At this point, I vote for them just for the sake of pulling a prank...

At this point, I vote for them just for the sake of pulling a prank. It's going to be a mere 'fuck you' to the political establishment. I don't really mind the schizo posters who claim that the AfD is "controled opposition", backed by "the banks". Every party needs some financial backing because without it, they would get sued into bankruptcy. I acknowledge that Germany is broken beyond repair and my only hope is that voting for AfD might contribute to the halting of mass immigration. It probably won't happen but you have to left nothing untried. What could go wrong anyway?

Attached: AfD.png (666x306, 35K)

Vote DKP or MLPD if you really want some asshole at Verfassungsschutz to have a bad day. Makes no other difference anyhow. Only gonna go if it's nice outside on sunday.

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>if you really want some asshole at Verfassungsschutz to have a bad day
Public enemies can fuck off.

The harsh reality is, voting almost definitely won't help at all, but if you must vote then yeah, AfD is probably the best choice. Ignore the schizos/shills, they will call "controlled opposition" on literally everyone, and even if they're right (unlikely), at least you tried. If AfD wins and then doesn't do/try to do what they promised, then at least you will know that they are controlled op, but you can't truly know until then.

We tried with Trump, and he has proven himself to be controlled opposition, lesson learned for us.

Thanks for being sane and not falling for the leftist shills trying to push fringe parties. The European coalition for nations and people is the only way forward now. If we don't pull this off, Europe will be history.

I think that Trump, as incompetent and crooked as he is, was mostly genuine at the beginning. At the end of the day, even the president has to follow some rules, though.

You're more optimistic than me as I consider as longterm solution to vote with my feet to somewhere less shitty. Faggots like make me puke. I want order and I want our government to follow our constitution and not attempting to undermine it like it's the case now.

we need more threads on Germany and their election for the E.U parliament. Of course for me the dutch one, is more important but the German vote as a whole is more important. Maybe even the most important. France comes 2nd.

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nice damage control, boomer

Feel free to elaborate, defeatist faggot.


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AfD isn't NatSoc, dude. You felt for leftist propaganda. Maybe you're even a leftist shill yourself.

West Germany is certainly done for. Move to Middle Germany and buy cheap property when the bubble crashes, vote AfD, join the local chapter or the Third Path if you prefer your gibs over actual work, prepare for what's to come. Every other proposal comes from clueless faggots or traitors.

I'm hardcore libtard for sure. Dude, really?

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Germany > Israel
or Israel > Germany?
Bercause Zionism implies the latter.

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Vote AFD!
Geht wählen Anons!
Ich wählen auch die Afd, leider gibt es momentan auch keine bessere Partei die Chancen hat den Altparteien in den Arsch zu treten

AfD ist eine Altpartei

g*rmans are not human

your country is infested with niggers and you've spent all your money putting windmills all over the landscape

your species will not survive

this, true Germanics have been cleansed, what AfD is: a controlled opposition to collect (1) east germans (disgruntled) and (2) former soviet union immigrants/rape descendants

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Reality is controlled by jews. They are our overlords. Just quietly kill yourself, that will show them.
I'm sure the Verfassungsschutz will care about some meme party at 0.02% of the vote.
>We tried with Trump, and he has proven himself to be controlled opposition, lesson learned for us.
Literally how? He is building 500 miles of wall until the end of 2019.

>Alternative für Israel

Altpartei clearly refers to CDU+SPD+Grüne.

Ah yes, and people from the afd are truely all political newcomers.
Face it, your brain is the brain of a 14 yr old child, and you Partei is literally the älteste Altpartei of them all.

>Ah yes, and people from the afd are truely all political newcomers.
ALTPARTEI refers to the age of the party. The AfD is the youngest of the 6 big parties you fucking moron.
>Face it, your brain is the brain of a 14 yr old child, and you Partei is literally the älteste Altpartei of them all.
you partei? I partei!

The higher the vote turnout, the more you legitimize democracy.

Notice how democracy is considered a benefit in pic related.

Stop fucking voting.

Civilization will collapse eventually. Get out.

Attached: mutts fear nature.jpg (905x787, 238K)

By its very design parties in democracies will either not get power, or be cucked in order to get power.

Pic related: its the "far right" leader in Norway.

Attached: virkelig en konservativ type.jpg (1900x1267, 233K)

>don't vote goy, fascism will come on its own!

