Mad Lass Nefcy

This madwoman made a show about a blonde haired blue eyed princess gassing Jews and dismantling ZOG all for spic dick and disguised it as a progressive children's cartoon.

Say something nice to her

Attached: DaronNefcy.jpg (680x510, 96K)

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Just look up the Star Vs finale, its full of subtle anti Zionist imagery

Big if true and based af

Think about it: what does an unelected group of elites that controls a state leader remind you of?

Such as? Never made it to finale. Liked the show but struggled to get past the spic sick thing

Tl;dr Star kills off millions of sentient (((spells))) and (((magical beings))) just for spic dick

>just for spic dick
Someone here didn't pay attention to the plot at all. She did it under the presumption that it would make meeting up with Marco impossible. Spic dick was the one thing holding her back.

WTF are you niggers talking about?

Spic dick