Communist states of America

>communist states of America

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>farm subsidies have never happened ever before.
Come on poo, ya'll aren't this dumb.

People have to eat.

literally nothing wrong with state capitalism AKA fascism absolutely based

>that money needs to go to aborting fetuses RIGHT!!!! NOW!!!!

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>More money for monsanto.

Death to the governments of this world.
Death to Babylon.
Death to those who serve the Beast.

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How much was for the wall???

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>Proping up domestic producers to break the back of the Chinese bugmen and the Kike bankers
Absolutely Based & Redpilledâ„¢

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Hey lets start a tradewar with china because they subsidize their companies.

>gibs are fine as long as they are for white farmers

>communism's biggest enemy America turns communist

If the typical American can't get their daily filler of oats, cornmeal, corn syrup, and wheat cheaply enough there actually would honest to god be riots eventually.
It's cheaper just to pay them off.

Based as fuck.Exactly like under hitler germany when the gov was helping the farmers because of the ((( sanctions))) from the allies.


everyone eats the food faggot
food costs hurt the tax payer double because niggers are all on food stamps
now excuse me while i use my toilet

Most farmers are Mexican.

Poos are out in force

isn't that socialism?

>Set up an ancient tariff war which burdens an already burdened U.S consumer base with higher prices
>Take billions of dollars in Taxes to give paycheque's to the same people whose staple purchasers are suffering from wage-suppression and tariffs
>This is a good President


religion, government, and money are the great killers of love and freedom

No Pajeet, it wasn't communism yesterday, it's not communism today, and it won't be communism tomorrow, no matter how many times you post this thread.

>Trump bails out farmers who make us food
>Obama bails out the bankers who spent everyones money they didn't own
If we're in a clown world, when does this circus pack up and move on?

exactly how our founding father marx intented,
ah yes dont forget the graduated income tax too.
cheers comrade