The only people that can substain themselves as a population are those that have opted away from mass society and democracy.

The collapse of civilization will happen because they cant substain the population. The birth rate is 1.6 here.

Similarly, if fascists try to overthrow anybody all that will do is lead to another war. Another fucking resetbutton for the ((capitalist system)).

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Attached: Revolt against the modern world.jpg (1167x721, 137K)

>The only people that can substain themselves as a population are those that have opted away from mass society and democracy.
No, these are delusional loners. If you think society will crumble anytime soon, you're as delusional as someone building a zombie-proof house.
>The collapse of civilization will happen because they cant substain the population. The birth rate is 1.6 here.
And the population is also getting older and automatization replaces the need for workers.

Fine. Go die fighting for a third time at the miniscule chance at achieving what better men couldnt do the first two times.

Attached: mouse utopia.jpg (788x443, 136K)

Or I could just vote for the AfD and maybe achieve my goal of keeping muslims and niggers out of here.

AfD has the mentality of the "Altparteien", enjoy your kosher business model politics rather than RESTORING and THEN cleaning our Vaterland

AfD exists to give you hope. To make you believe that voting will make a difference.

Controlled opposition.

Attached: ted on fake rebels.jpg (1387x506, 228K)

Muh kosher. Muh Israel.

Afd is a jewish psy op. It's zionist euroskepticism. The parasite gives you two choices, either the zionist fake nationalist parties, or the globo homo eu. Enjoy goyim.

Honestly, AfD has a few good people, but most of them are flip flopping pawns... I'd vote Die Rechte, nothing changes anyway....

god bless and good luck

Wow no wonder Germany is lost.
Look how motivated you are.

Throwing your vote away.

source? there is nothing on him having dual loyalty....

are rape descendants a thing?

why is it wrong to vote for AfD again?

they seem pretty normal

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There is nothing to prove this... why do you keep going on about it??

show me what has brainwashed you to be so blackpilled.......

Theres no evidence of AFD being controlled op.... unlike for example Trump (zionism to the max)
Just because AFD say they arent Nazi does not mean they arent nationalist, and anti immigrant.....

it's not wrong, some posters are just being shills or trolls
AfD isn't perfect, they're far from it, even idiots most of the time, but who else can you vote for?
it's the only party who doesn't hate Germany

I'll vote left to get my whole family from Afghanistan in here :')
Have fun partying today, your nation will be dead after one generation

>some posters are just being shills or trolls
>it's the only party who doesn't hate Germany

>unlike for example Trump (zionism to the max)
Which he literally campaigned on.

Not really. He ran on a broad nationalistic platform. (drain the swamp, close the boarder,)

Its not until he was elected that his true colors came out. ("we want more people coming in than ever before")

>Not really.
"I will be Israel's greatest ally!" - Trump at a campaign event in 2016.
>He ran on a broad nationalistic platform.
That was another platform.
> (drain the swamp, close the boarder,)
If you haven't noticed, the wall is being built and muh Russia wouldn't exist if the swamp didn't hate him.
>Its not until he was elected that his true colors came out. ("we want more people coming in than ever before")
You're retarded. Legal migration numbers are down from Obama years. Illegal immigration is only starting to ramp up now because the wall is getting erected.

t. Juden in der Afd Vorstand

They don't even hide it.

Attached: logo.png (150x95, 10K)

> Hey schau uns an wir gehen wählen...
> o.k

Merkt ihr eigentlich selber was... es ist doch scheiss egal wen man wählt, wenn diese "Politiker" eh nichts zu sagen haben.
Alle dienen Rothschild und Co. bis ans Lebensende und wir müssen alle bis zum umfallen arbeiten...

> geil wa

Lösung Nr. 1
> suicid

Lösung Nr. 2

> suicid

Wir sind alle ziemlich gefickt Freunde....

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Now I truly understand what the Spreelichter meant by "Die Demokraten bringen uns den Volkstod"

Ask for a party programm.

What is it they want to establish and on what terms can they be held accountable if they fail?

>parliamentary democracy
>anyone being held accountable


Well if a leading engineer performs a false construction, he is likely jailed or sued for millions.

Why not have the same standard on politicians?

>Lösung Nr. 1
>> suicid
Das machst Du nicht, Du bist auf einen sehr guten Weg, nämlich dich selbst zu befreien. Das tut notwendig etwas weh.

