Why does Pelosi always seem to have Trump’s number?
>Once again, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is large and in charge. Once again, President Trump is frantic and rattled. Once again, a tough and powerful woman is driving an insecure man out of his mind.
>I don’t think Pelosi’s strategy of resisting a formal impeachment inquiry can last forever, but I have to admit it’s working. She looks like a responsible public servant trying her best to serve the public interest. He looks panicked, desperate, out of control and concerned only — as usual — with self-interest.
The jew media is helping Trump by keeping his enemies trapped in a bubble of delusion.
Adrian Long
She's as crazy as a bedbug, user.
Evan Butler
It's amazing to see just how bad wapo has gotten.
Andrew Mitchell
Trump's not rattled, the media has to boost Pelosi up so she doesn't get hung by AOC and the rabid left. This is all posturing to make her look better and try to stop the fucking nutjob left from trying to impeach Trump. Impeachment proceedings would cause them to loose the House and they know it. This is fake news used to try and pacify the Democrat base. We need to push impeachment, that will lead to the most liberal SALT.
interesting observation; how did you come upon it?
Gabriel Martin
God Bezos hates Trump so fucking much. I hope Amazon gets assraped by this administration somehow.
Ayden Williams
>washington post Jeff, you’re doing it again.
Eli Bailey
Pfft. She sounds like Daffy Duck thanks to Trump. Only a peter puffer would take her seriously.
Andrew Russell
The left doesn't control the media, the media controls the left. If the media doesn't report something it's like it didn't happen to the average leftist. If the media was objective they'd be reporting on the Spygate scandal like it was 1000x worse than Watergate, which it is. By ignoring Spygate the media is helping Trump to do whatever he wants with no push back from the left because the left doesn't know what's happening.
Logan Clark
>Donald plz, the cameras are here, lets take this behind closed doors
Yeah, Trump was the frantic one there.
Cameron Perry
Seems like a lot of work when they could help him more by just reporting the news objectively, or even shilling for him like they did when Obama was in office.
Eli Sullivan
This is considered journalism by the left
Kayden Powell
>the washington rag
Luke Cox
Making the left believe that they're winning when they're really losing makes them less likely to fight. It's like the 2016 election all over again. They'd be more aggressive if they knew they were cornered. Trump has the goods on the Spygate scandal. The Dems are done, they just don't know it yet. Better to keep them in the dark.
Nathaniel Hill
This style of propaganda, is it because people are dumber? Or because they don't know what to write anymore? >Pelosi looks stronk >Trump looks weak What kind of moron likes to read some fucker telling him what to think?
Owen Parker
True. But that’s what happens when you destroy the line between an opinion piece and a news story and sell both to the dumbest people you can find.
Hunter Sanchez
Let's see how rattled Pelosi will be after Assange testifies in court that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leak and the Dem leadership had him killed for it.