Europeans are immune to HIV

Europeans are immune to HIV.

But I guess the racist!

Attached: blackplague.jpg (1080x644, 248K)

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Its genetics

Attached: genes.jpg (798x573, 158K)

which europeans?

Is there anything whites can't do?

Which inturn means it was designed.

Bullshit. His faggot voice tells me he's already infested and wants more faggots to get AIDS.

Something like 10%. Not all of that 10% are completely immune.

Fuck off brainlet.

Save their culture.

May be if you have a job Pedro Sanchez.
That wouldn't happen.

How's the Romanian internet working for you?

>How's the Romanian internet working for you?
What do you mean? Our internet speed is not comparable to the romanian. Our best bet to get anywhere close to yours is a sweddish company that doesn't have much territory coverage yet.

Go back to Ecuador

You have Romanian ISP Rds but your infrastructure is dated i guess.

it hurts because it's true
the decay started with nihilism and then marxism

Nihilism is pretty conservative in nature.
Marxism is the problem.


Lol no HIV doesnt cause AIDs. Its just one big scam for jewish scientists to make money off of it. The homos had shitty immune systems because they wrecked their body with multiple
and simultaneous infections of syphilis, gonnorhea and the rest of it, drugs

>Nihilism is pretty conservative in nature

>Nihilism is pretty conservative in nature.

you dumb canuck why did you post a picture of a bacterium when you are talking about a virus?

Or better said Nihilism can lead to Conservatism.

Still retarded

Thank you, user. That was pretty informative.

If anyone is curious to know.

You can be **completely** immune to HIV with PrEP medication. It's pretty cheap nowadays.
If you live in conditions where you might catch HIV because of rape or some other bullshit, then it will be life saving for you.
Once you've taken PrEP medication for 7 days straight you're pretty much immune and would stay immune as long as you keep taking those.

I don't think you know what Nihilism actually is.

I don't think you ever held a job desu

Now thats a comfy thought.