Because we have parliamentary democracy which comes with election cycles and term which in turn leads to short term thinking and diffusion of responsibility.

sry about that

>He is building 500 miles of wall until the end of 2019.
[x] doubt

Besides, a wall alone is not going to save White America.

Attached: giraffe-258840-1549565867151.jpg (600x337, 33K)

In wie fern befreie ich mich selber dadurch... Lol

Ne ohne scheiss...

Attached: 1530634357922.jpg (1500x1494, 303K)

So what?

>voting for neolibs LARPing as nationalists
Consider suicide anytime

I wish you the best of fortune OP, and to Germany as well. Hopefully one day all the true sons of the west will rise to restore the glory of our lands and peoples.

Things are in many ways worse herein the US as far as demographics,etc. but we do at least have the benefit of an ocean separating us somewhat from the islamic horde. I pray that the light of Europe is not extinguished now after you guys have overcome so much adversity in the past several centuries. Stay strong!

>so what if a party that campaigns on reversing the detrimental effects imposed on us by the scheming of an internationalist clique gets subverted by said clique

based retard poster

>Ich wählen auch die Afd
verpiss dich machmut

Ich mach' dir jetzt mal Mut, Machmut


Die deutsche Sprache ist nicht schwer, wenn man nicht mehrere Schraubendreher bis zum Griff in den Ohren stecken hat. Es geht mir höllisch auf den Sack, wie komplett geistig behindert diese Untermenschen sind. Hab eben auf dem Heimweg im NDR so eine Fotze von der "Flüchtlingshilfe" gehört die mit weis machen wollte, dass man doch mitleid und verständnis mit diesen genetisch veranlagten Serienvergewaltigern haben sollte, weil die ja teilweise nicht einmal in der Schule waren in ihrem Heimatland. Im nächsten Satz freut sie sich wie toll ihre erwachsenen Kompensationskinder trotz ihrer Hilflosigkeit ganz toll in der Berufswelt zurechtkommen und dass es ja so schön ist diesen Untermenschen zu helfen indem man ihnen die Briefe vom Arbeitsamt übersetzt. Persönliche Dolmetscher für lau für die Ärtzte und Ingenieure aber wenn ich Auto fahren will muss ich bald auch noch "Umweltsteuer" zahlen die auch komplett ans Dreckspack geht. Wenn diese Frauen ihrem Leben einen Sinn gegeben hätten indem sie Kinder bekommen hätten, wäre Deutschland heute kein Drecksloch und wir müssten und keinen Fachkräftemangel herbeilügen um die Anwesenheit von einer Million Analphabeten zu rechtfertigen. In Gas diese Brut.

Ich kenne diese Wut. Aber wir müssen akzeptieren was verloren ist. Du musst loslassen können. Wenn wir das hier überleben werden wir eine komplett neue Gesellschaft aufbauen müssen - und das ist gut so.

Ich stimme nicht zu, und finde es total schwer, fast unlernbar. I'm not even sure if I said that right.

>your country is infested with niggers
We can't really throw stones in that category

I'm a leftist like most of pol, but thought about doing the same

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>Claim support for the SPD or CDU in public
>Vote for AfD in private
>pic related

Attached: 9AE0326F-84BE-4EF9-BD4C-CEE59F3A9B85.png (534x800, 623K)

cringe lel

Is she drugged?

Bist du ich?

>being loyal to BRD GmbH
found the cuck

Kek, based MC Hums posting.

>Is she drugged?
No, she's just sad that she can't be honest about her intentions except in private

Attached: 95D4202C-6ED4-4283-B21D-02B0FDD9E490.png (533x800, 558K)

Wo ist die Kette?

worst meme series ever


>yes goy don't vote for the only sane party because they don't want to gas the jews

Attached: 1521833541761.gif (341x376, 1.81M)

>Juden in der AfD founded last October
>since then no more talks about Art. 146 and abolishing §130 StGB etc.


Fuck, gonna vote for greens now

>Doesn't like my memes
Thanks user

Attached: 54359349-36E4-4AB2-8707-5D17314D3AC0.png (321x481, 230K)

Was für 'ne Kette man?!

Way too much text and way to little pictures. Please follow your guidelines

nice try, mutt

Attached: 63%.jpg (470x332, 32K)

>your country is infested nigger
that's quite the statement coming from an American

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