Nationalists eternally BTFO

How can you racists ever recover?

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This ugly autist's temper tantrums are starting to grow on me. What a proper clown he is.

USA is gone and destroyed completely, but there is still hope for Europe.

Why don't Europeans love jews for committing European genocide. Racists.

I hope he dies a horrible death

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Hey nationalists, if you love your countries so much why don't you marry them lmao!
Them nationalists, totally gay for their countries I tell you.


Juncker is a buffoon.
I fart on his general direction.

i'm gay for good ol uncle sam!

these fuckin goys ruining europe with their multi culti dreams

I can’t drive when I’m drunk. Drunker though, he can rule the EU while being constantly trashed.

These globalists, superstatists, rotten kikes, they hate their own countries!

Recover from what? Why do I have to hate myself and my nation?

fucking freak

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Oh no. Nationalists love their country unlike the endless hoards that invade this country every day.

Luxembourgers are a rootless mutt race.

Why the fuck does this retard think that it's a bad thing to love your country?

only if they secede from EU. EU brussels HQ statue is literally europa and the bull

>They love their own countries more than love our fake government that we built because they are stupid.

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Why no Eurocuck killed him yet?

Is there a video of him "lashing out" I've been searching and can't find it. plz halp

Hope for whom?

Most people were taught by their parents to be patriots.Wtf is this idiot talking about?

why was he elected again...

That's a nice stroke he has.

He was presented as the only candidate

How dare THEY!

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Looks like the guy behind him poked him in the ass

You my friend, I don't know your flag. but if you're European, I hope you'll make it.
God bless whatever nation you live in.

Look at that O face.

my sweet euro child


I used to be.

Too bad I took the redpill and realized that Ausfailia sucks.



If he was phoneposting his second sentence would have been capitalized. Something weird going on here.

presumably someone wanted to get rid of him

Well, my countrymen have failed us and voted for Timmermans the most.
Eu sceptic parties only switched party, but the amount of seats is the same.

Retards here didn't bother to vote.

Did they really not have a better Jew for the role?

wtf i love eu now

This clown should stop drinking

I pray that our Nige tells Zion Don and Israel to fuck off after he wins this election and change his party's name to British Union of Fascists. But it's not gonna happen is it lads?

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Yea, why is that? Why doesn't everybode love and worship Jews? Bloody anti-semites!!!

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This fuckin dude looks retarded as fuck, how can he be elected to anything

Nah, they don't. They're deliberately destroying western countries and then piss off to their fucking gated community aka Israel.

wall eyed cuck

Haha you are in love with your own country goyim that bad


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Parasite cries because the hosts are fucking off what a suprise.

Fuck the EU and i hope the whole thing gets destroyed


HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this piece of shit is a known alcoholic. In half of his most viral clips he is drunk. Only the worst politicians from every country work in the EU because it kills your career


I can't believe how fucking stupid Europe is.

Soviet Union falls > European Union starts

Lets all join!

Rightoid tears

Cool it with the anti-semitism pal

>imagine being Juncker
How could anybody possibly live without alcoholism while doing so many "good" things?

Fvd did gain 3 seats which is definitely a good thing imo

except for the hair thing I don't see anything weird

Thanks, Tommy.
Why is it a Britbong who understands these mechanics? Jews are leeching it off of us again and nobody is willing to notice, because of "muh anti-semitism". Fuck this clown world.


I present you Jean claude Juncker

I mean he is at the bottom. He should stop drinking and just kill himself. Pathetic guy

Digits confirm fuck niggers and kikes

pro europe against EU

You’re all welcome. The stars were in the correct position tonight

Fuck the EU, I'm voting for Hermann Kelly today.

kek maybe he is our guy after all.

I will have that face tattoo'd on my ass.


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>no source
>idiotic, inflammatory headline
>ZERO context
>yellow press tier, demagoguery picture of Juncker

You can put absolutely anything, ANYTHING in an "info"-graphic and the people here will believe it. So easy to astroturf. I wonder if it was always this low-class, ignorant and stupid, or if it has just become this way. Worse than Kikebart Boomers at this point.

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>wanting to burn niggers
>bad thing

get out of here reddit


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based 5 times


Just like in soviet union, people in the highest positions in european union are not elected.

I strongly second this.

Gas the niggers and kikes.

Wasted digits be ashamed

holy mother of quints

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Unfortunately I have no more digits to give tonight. Fuck you israel

it's happening

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Hail Victory



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All you stupid nationalists with your stupid flags

This is one of the most powerful men in Europe, and nobody has stopped him yet. Think about it.

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Without the Jewish role in the European genocide, Europe will not survive.

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i'm glad it was only about 26/750 seats. we really fucked it up


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and Based.

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Is this real? If so what’s the problem?

Juncker can't believe people actually feel love for their countrymen. The problem is his.

I’ve been fucked by Uncle Sam numerous times already.

man i wish

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