Did you think you were redpilled?

You're still in the fucking Matrix you dumb cunts.

Attached: 453434.png (865x442, 641K)

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did you just realize that politics exist?


Although elections do not secure popular control over the state, they do help secure state control over the populace. Voting is a ritual that reinforces obedience to state authority. It creates the illusion that “the people” control the state, thereby masking jewish rule. That illusion makes rebellion against the state less likely because it is seen as a legitimate institution and as an instrument of popular rule rather than the oligarchy it really is. This is why even totalitarian states like Russia under Stalin had elections. Embedded within all electoral campaigns is the myth that “the people” control the state through voting. This is implied & assumed by all election campaigns because it if wasn’t true then the campaign for that candidate would be pointless.

No wonder the Jew mayor of Poland got stabbed


Attached: poland jew stabbed.jpg (703x596, 83K)

Am I missing something or is this completly crazy stuff?

>Am I missing something or is this completly crazy stuff?

Just your average ZOG meeting

By God this is highly distressing! What is ZOG? Sorry, im new to things.

Fuck kikes

Attached: 5161BAF9-4A85-4C7E-AE1F-D72ED9712B83.jpg (401x367, 62K)

Zionist Occupied Governments
ZOG is the final boss.

Attached: 435435.jpg (609x343, 46K)