Is this phenomenon happening in developed countries all over the world?

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Fuck off

Yup, going outside is tiresome and interacting with people makes me anxious.

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Yes. We even have a native word for it in Finnish: Hikikomero.

I'm too close to being one for comfort

I've seen and read a lot about Hikikomori by now and can say that Hikikomori is different from agoraphobia or social phobias and uniquely Japanese. Not every modern recluse (I am one myself desu) is a Hikikomori.

As far as I can tell are Hikikomori mainly the result of the social pressure of keeping Face in public (see: ), apparenly it either is becoming harder in the modern world to keep the Honne and tatemae divide "intact" or people are less resilient or a mix those two.

Inceldom, low economic opportunity, depression etc. are just exasperating the problem, but not the main cause in my opinion.

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A deafeningly silent public majority?
How to solve the problem - hug more in public? Idk I want to give him a hug.

>A deafeningly silent public majority?
What do you mean?

>How to solve the problem
Very hard question. Some therapeutic approaches seem to help with a certain percentage. And de-stigmatizing the phenomenon could help as well because many are too ashamed to get psychological help.

I am approaching a hikkimori. I do not see a reason to participate in society. I did my dues, saved my money, and am living off my own labor. I am lonely, but life is easier this way. I have had enough social failures that I do not to experience that pain again.

I am content to spent my time writing fiction and waiting to die.

>I am content to spent my time writing fiction and waiting to die.
and shitposting with us.

That's part of the waiting to die my friend.

Seriously? Did the proto-Finns and most of the Japanese ancestors live side by side as one community, in Siberia or Mongolia, at one point?

>Japan created the perfect anti-hikki weapon
>a roastie that comes annoy you

unironically finns are a meme in Jow Forums... they are one of the most active posters if not the most and that could only mean one thing from such a comparatively small country...

I know a qt meme Japanese girl who's planning on being a hikikomori after college (STEM)

Sad cuz she deserves a nice dude

No you don't smelly fatso

it's the lack of interpersonal communication.
the problem started with telephones allowing people to achieve the end goals of communication without the need for direct interaction.
computers have only exasperated the problem

the constant "incel" spam probably doesn't help

Yes I do Chang

I was a hikiNEET for 4 years after dropping out of high school, still a NEET but not a hikikomori since i leave the house like once a month.

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>I know a qt meme Japanese girl who's planning on being a hikikomori after college (STEM)


she talks about it like it's some elaborate life/career choice then. you damn fool. nothing about it is any good.

I hope everyone is doing okay today/tonight

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not really. this is just something that incels push here every day to cope with their own failed lives. it's no different than those faggots spamming 'why are men dropping out of society' threads.

She's pretty jaded about life and humanity so yeah she talks about it like early retirement

I consider myself a hikikomori and I leave the house at least 7 or 8 times a month


How will she survive? Mooch off her parents?

If prostituion was legal there would be no problem. Wed be a little more immoral, a little more baseless. But a third or more of the male population isnt having sex and that is a psychological attack. With no religion or strong family either, its easy to lose yourself.

I couldn't be a hikikomori because I like to go outside (not interacting with people), but I wish I could be a neet. Too bad I don't have enough money for that.

If the Japanese lived somewhere close to the Ukraine, probably. If not, you can't really know. You can spot many layers of loan words in Finnish that reveals who were our neighbours:
-from the Proto-Indo-European (e.g. nainen "woman" from *gʷneh2- "woman", porsas "piglet" from *pórḱos.)
-from Proto-Indo-Aryan (e.g. naaras "female" from *Hnā́riš "woman", vasara "hammer" from *wáȷ́ras.)
-from Proto-Balto-Slavic (e.g. heinä "hay" from *śaina- "hay", taivas "sky" from *deiwas)
-from Proto-Germanic (e.g. laukka "onion" from *lauka "leek", lima "slime" from *slīmą.)
There are of course later loan words, from Baltic languages, Old Scandinavian, Gothic, High German, Old Russian, Russian, Swedish, German, French, English.

That and she said she'd work for like 2-3 years and live off savings

Is that at 2:00 AM to avoid people while going out to get food? If not you're probably not a hikikomori.

That's because human beings are not wired (yet) to live in cities. Life sucks if you're not middle-upper class in the city. If they went to the country side and had a rural life they've be cured.
If life outside sucks but you have an aviable alternate reality you only need a computer and a small room to be a mementomori.

literally have not gone anywhere besides the gas station in 10 years. t. 31 year old hikikomori, thanks dad for actually being successful enough to support a piece of shit like me

I wish I could be a neet, but I'm unfortunately forced to go to university.

Silence is a funny way of saying you spend most of your time on a underwater basket weaving forum.

>naturally introverted
>make 300k a year in tech sales
>have loving family
>would enjoy nothing more than being a NEET hermit living off investments, barely leaving the house and never driving a car again

Yup. I mean you certainly don’t see neets in Africa or South America.

No. Also hikikomero in Finnish = sweat closet. It just sounds fitting so Finns adopted it when they learnt of the Japanese concept.

I can't understand what goes on in amerimutt brains

There are nearly a million NEETs in the 16 to 24 year old age group here.

i fully agree with this poster

fuck off

in eng?

There are neets here too. There are no jobs in this shithole and Shitzil is the worst of first country world combined with the worst of third world countries. That means you will have niggers stealing your wallet while feminists scream on tv tell to check your privilege.