do you want from me? I'm not going to give up my right to have nice things just so you or anyone else can moralize. You are not my friend - you disarming me isn't good for me, its just good for you. In my case, its really good for me to be able to shoot you if I ever require that capacity to protect my rights from people who feel it is necessary to restrict them for their own safety.

They do, but they won't be but don't tell that to the hope porn addicts.

lol isn't this the fucking end to Shawshank Redemption?

There's a Barrbarian at the gates of the swamp

Attached: 1557623051953.png (532x420, 423K)

>operating bot accounts
So King nigger should be banned something like 100M times now?

Attached: 3728412-0583822638-Train.gif (500x339, 639K)

have fun losing your clothes

Attached: lewd holo.png (680x327, 264K)

They got booted off Trump's reality game show and are now sitting in the loser's corner with David Hogg and Michael Avanetti

Delete this, Nanners, PEDerson’s still the best corner in the league.

Attached: 3EAC0DC7-A52A-4BC8-8762-33C56D0904BE.png (671x689, 271K)

she looks like she'd be extremely attractive at a healthy bmi

King nigger should be executed painfully in minecraft


Attached: file.png (593x612, 429K)

>asia has been subverted by (((western))) culture

Stupid fags

Attached: 1530567843328.gif (466x265, 764K)

>this here is an empty beer can
>and you smoke weed out of it
Geez, i-it would take a REALLY trashy person to do such a thing.

Attached: 1557034190994.jpg (272x254, 39K)

From the entire Minecraft server.

I'm more of a /whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es'nt'ed'ies's'y'es'nt't're'ing'able'ric'ive'al'nt'ne'm'll'ble'al'ny'less'w'ck'k'ly'py'nd'idy'ety'st'ged'ful'ish'ng'my'ous/ kind of guy.

Does it come with one free trap surgery?

These tweets don't exist.